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Materials and Structures 2022 Best Reviewers

19 January 2023 Association
Viewed 617 times

There wouldn’t be a great journal without a great Board of Editors and great reviewers! The reviewers of Materials and Structures work hard, on a voluntary basis, to guarantee that only the best research outcomes are published in the journal.

RILEM would like to acknowledge the work of all the 2022 reviewers and proudly announce the 2022 Materials and Structures Best Reviewer Awards that go to:

  • Denis JELAGIN
  • Pietro Giovanni GAMBAROVA
  • Miguel C.S. NEPOMUCENO
  • Margaritis TONIDIS
  • Johannes MIRWALD
  • Georgios PIPINTAKOS
  • Johannes BÜCHNER
  • Carlos MORO
  • Fengling ZHANG

Congratulations to All!

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