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Workshop Imagine - RILEM and Climate change

10 July 2024 Association
Viewed 281 times


The 2023-2024 RILEM Technical Report is coming!!!! It will be released by the end of August 2024

For time being, we would like to share with you the preview of the concluding remarks of this upcoming issue of the RILEM Technical Report. The concluding remarks, available by clicking on the link below, are written by Dr Nicolas Roussel, RILEM President, on behalf of the RILEM Presidency (Dr Nicolas Roussel - RILEM President, Prof. Nele De Belie – RILEM President-Elect, Prof. Ravindra Gettu – RILEM Past-President).

In this document, the (good) reasons to take part into the “Workshop Imagine - RILEM and Climate change”, a strategic event taking place on 24 August 2024 in Toulouse, France, are presented.

The scope of the event is to expand upon the success of the 2013 Brussels workshop and decide the new direction of the future of RILEM. This workshop represents a unique opportunity to contribute to RILEM, an association driven from the bottom up. The workshop is open to RILEM officers and members only!



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