Materials and Structures 255 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 36 , N° 255 Année: 2003 |
Variations in the mechanical properties and temperature of concrete subjected to cyclic loads, including high loads Author(s): P. Bocca, M. Crotti |
Pages: 40 - 45 |
Evaluation of masonry consolidation by geo-electrical relative difference resistivity mapping Author(s): L. Schueremans, F. van Rickstal, K. Venderickx, D. van Gemert |
Pages: 46 - 50 |
Plastic rotation capacity of high-strength concrete beams Author(s): S. M. R. Lopes, L. F. A. Bernardo |
Pages: 22 - 31 |
Elaboration de bétons hydrauliques à base de laitiers de haut fourneau tunisien Author(s): S. Bouslama, A. Jelidi |
Pages: 59 - 67 |
Comparative effect of additives on the mechanical properties of plasters made from flue-gas desulfurized and natural gypsums Author(s): W. Prakaypun, S. Jinawath |
Pages: 51 - 58 |
Drying of concrete: modelling of a hydric damage Author(s): F.-X. Hubert, N. Burlion, J.-F. Shao |
Pages: 12 - 21 |
Minimum steel ratios in reinforced concrete beams made of concrete with different strength - Theoretical approach Author(s): I. A.E. M. Shehata, L. C. D. Shehata, S. L. G. Garcia |
Pages: 3 - 11 |
Failure modes and trend curves for load capacity and stiffness of OSB panels subjected to concentrated load Author(s): W. H. Thomas |
Pages: 68 - 72 |
Mesure de l'absorption d'eau des additions minérales des bétons par évaporométrie Author(s): J.-M. Mechling, A. Lecomte, K. Merriaux |
Pages: 32 - 39 |
Editorial Author(s): A. Bentur |
Pages: 2 - 2 |