Materials and Structures 269 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 37 , N° 269 Année: 2004 |
Influence of type of aggregate and surface roughness on the interface fracture properties Author(s): G. Appa Rao, B. K. Raghu Prasad |
Pages: 328 - 334 |
Investigations on Roman amphorae sealing systems Author(s): F. Dorrego, F. Carrera, M. Pilar de Luxán |
Pages: 369 - 374 |
Essai dérivé de l'essai d'adhérence pour la caractérisation de la cohésion superficielle des supports en béton dans les travaux de réparation : analyse des paramètres d'essai Author(s): L. Courard, B. Bissonnette |
Pages: 342 - 350 |
Water distribution in beams damaged by Alkali-Silica Reaction: global weighing and local gammadensitometry Author(s): S. Multon, E. Merliot, M. Joly, F. Toutlemonde |
Pages: 282 - 288 |
Fatigue of sintered steels (Fe - 1.5 Mo - 3 Mn - 0.7 C) Author(s): H. Khorsand, S. M. Habibi, K. Janghorban, H. Yoozbashizade, S. M. S. Reihani |
Pages: 335 - 341 |
Effect on high volume fly ash on mechanical properties of fiber reinforced concrete Author(s): O. Kayali |
Pages: 318 - 327 |
Moisture permeability measurement under reduced barometric pressures Author(s): G. H. Galbraith, D. J. Kelly, R. C. McLean |
Pages: 311 - 317 |
Influence of residual stresses in the stress relaxation of cold drawn wires Author(s): J. M. Atienza, M. Elices |
Pages: 301 - 304 |
Influence of residual stresses on hydrogen embrittlement of cold drawn wires Author(s): M. Elices, J. Ruiz, J. M. Atienza |
Pages: 305 - 310 |
Towards a prediction of superplasticized concrete rheology Author(s): R. J. Flatt |
Pages: 289 - 300 |
The use of direct tension tests for the assessment of low temperature properties of bituminous binders Author(s): S. Largeaud, H. Raffegeau, B. Simaillaud, B. Eckmann, E. Sauger, G. Ollier, S. Hervé, J. Wendling |
Pages: 351 - 355 |
Evaluation of fatigue properties of bituminous binders Author(s): J.-P. Planche, D. A. Anderson, G. Gauthier, Y. M. Le Hir, D. Martin |
Pages: 356 - 359 |
Practical test methods for measuring the zero shear viscosity of bituminous binders Author(s): J. De Visscher, A. Vanelstraete |
Pages: 360 - 364 |
Influence of curing on cold mix mechanical performance Author(s): J.-P. Serfass, J.-E. Poirier, J.-P. Henrat, X. Carbonneau |
Pages: 365 - 368 |
In memoriam of Prof. Raymundo Rivera-Villarreal Author(s): UANL. Concrete Technol Dpt |
Pages: 375 - 376 |