Proceedings pro090 : Rheology and processing of Construction Materials – 7th RILEM International Conference on Self-Compacting Concrete and 1st RILEM International Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials
Title: Rheology and processing of Construction Materials – 7th RILEM International Conference on Self-Compacting Concrete and 1st RILEM International Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials Edited by N. Roussel and H. Bessaies-Bey ISBN: 978-2-35158-137-7 e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-138-4 Pages: 406 Publication date: 2013 |
Foreword Author(s): N. Roussel, H. Bessaies-Bey |
Pages: 7 - 8 |
The rheological properties of fresh concrete and mortar with high calcium fly ash in the variable temperatures Author(s): J. Golaszewski, A. Kostrzanowska, G. Cygan |
Pages: 9-16 |
Effect of different types of superplasticizers on fresh properties and strength of self-consolidating concrete Author(s): A. Mardani-Aghabaglou, M. Tuyan, G. Yilmaz, Ö. Ariöz, K. Ramyar |
Pages: 17-24 |
An experimental approach to the rheological characterization of bituminous mixtures based on pseudo-random stress excitations Author(s): A. Virgili, F. Canestrari, A. Graziani |
Pages: 25-32 |
Original approach to predict fatigue endurance limit of asphalt binders considering healing capacity Author(s): F. Canestrari, A. Virgili, A. Graziani, A. Stimilli |
Pages: 33-40 |
Huet model for oscillatory and static loading of asphalt binders at low temperature Author(s): Ki Hoon Moon, A. Cannone Falchetto, M. Marasteanu |
Pages: 41-48 |
Rheology of geopolymer: comparative study between Portland cement and metakaolin based geopolymer Author(s): A. Favier, J. Hot, G. Habert, J.B. d’Espinose de Lacaillerie, N. Roussel |
Pages: 49-56 |
Mixing self compacting concrete: mixers, mixing methods, mixing time Author(s): B. Cazacliu |
Pages: 57-64 |
Rheological behaviour of cements blended with containing ceramic wastes Author(s): C. Medina, P.F.G. Banfill, M.I. Sánchez de Rojas, M. Frías |
Pages: 65-74 |
Flexural and shear behaviour of precast sandwich slabs comprising thin walled steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete Author(s): C. de Sousa, J.O. Barros, M. Azenha, R. Lameiras |
Pages: 75-82 |
Rational use of flash metakaolin applied to industrial design of self-compacting concrete Author(s): P. Diederich, R. Bucher, M. Mouret, M. Cyr, G. Escadeillas |
Pages: 83-90 |
From the concrete to the paste: a scaling of the chemistry Author(s): L. Oblak, L. Pavnick, D. Lootens |
Pages: 91-98 |
A concrete rheometer: features and industrial applications Author(s): F. Fabbris, W. De Carvalho, D. Lootens |
Pages: 99-106 |
The assessment and control of the rheological properties of self-compacting concrete in a concrete mixer Author(s): F. Fleischmann, M. Greim, W. Kusterle |
Pages: 107-114 |
Potential methods for quality control of fibre distribution in FRC SCC Author(s): G. Žirgulis, M.R. Geiker, O. Svec, T. Kanstad |
Pages: 115-122 |
Internal vibration and viscous concrete: application and prediction of the radius of action Author(s): G. Grampeix, N. Roussel, J. Dupoirier |
Pages: 123-130 |
Rheological behaviour of fresh mortar formulated from self-compacting high performance concrete incorporating rice husk ash Author(s): Ha Thanh Le, K. Siewert, Horst-Michael Ludwig |
Pages: 131-138 |
Effect of silica fume on self-compacting concrete Author(s): H. Abdelgader, A. Saud, A. El-Baden |
Pages: 139-146 |
Synergistic effect of chemical admixtures on workability of mortar containing zeolite powder Author(s): Hessam Azari Jafari, J. Berenjian, M. Shekarchi, B. Ahmadi |
Pages: 147-154 |
Effect of the mix composition on rheological behavior of a fresh granular-cement paste material Author(s): H. Hoornahad, E.A.B. Koenders |
Pages: 155-162 |
Residual bond stress of self-compacting concrete specimens after high temperature treatment Author(s): K.G. Trezos, I.P. Sfikas |
Pages: 163-170 |
Combined effect of reclaimed asphalt and selected binders on stiffness and low-temperature characteristics of high stiffness modulus asphalt concrete Author(s): K. Miláčková, J. Valentin, P. Mondschein |
Pages: 171-178 |
Effect of entrapped and entrained air on the workability and rheology of cementitious materials Author(s): J. Dils, V. Boel, S. Aggoun, A. Kaci, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 179-188 |
Numerical simulation of gravity induced aggregate migration in large in-situ SCC wall castings Author(s): J. Spangenberg, J.H. Hattel, N. Roussel, M.R. Geiker |
Pages: 189-196 |
Adsorbing polymers and macroscopic viscosity of concentrated cement pastes Author(s): J. Hot, N. Roussel |
Pages: 197-204 |
Portland-cement based simple repairing mortar with modified inorganic admixtures and SAP Author(s): K. Ichimiya, H-W. Reinhardt, A. Assmann |
Pages: 205-212 |
Mechanisms for the changes in fluidity and hydration kinetics of grouts after mixing Author(s): K. Takahashi, T. Bier |
Pages: 213-220 |
High temperature behaviour of self-compacting concrete with limestone powder Author(s): K. Pistol, F. Weise, B. Meng |
Pages: 221-228 |
Model of SCC flow through reinforced sections: experimental validation Author(s): K. Vasilic, W. Schmidt, H-C. Kühne, N. Roussel |
Pages: 229-236 |
Testing and simulation of fibre orientation in reinforced walls cast with SFRSCC Author(s): L.N. Thrane, O. Svec, H. Stang, T. Kasper |
Pages: 237-244 |
Segregation robustness of self-consolidating concrete: new testing method and effect of aggregate properties Author(s): Lin Shen, Hamed Bahrami Jovein, Li Ai, Haijian Shi |
Pages: 245-252 |
You are young once, but can stay immature indefinitely: holistic view of SCC durability Author(s): M.T. Bassuoni, M.L. Nehdi |
Pages: 253-260 |
Application of large deformation circular cylinder torsion test for identification of material model and parameters in case of modified binders Author(s): M. Gajewski, S. Jemioto |
Pages: 261-268 |
New poly-phosphonic superplasticizers particularly suited for the manufacture of high performance SCC Author(s): M. Bellotto, L. Zevnik |
Pages: 269-276 |
Validating concrete admixture dosages with UV-Vis spectroscopy Author(s): N. Ghafoori, M. Barfield |
Pages: 277-284 |
From cement grout to concrete scale: a study of superplasticizer-design-controlled thixotropy to match SCC application requirements Author(s): L. Ferrari, P. Boustingorry, A. Pineaud, L. Bonafous |
Pages: 285-292 |
Evaluation of porosity in self-compacting concrete (SCC) produced with fly ash (FA) and limestone filler (LF) Author(s): P. Raposeiro da Silva, J. de Brito |
Pages: 293-300 |
Shear behaviour of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete Author(s): P. Van Itterbeeck, B. Parmentier, B. Craeye, L. Vandewalle |
Pages: 301-308 |
Rheology of fibre reinforced fine-grained high performance concrete for thin-walled elements - effect of type and content of steel fibres Author(s): S. Illguth, D. Lowke, C. Gehlen |
Pages: 309-316 |
Fracture behaviour of self-compacting concrete compared to vibrated concrete Author(s): S. Korte, V. Boel, W. De Corte, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 317-324 |
Modeling the phase angle master curves of modified bituminous binders: estimating the plateau zone using heaviside step function Author(s): Seyed Mohammad Asgharzadeh, N. Tabatabaee, K. Naderi, M. Partl |
Pages: 325-332 |
Relationship between electrical conductivity and spatial structure of capillary pores in cement pastes Author(s): Shin-ichi Igarashi |
Pages: 333-340 |
Self-compacting fibre reinforced concrete applied in thin plates Author(s): S. Grünewald, R. Shionaga, J.C. Walraven |
Pages: 341-348 |
Influence of specimen shape and dimensions on the compressive strength of self-compacting concrete Author(s): V. Boel, B. Craeye, P. Desnerck, F. Van Der Vurst, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 349-356 |
Influence of mixing and curing temperatures on the properties of fresh and hardened self-consolidated concrete in hot weather conditions Author(s): Vinh An Le, F. Cassagnabere, M. Mouret |
Pages: 357-364 |
A unique procedure for finding the rheological properties of fresh Portland cement concrete using concrete shear tests Author(s): S. Girish, B.S. Santosh |
Pages: 365-372 |
Highly workable eco-friendly concretes - influence of the constituents on the rheological properties Author(s): T. Proske, M. Rezvani, S. Hainer, C-A. Graubner |
Pages: 373-380 |
Properties of fly ash based geopolymer concrete made using special fly ash aggregates Author(s): Muhammad Talha Junaid, O. Kayali, A. Khennane |
Pages: 381-388 |
The effect of mineral additions and adding various types, length and volume of fibers on fresh properties of self compacting concrete Author(s): Ghazwan AbdulSamad Salman |
Pages: 389-396 |