Proceedings pro118-1 : International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Systems (ICACMS), Vol. 1
The International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Systems (ICACMS 2017) is part of the prestigious RILEM Annual Week, which is the annual meeting of the standing committees of RILEM (International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures). Such meetings occur every year in conjunction with a major international conference. The recent RILEM weeks were held in Copenhagen (2016), Melbourne (2015), São Paulo (2014), Paris (2013), Cape Town (2012), Hong Kong (2011).
The conference covers several themes related to construction materials and systems, with the objective of providing the state of the art coverage on cement and asphalt concrete, heritage materials and building systems. the specific conference themes include: Advances in supplementary cementing materials, Concrete durability and performance specifications, Early Age behaviour and rheology of cementitious systems, Special concretes and applications, Advances in characterization of construction materials, Sustainable building systems, Bituminous binders and mixtures, Repair and conservation of heritage structures, Corrosion control and corrosion monitoring in concrete structures, Repair materials and repair systems for concrete structures. The themes selected for the conference are reflective of the scientific coverage provided by the different Technical Clusters within RILEM.
The 200+ papers received from academics and industry professionals from more than 50 countries across the world are assembled into 4 volumes. The first volume deals with the papers from the invited (keynote) speakers, while the remaining three volumes- arranged in appropriate sub-sections, deal with the specific themes of the conference. The onerous task of compilation of these papers into the four volumes was performed by our editing team comprising of students. The abstracts submitted for the conference were subjected to independent peer review by two experts from the international scientific committee, and subsequently, the selected papers were also thoroughly reviewed by the editing team followed by members from scientific committee. The successful compilation of the proceedings is largely owing to the efforts of the editing team and the experts from the scientific committee.
The support by our sponsors and organizational partners has enabled us to put together the largest of its kind conference in India, and we are extremely thankful.
We wish you all a highly productive and engaging conference!
Optimizing Volumetric Properties and Performance of Asphalt Mixtures using Innovative Additives Author(s): Hussain U. Bahia, Amir Arshad, Erik Lyngdal |
Pages: 1-16 |
Sustainable HVAC Systems for Healthy Buildings Author(s): Chandra Sekhar |
Pages: 17-24 |
Digital Concrete: Opportunities and Challenges Author(s): Timothy Wangler, Ena Lloret, Lex Reiter, Norman Hack, Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler, Mathias Bernhard, Benjamin Dillenburger, Jonas Buchli, Nicolas Roussel and Robert Flatt |
Pages: 25-38 |
Advanced Constitutive Modelling of Bituminous Materials Author(s): Hervé Di Benedetto |
Pages: 39-44 |
Obtaining Durable Concrete Using Performance Specifications Author(s): R. Douglas Hooton |
Pages: 45-54 |
Future cements and Durability Author(s): Scrivener Karen |
Pages: 55-62 |
Structural Conservation of Heritage Buildings Author(s): Paulo B. Lourenço |
Pages: 62-73 |
Constructing Alternative Futures for Sustainability – Interdisplinary Research for New Design Paradigms Author(s): Forrest Meggers, Dorit Aviv, Eric Teitelbaum, James Coleman and Michael Bozlar |
Pages: 73-80 |
New Sustainable Concretes – Design Approach and Properties Author(s): Harald S. Müller, Michael Haist, Jack S. Moffatt and Michael Vogel |
Pages: 81-94 |
Developing Innovations for Buildings with a Reduced Environmental Footprint: The Nest Project Author(s): P. Richner |
Pages: 95-98 |
Key Metals and Alloys from Indian and South Indian Antiquity: An Archaeometallurgical Overview Author(s): Sharada Srinivasan |
Pages: 99-112 |
Early Stage Hydration Studies of Tricalcium Silicate Using Silica Nanoparticles Author(s): Lok P Singh, Dilshad Ali and Usha Sharma |
Pages: 113-124 |
The Need for Standardized Testing of Input Variables for Reliable Service Life Prediction of Reinforced Concrete Structures Author(s): David Trejo, Mahmoud Shakouri, and Naga Pavan Vaddey |
Pages: 125-138 |
Conservation of Historical Constructions in Seismic Area: Experimental Research on Enhancement Techniques for Masonry Buildings Author(s): M. R. Valluzzi |
Pages: 139-154 |
A Review of Recent Work on Deicing Salt Damage to Concrete Pavements and its Mitigation Author(s): Prannoy Suraneni, Chunyu Qiao, Vahid Azad, Yaghoob Farnam, Jonathan Monical, Erol Unal, Chiara Villani, Burkan Isgor and Jason Weiss |
Pages: 155-170 |
Tracing Two Decades of Research at IIT Madras on Historical Structures Author(s): Arun Menon |
Pages: 171-190 |