Proceedings pro118-2 : International conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Systems (ICACMS), Vol. 2
The International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Systems (ICACMS 2017) is part of the prestigious RILEM Annual Week, which is the annual meeting of the standing committees of RILEM (International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures). Such meetings occur every year in conjunction with a major international conference. The recent RILEM weeks were held in Copenhagen (2016), Melbourne (2015), São Paulo (2014), Paris (2013), Cape Town (2012), Hong Kong (2011).
The conference covers several themes related to construction materials and systems, with the objective of providing the state of the art coverage on cement and asphalt concrete, heritage materials, and building systems. The specific conference themes include: Advances in supplementary cementing materials, Concrete durability and performance specifications, Early age behaviour and rheology of cementitious systems, Special concretes and applications, Advances in characterization of construction materials, Sustainable building systems, Bituminous binders and mixtures, Repair and conservation of heritage structures, Corrosion control and corrosion monitoring in concrete structures, Repair materials and repair systems for concrete structures. The themes selected for the conference are reflective of the scientific coverage provided by the different Technical Clusters within RILEM.
The 250+ papers received from academics and industry professionals from more than 50 countries across the world are assembled into 4 volumes. The first volume deals with the papers from the invited (keynote) speakers, while the remaining three volumes - arranged in appropriate sub-sections, deal with the specific themes of the conference. The onerous task of compilation of these papers into the four volumes was performed by our editing team comprising of students. The abstracts submitted for the conference were subjected to independent peer review by two experts from the international scientific committee, and subsequently, the selected papers were also thoroughly reviewed by the editing team followed by members from the scientific committee. The successful compilation of the proceedings is largely owing to the efforts of the editing team and the experts from the scientific committee.
The support by our sponsors and organizational partners has enabled us to put together the largest of its kind conference in India, and we are extremely thankful.
We wish you all a highly productive and engaging conference!
Preface Author(s): Manu Santhanam, Ravindra Gettu, Radhakrishna G. Pillai, Sunitha K. Nayar |
Pages: 23-23 |
Thixotropic Effects During Large-scale Concrete Pump Tests on Site Author(s): Manu Santhanam, Ravindra Gettu, Radhakrishna G. Pillai, Sunitha K. Nayar |
Pages: 26-32 |
Modeling Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Flow for 3D Printing Applications Author(s): Biranchi Panda, Li Mingyang, Yi Wei Daniel Tay, Suvash Chandra Paul and Ming Jen Tan 9 |
Pages: 34-40 |
Understanding Ionic Dependence on the Water Absorption by Superabsorbent Polymer in Early Age Concrete Author(s): Moon Juhyuk, Kang Sung-Hoon and Hong Sung-Gul |
Pages: 42-47 |
Parametric Study on the Influence of Cement Replacement Materials on the Rheology of Cement Paste using Brookfield Viscometer Author(s): Moon Juhyuk, Kang Sung-Hoon and Hong Sung-Gul |
Pages: 48-53 |
Factors Influencing the Interactions between PCE Superplasticizers and Portland Cement Author(s): Moon Juhyuk, Kang Sung-Hoon and Hong Sung-Gul |
Pages: 54-63 |
Evaluation of Delayed Addition of Superplasticizer in Standard Concrete Author(s): Mohit R., Sourabh T., Mohit K., Devender K., and Pardeep K. |
Pages: 64-72 |
Comparison of Different Beneficiation Techniques to Improve Utilization Potential of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash Concrete Author(s): Aneeta Mary Joseph, Philip Van den Heede, Ruben Snellings, Andres Van Brecht, Stijn Matthys and Nele De Belie |
Pages: 74-79 |
The Effect of Nanomagnetite on the Shielding Properties of Cementitious Composites Author(s): Horszczaruk E., Brzozowski P., Sikora P., Cendrowski K. and Mijowska E. |
Pages: 80-88 |
Characterization of Building Derived Materials for Ground Improvement of Contaminated Soils Author(s): Stuti Mondal, Arkamitra Kar, Anasua Guharay and Naveen James |
Pages: 90-97 |
Nanosilica Coated Aggregates: Effects on Strength, Microstructure, and Transport Properties of Hydraulic Cement Mortars Author(s): Parth Panchmatia, Jan Olek, Ehsan Ghafari, Seyedali Ghahari and Lu Na |
Pages: 98-107 |
Sensitivity of Reactivity Test Methods to the Fineness of Supplementary Cementitious Materials Author(s): Anuj Parashar, Vineet Shah and Shashank Bishnoi |
Pages: 108-115 |
A Review on Biofortified Self-healing Concrete Author(s): Sachin Tiwari, Shilpa Pal, Rekha Puria and Vikrant Nain |
Pages: 116-125 |
Acceleration of GGBS Cements by Chloride, New Insights on Early Hydration Author(s): Steger L., Patapy C., Salesses B., Chaouche M. and Cyr M. |
Pages: 126-133 |
The Effect of Limestone on the Hydration and Workability of Ternary Blended Cement LC3: Limestone, Calcined Clays and Cement Author(s): Aurélie R. Favier and Karen L. Scrivener |
Pages: 134-141 |
Micro-Physical Characterization of Buffalo Dung Ash Author(s): Jagadesh P., Ramachandramurthy A. and Murugesan R |
Pages: 142-151 |
Performance Evaluation of Concrete made of Recycled Fine Aggregates from Different Exposure Conditions Author(s): Dhanya B. S., Anujith K. Babu, Jacob Sebastian, Varsha S. Kumar and Smruthi P. Nair |
Pages: 152-161 |
Feasible Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregates in Self-compacting Concrete: A Review Author(s): Tung-Chai Ling, Yuxuan Liu and Senthil Kumar K. |
Pages: 162-170 |
Chloride Induced Corrosion of Steel in Alkali-activated Cements: A Review Author(s): Shishir Mundra, Susan A. Bernal and John L. Provis |
Pages: 172-179 |
Reactivity and Performance of Limestone Calcined-Clay Cements (LC3) Cured at Low Temperature Author(s): Franco Zunino and Karen Scrivener |
Pages: 180-186 |
Effects of Crystalline Admixtures on the Repeatability of Self Healing in Fiber Reinforced Concrete Author(s): Estefanía Cuenca and Liberato Ferrara |
Pages: 188-197 |
Diffusion and Interactions of Chloride Ions with Ternary Blends of Portland cement-limestone-calcined clay Binders Author(s): Hamed Maraghechi, Francois Avet and Karen Scrivener |
Pages: 188-197 |
Mix Proportioning for Structural Concrete Containing Recycled Concrete Aggregates Author(s): Marco Pepe, Romildo Dias Toledo Filho, Eduardus A. B. Koenders and Enzo Martinelli |
Pages: 204-212 |
Compressive Strength and Surface Morphology of Hydrated Cement Paste Containing Micro- and Nano- Cement Additives Author(s): Al-Bahar S., Chakkamalayath C. and Joseph A. |
Pages: 214-219 |
Effect of Hydraulic Retention Time on the Filtration Performance of Porous Concrete Author(s): Murugan Muthu, Manu Santhanam and Mathava Kumar |
Pages: 220-225 |
Initial Study on Determining the Design Values of Macro Synthetic FRC for Floors-on-grade Author(s): William P. Boshoff, Hermanus L Bester and Celeste Viljoen |
Pages: 226-235 |
Research on the Chloride-free and Alkali-free Liquid Set Accelerator for Sprayed Concrete Author(s): Ling WANG, Jiezhong GAN, Xia ZHAO, Ping ZHANG and Yading Xu |
Pages: 236-245 |
Enhancement of Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behaviour of Concrete due to Addition of Ultrafine GGBS Author(s): Pradeep Kumar M., Murali Rangarajan and Mini K. M. |
Pages: 246-251 |
Innovative Manufacturing Methods of Drapable Textile Reinforcements for Folded/Double Curved Concrete Facade Elements Author(s): Gözdem Dittel, Andreas Koch and Thomas Gries |
Pages: 252-257 |
High Performance Concrete for Hydraulic Engineering Projects with Aggregates Presenting an AAR Hazard Author(s): Falikman V. R.., Safarov K. B. and Stepanova V. F. |
Pages: 258-267 |
Role of Reactive Alumina and Reactive Oxide Ratios on Strength Development in Alakaline Activation of Low-Calcium Fly Ash Author(s): Bhagath Singh G. V. P. and Kolluru V. L. Subramaniam |
Pages: 268-275 |
Application of Waste-derived Lightweight Aggregates for Internal Curing of Concrete Author(s): Pietro Lura, Mateusz Wyrzykowski, Sadegh Ghourchian, Sakprayut Sinthupinyo, Clarence Tang, Natechanok Chitvoranund, Tipwimol Chintana and Kritsada Sisomphon |
Pages: 276-283 |
Sustainability Study on Self-Compacting Concrete in-built with Raphanussativus as an Efficient Internal Curing Agent Author(s): Rampradheep G. S., Sivaraja M., Geetha M., Raghupathy S. and Ragasudha P. |
Pages: 284-293 |
Latest Technologies for Industrial Concrete Floors; An International Overview Author(s): Cortinovis C., Velikettil M. and Lee Brockway |
Pages: 294-303 |
Stress-crack Separation Relationship for Macrosynthetic, Steel an Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete Author(s): Chiranjeevi Reddy Kamasani, Jayakrishnan R. and Kolluru V. L. Subramaniam |
Pages: 304-311 |
Prestress Load Influence on Pull-out Behaviour of Post- installed Torque- controlled Expansion Anchors Author(s): Rouane N., Salomon P., Pallud B. and Delhomme F |
Pages: 312-321 |
Role of Steel Fibers in Shear Resistance of Beams in Arch Action Sahith Gali and Kolluru V. L. Subramaniam Author(s): |
Pages: 322-331 |
An Analysis of Steel Fiber Efficiency on Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slabs Subjected to Static and Cyclic Loads Author(s): Buttigno T. E. T., Fernandes J. F., Sousa J. L. A. O. and Bittencourt T. |
Pages: 332-341 |
On the Tensile Characterization of Fiber Reinforced Concrete According to fib Model Code 2010 Author(s): Buttignol T. E. T., Fernandes J. F., Bittencourt T. and Sousa J. L. A. O. |
Pages: 342-351 |
Application of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and Fracture Mechanics to Monitor and Measure Complex Mechanisms of Damage and Fracture in Reinforced Concrete Structures Author(s): Luis Saucedo-Mora and Carmen Andrade Perdrix M. |
Pages: 352-355 |
Finite Element Analyses of Pinned Precast Beam Column Connections Author(s): Jaya Prakash Vemuri, Sahith Gali and Subramaniam Kolluru |
Pages: 356-363 |
Investigation of Compression Failure in Brick Masonry Assemblies made with Soft Brick Author(s): Mehar Babu Ravula and Kolluru V. L. Subramaniam |
Pages: 364-372 |
Longitudinal Reinforcement Limits in RC Vertical Elemets Based on Creep and Shrinkage Prediction Models Author(s): Najeeb Shariff and Devdas Menon |
Pages: 374-381 |
Study on Concrete-Steel Sandwich Panel with Composite Skin Author(s): Smriti Raj, Bharatkumar B. H. and Ramesh Kumar V. |
Pages: 382-390 |
Pull-out Phenomenon of Synthetic Macro Fibres from a Cementitious Matrix Author(s): Adewumi J. Babafemi and William P. Boshoff |
Pages: 392-400 |
Impact of C3A Content on the Chloride Diffusivity of Concrete Author(s): Vu Q. H., Pham G., Chonier A., Bauland A., Pommier G. and Moro F |
Pages: 402-407 |
Easy Evaluation of Air-void Systems in Concrete as Spatial Point Processes Tkakuma Murotani, Hidefumi Koto and Shin-ichi Igarashi Author(s): |
Pages: 408-417 |
A Bayesian Approach to Assess the Influence of Coarse Aggregate on the Chloride Test Outcome Author(s): Naga Pavan Vaddey, Mahmoud Shakouri and David Trejo |
Pages: 418-427 |
Relationship between Concrete Resistivity and the Indication of Chloride Penetration by ASTM C1202 in Concrete made with OPC, and Admixed with Slag and/or Limestone Powder Author(s): Yury A. Villagrán Zaccardi, Natalia M. Alderete and Ángel A. Di Maio |
Pages: 428-436 |
Importance of the Curing Period Length on the Chloride Transport Through Concrete Containing SCMs Author(s): Luna Molina F. J., Fernández Pérez A. and Alonso Alonso M. C. |
Pages: 438-447 |
Physical Model of the Capillary Absorption in Cementitious Materials, New Approach to Calculate Analytically the Pore Size Distribution from the Gravimetric Test Author(s): Luis Saucedo-Mora, Carmen Andrade, Sandra Cabeza and Dietmar Meinel |
Pages: 448-451 |
Effect of Calcium Nitrite Inhibitor on Mechanical and Durability Parameters of Concrete Author(s): Bhaskar Sangoju, Bharatkumar B. H. and Ravindra Gettu |
Pages: 452-460 |
Durability Performance of Concretes Made with Different Cement Types Author(s): Fabrizio Moro and Roberto Torrent |
Pages: 462-470 |
Prediction of Carbonation-induced Corrosion Initiation of Steel in RC Structures Exposed to Natural Inland Environment of South Africa Author(s): Jacob O. Ikotun, Mike B. Otieno and Yunus Ballim |
Pages: 472-481 |
Suitability of Accelerated Test Methods as a Tool for Service Life Prediction for RC Structures Made of Ordinary Portland and Blended Cement Author(s): Arora V. V. and Puneet Kaura |
Pages: 482-491 |
Comparative Study of Models for Porosity of Cement Paste Author(s): Shatabdi Mallick, Anoop M. B. and Balaji Rao K. |
Pages: 492-501 |
Influence of 2D Chloride Ingress on Corrosion Initiation and Propagation in Cracked and Uncracked Concrete: A Critical Literature Review Author(s): Ze G. Zakka and Mike B. Otieno |
Pages: 502-509 |
A Study of Concrete Deterioration Faced by Distillery Industry Author(s): Ramaswamy K. P, Padmanabhan K and Manu Santhanam |
Pages: 510-519 |
Changes in Pore Structure Properties of Cement Paste and Concrete on Carbonation Author(s): Vineet Shah, Anuj Parashar and Shashank Bishnoi |
Pages: 520-525 |
Bond Enhancement of Repair Mortar via Biodeposition Author(s): Didier Snoeck, Jianyun Wang, Dale P. Bentz and Nele De Belie |
Pages: 526-532 |
Performance of RC Walls with Openings Strengthened by Fiber Reinforced Polymers: An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation Author(s): Cosmin Popescu, Gabriel Sa, Thomas Blanksvärd and Björn Täljsten |
Pages: 534-542 |
Behavior of Hybrid NSM Reinforced and Externally Confined Reinforced Concrete Columns under Eccentric Compression – experimental and Numerical Studies Author(s): Chellapandian M. and Suriya Prakash S. |
Pages: 544-553 |
Application of a Self-Healing Mechanism in Concrete to Reduce Chloride Ingress Through Cracks Author(s): Bjorn Van Belleghem, Philip Van den Heede, Kim Van Tittelboom and Nele De Belie |
Pages: 554-563 |
GFRP Wrapped Concrete Filled Double Skin Tubular Beam-columns subjected to Reversed Lateral Loading Author(s): Parvati T. S. and Joanna P. S. |
Pages: 564-572 |
Elastomeric Polyurethane for Retrofitting Application of Concrete Structures under Dynamic Loadings Author(s): Sudharshan N. Raman , H. M. Chandima C. Somarathna , Azrul A. Mutalib, and Khairiah H. Badri |
Pages: 574-581 |
Monitoring of Early-Age Characteristics of Concrete using EMI based Embedded PZT Transducers on Varying Plate Thickness Author(s): Jothi Saravanan T, Gopalakrishnan N and Bharathi Priya C |
Pages: 582-591 |
Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Measures for Fire Damaged Reinforced Concrete Supporting Structure of a Furnace Author(s): Bhaskar Sangoju, Ramanjaneyulu K., Kanchanadevi A. and Saibabu S. |
Pages: 592-600 |
Acoustic Emission Behavior of Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete under Flexure Author(s): Abdur Rasheed. M, Yuma Kawasaki, Suriya Prakash S. and Naoki Ogawa |
Pages: 602-611 |
Influence of Aggregate Modelling on Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Concrete Author(s): Anand Kumar R., Pardeep K., Moorthi P. V. P., Bahurudeen A., Subair M. and Nikhil S. |
Pages: 612-621 |
Temporal Evolution of Microstructure, Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Tricalcium Silicate Author(s): Aleena Alex and Pijush Ghosh |
Pages: 622-627 |
Trainable WEKA Phase Segmentation on SEM/BSE Images of Slag Blended Cement Pastes Author(s): Natalia M. Alderete, Yury A. Villagrán Zaccardi and De Belie Nele |
Pages: 628-636 |
Using the Pitzer Model to Predict Aqueous Solution Compositions of Portland Cements Blended with Supplementary Cementitious Materials Author(s): Dale P. Prentice, Susan A. Bernal, Mark Bankhead, Martin Hayes and John L. Provis |
Pages: 638-647 |
Microstructural and Morphological Studies of Ordinary Portland Cement Paste and Fly Ash based Geopolymer in the presence of Chloride Ions Author(s): Pavithra Parthasarathy, Asad Hanif, Hongyu Shao and Zongjin Li |
Pages: 648-656 |
Reactivity of Slag-cement Blends by Thermogravimetric Analysis Author(s): Kira Weise, Frank Roeser, Neven Ukrainczyk and Eduardus A. B. Koenders |
Pages: 658-665 |
Modelling Early Age Hydration Kinetics of C3S Blended with Different Particle Size Distributions Author(s): Shiju Joseph, Shashank Bishnoi, Koen Van Balen and Ozlem Cizer |
Pages: 666-670 |
Micro-Analytical Characterisation of Concrete Deterioration due to Acid Attack in a Sewage Treatment Plant Author(s): Ramaswamy K. P., Sivakumar R., Manu Santhanam and Ravindra Gettu |
Pages: 672-681 |