Proceedings pro076 : International RILEM Conference on Material Science - HetMat - Modelling of Heterogeneous Materials - Theme 2
Title: International RILEM Conference on Material Science - HetMat - Modelling of Heterogeneous Materials - Theme 2 Edited by W. Brameshuber ISBN: 978-2-35158-108-7 e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-109-4 Pages: 255 Publication date: 2010 |
The International Conference on Material Science (MatSci) offers three separate lines which illuminate the world of mineral building materials in its diversity: 2nd International Conference of Textile Reinforced Concrete (ICTRC), Modelling of Heterogeneous Materials (HetMat) and Additions Improving the Properties of Concrete (AdIPoC).
The present volume of the Conference Report deals with the modelling of heterogeneous materials. Research in the field of building materials is still characterised by a high experimental contribution. From such experiments, material laws and properties can be derived more or less generally and later they become part of the strength and durability examinations. On an international level, mostly mechanical scientists and building material scientists deal with the issues of the materials. The development during recent years shows that, due to the different methods of approach in both disciplines, solutions are developed which are partly very contradictory.
Therefore, it is a concern of the conference to bring together mechanical and building material scientists to commonly develop solution strategies, but also to discuss existing models. Especially composite materials such as concrete and masonry are complex materials. Due to their nonexistent ductility (crack formation) - but also because of their heterogeneity and, in the case of masonry, the additional anisotropy - they are a big challenge for the modelling and the required homogenisation methods to change from the microscopic to the macroscopic level. They will certainly keep science busy in the future. One scientist alone cannot solve these complex tasks, mechanical scientists and building material people need each other here. In this place, sincere thanks are given to all those who contribute to the success of the conference
Preface |
Pages: XV - XVI |
1. Invited lectures
Characterization of Concrete by a Multiscale Approach Author(s): P. Wriggers, S. Löhnert |
Pages: 3 - 12 |
Concrete: A Material that Barely Deserves that Qualification Author(s): K. van Breugel |
Pages: 13 - 32 |
Challenges in Modeling Cementitious Materials Author(s): K. Scrivener |
Pages: 33 - 42 |
Water Content of Concrete in Natural Atmospheres and its Impact in the Corrosion Parameters Author(s): C. Andrade, A. Castillo |
Pages: 43 - 51 |
2. Heterogeneous concrete and cracking
Adaptive Multiscale Methods for Damage Prediction in Heterogeneous Brittle Materials Author(s): C. Könke, S. Eckardt, J. F. Unger |
Pages: 55 - 71 |
High Quality Representation of 2D Crack Bridge Slate for Finite Element Simulation of Cementitious Composites Author(s): J. Jerábek, R. Chudoba, J. Hegger |
Pages: 73 - 81 |
Meso-Mechanical Modeling of Ultra-Lightweight Concretes Author(s): T. Vallée, M. Oppel, T. Tannert |
Pages: 83 - 90 |
3. Interfacial bond
Probabilistic Strength Prediction of Adhesively Bonded Joints Composed of Heterogeneous Materials Author(s): T. Tannert, T. Vallée, S. Hehl |
Pages: 93 - 100 |
Micromechanical Modeling of the Elastic Modulus of the ITZ of Concrete Author(s): A.H. Barbosa, A.M.P. Carneiro |
Pages: 101 - 111 |
A Variational Approach to Homogenization of Composites with Debonding Interfaces Author(s): P. Gruber, J. Zeman |
Pages: 113 - 121 |
4. Masonry mechanics
Modelling of Masonry under Horizontal Loads Author(s): U. Schmidt, W. Brameshuber |
Pages: 125 - 134 |
Fracture of Hollow Clay Units Simulated by Sequentially Linear Analysis Author(s): J. Hannawald |
Pages: 135 - 144 |
Numerical Modelling of Compressive Behaviour of Brick Masonry Reinforced by the bed Joints Reinforcement Technique Author(s): E. Garbin, G. Guidi, M.R. Valluzzi, C. Modena |
Pages: 145 - 154 |
5. Masonry mechanics / Transport
Two-Scale Modeling of Couplet Heat and Moisture Transport in Masonry Structures Author(s): J. Sýkora, M. Sejnoha, J. Sejnoha |
Pages: 157 - 164 |
3D Multi-Scale Model of Moisture Transport in Cement-Based Materials Author(s): M. Koster |
Pages: 165 - 176 |
6. Chemical shrinkage
Relating Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements on Fresh Concrete to CEMHYD3D Microstructure Simulations Author(s): N. Robeyst, N. De Belie |
Pages: 179 - 188 |
Modeling of Solid Fraction Evolution During Calcium Aluminate Cement Hydration Author(s): N. Ukrainczyk, T. Matusinovic |
Pages: 189 - 198 |
Shrinkage Eigenstress and Hardening of Concrete Author(s): P. Paulini |
Pages: 199 - 207 |
7. Fresh concrete / Porosity / Chemical attack
Simulating Fresh Concrete Behaviour - Establishing a link between the Bingham Model and Parameters of a DEM-Based Numerical Model Author(s): S. Shyshko, V. Mechtcherine |
Pages: 211 - 219 |
Evaluation of Capillary Pore Structures in Cement Pastes Using Spatial Point Process Statistics Author(s): S. Igarashi, Y. Koike |
Pages: 221 - 228 |
Sulphate Attack on Concrete-Mechanisms and Prediction Model Author(s): M. Fenchel, H.S. Müller |
Pages: 229 - 238 |