Materials and Structures 264 : Materials and Structures
ISSN: 1359-5997 Issue: Volume 36 , N° 264 Année: 2003 |
Étude expérimentale du retrait endogène restreint au jeune âge Author(s): M. Pigeon, G. Toma, J. Marchand, B. Bissonnette |
Pages: 666 - 672 |
Environmentally-friendly mortars: a way to improve bond between mortar and brick Author(s): G. Moriconi, V. Corinaldesi, R. Antonucci |
Pages: 702 - 708 |
Mathematical model for the prediction of cement compressive strength at the ages of 7 and 28 days within 24 hours Author(s): G. F. Kheder, A. M. Al Gabban, S. M. Abid |
Pages: 693 - 701 |
Influence of autogenous cracking on the durability of repairs by cement-based overlays reinforced with metal fibres Author(s): A. Turatsinze, H. Farhat, J.-L. Granju |
Pages: 673 - 677 |
The relationship between charge passed and the chloride concentrations in anode and cathode cells using the accelerated chloride migration test Author(s): C. C. Yang |
Pages: 678 - 684 |
Effect of superplasticizers on the rheological properties of cements Author(s): J. Björnström, S. Chandra |
Pages: 685 - 692 |
A thermal comparator sensor for measuring autogenous deformation in hardening Portland cement paste Author(s): T. Østergaard, O. M. Jensen |
Pages: 661 - 665 |
Viscoelastic linearity limits for bituminous materials Author(s): G. D. Airey, B. Rahimzadeh, A. C. Collop |
Pages: 643 - 647 |
Influence of rest time on recovery and damage during fatigue tests on bituminous composites Author(s): D. Breysse, C. De La Roche, V. Domec, J.J. Chauvin |
Pages: 648 - 651 |
Influence of polymer modification on low temperature behaviour of bituminous binders and mixtures Author(s): X. Lu, U. Isacsson, J. Ekblad |
Pages: 652 - 656 |
A new high-frequency torsional rheometer for bituminous binders Author(s): L. D. Poulikakos, M. B. Sayir, M. N. Partl |
Pages: 657 - 660 |
Report of the RILEM International Workshop on High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites (HPFRCC-4) - Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 16-18, 2003 Author(s): A. E. Naaman, H.-W. Reinhardt |
Pages: 710 - 712 |
Message from Dr. Carmen Andrade, RILEM President 2000-2003 Author(s): C. Andrade |
Pages: 709 - 709 |
Editorial Author(s): A. Bentur |
Pages: 641 - 642 |