Proceedings pro080 : 2nd International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure
Title: 2nd International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure Edited by E.A.B. Koenders and F. Dehn ISBN: 978-2-35158-118-6 e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-119-3 Pages: 453 Publication date: 2011 |
Controlling the sensitivity of concrete to its (explosive) spalling behaviour during fire exposure is one of today's major issues in the design and construction of concrete structures. Fires - such as the Channel tunnel fire - indicated that spalling of concrete can have serious structural and economical consequences and is a phenomenon that should be taken into account when designing for fire.
Developments in concrete mix design have lead to new types of concrete - such as high strength, ultra-high strength and self--compacting concrete - which, besides an increased structural performance, also have shown a different sensitivity to spalling due to fire exposure. However, until now the sensitivity of a concrete as a material and for structures to spalling is not fully understood. More research is needed to understand the mechanisms behind spalling in order to be able to quantify the risk of spalling.
This workshop focuses on spalling of concrete due to fire exposure and emphasizes real life experiences and observations, practical applications and developments in experimental testing, and numerical modelling. The aim of this workshop is to obtain an overview of the state of the art level of knowledge, to exchange results and to stimulate the discussion between researches and representatives from the industry.
Preface Author(s): E.A.B. Koenders and F. Dehn |
Pages: XVII - XVII |
Keynote lectures
Fire protection requirements and solutions for international tunnel projects Author(s): C. Schulte, A. Schaab |
Pages: 3 - 17 |
Evolution of spalling with time and age Author(s): C. Lenglet |
Pages: 19 - 24 |
Numerical simulation of concrete exposed to high temperature – Damage and explosive spalling Author(s): J. Ožbolt, J. Bošnjak, G. Periškić and C. Grosse |
Pages: 25 - 32 |
The age effect on fire spalling of concrete Author(s): L. Boström, R. Jansson |
Pages: 33 - 41 |
Impedance spectroscopy to characterise microsctructural changes in liquid and solid phases of mortars exposed to high temperature Author(s): I. Sánchez, M. Sánchez, M.A. Climent, and M.C. Alonso |
Pages: 43 - 51 |
Macro-scale spalling model: a fracture mechanics versus pore pressure approach Author(s): B.B.G. Lottman, E.A.B. Koenders, J.C. Walraven |
Pages: 53 - 65 |
Chapter 1 - Pore pressure
Monitoring of fire damage processes in concrete by pore pressure and acoustic emission measurements Author(s): F. Pereira, K. Pistol, M. Korzen, F. Weise, P. Pimienta, H. Carré, S. Huismann |
Pages: 69 - 77 |
Study of vapor pressure of high performance concrete and self-compacting concrete slabs subjected to standard fire conditions Author(s): G. Ye, G. De Schutter and L. Taerwe |
Pages: 79 - 86 |
Effect of the measurement technique on the amount of maximum pore pressures measured inside concrete subjected to high temperatures Author(s): R.B. Mugume, T. Horiguchi |
Pages: 87 - 94 |
Gas transfers and flow process through concrete maintained in temperature Author(s): R. Haniche, G. Debicki, A. Bouamrane, E. Zeltz |
Pages: 95 - 102 |
Experimental assessment of the contribution of synthetic fibers to the moisture release of concrete exposed to high temperatures Author(s): J.A. Capote, D. Alvear, O.V. Abreu and J. Crespo |
Pages: 103 - 112 |
Influence of water content on gas pore pressure in concretes at high temperature Author(s): J-C. Mindeguia, P. Pimienta, I. Hager, H. Carré |
Pages: 113 - 121 |
Chapter 2 - Mechanical properties
Punching shear tests on flat concrete slabs at high temperatures Author(s): E. Annerel, L. Lu and L. Taerwe |
Pages: 125 - 131 |
Thermo-mechanical behavior of continuous sisal fiber cement based composite systems Author(s): João A. Melo Filho, Romildo D. Toledo Filho and Flávio de A. Silva |
Pages: 133 - 140 |
An experimental investigation on the effect of impact and static loading of fiber reinforced refractory concrete exposed to high temperatures Author(s): Romildo D. Toledo Filho, Flávio de A. Silva, Guilherme Q. Romano and Luiz M. M. Tavares |
Pages: 141 - 148 |
Influence of aggregate’s nature on their instability at elevated temperature Author(s): Z. Xing, R. Hébert, A.-L. Beaucour, B. Ledésert, A. Noumowé, Nancy Linder |
Pages: 149 - 156 |
Spalling of HPC evaluated by acoustic emission and numerical analysis Author(s): C. Grosse, R. Richter, J. Ozbolt, F. Dehn, M. Juknat |
Pages: 157 - 163 |
Mechanical characteristics of fiber reinforced self-compacting concretes exposed to elevated temperatures Author(s): K. K. Sideris, P. Manita and E. Tsanaktsidis |
Pages: 165 - 172 |
Short term reduction of mechanical properties of high strength concrete after cooling to ambient temperature Author(s): N. Torić, M. Jelčić Rukavina, D. Bjegović and B. Peroš |
Pages: 173 - 180 |
Moisture transport and dehydration in heated gypsum, an NMR study Author(s): G.H.A. van der Heijden, L. Pel and K. Kopinga |
Pages: 181 - 188 |
An experimental method to investigate concrete spalling in temperature Author(s): G. Debicki, R. Haniche and F. Delhomme |
Pages: 189 - 195 |
Explosive spalling and residual mechanical properties of reactive powder concrete subjected to high temperature Author(s): G.F. Peng, Y.R. Kang, X.P. Liu, Q. Chen and J. Zhao |
Pages: 197 - 204 |
Fire in storehouse 6 in the free port of stockholm Author(s): R. Jansson and K. Ödeen |
Pages: 205 - 210 |
Chapter 3 - Modelling
Simulation about effect on explosion spalling of thermal stress and vapor pressure Author(s): H. Nakamura, K. Yoshida, M. Kunieda, N. Ueda, Y. Yamamoto and M. Ozawa |
Pages: 213 - 219 |
A finite element modeling of thermo-hydromechanical behavior and numerical simulations of progressing spalling front Author(s): M.T. Phan, F. Meftah, S. Rigobert, P. Autuori, C. Lenglet, S. Dalpont |
Pages: 221 - 226 |
Explosive spalling of concrete materials under extreme environments Author(s): Kaspar Willam, Keun K. Lee, Yunping Xi, G. Xotta, and V. Salomoni |
Pages: 227 - 236 |
Meso-mechanical modeling of thermal spalling in concrete using fracture-based zero-thickness interface elements Author(s): M. Rodríguez, C.M. López, I. Carol and K.J. Willam |
Pages: 237 - 244 |
Chapter 4 - Protection methods / PP-fibres
Latest developments of structural fire protection for German road tunnels Author(s): J. Blosfeld and I. Kaundinya |
Pages: 247 - 254 |
Experimental study on reinforced concrete segment using fireproof concrete for shield tunnel in highway or railway Author(s): T. Arai and K. Furuichi |
Pages: 255 - 262 |
A study on the effects of fire-resistant coating materials on preventing the spalling of concrete and change of cement hydrates Author(s): Myongshin Song, Seungmin Kang and Hyunju Kang |
Pages: 263 - 270 |
Effects of different fibre materials and quantities on high temperature strength and explosive spalling of UHPC concrete Author(s): M. Saravanja, W. Klingsch, S. Anders |
Pages: 271 - 279 |
Permeability of high strength concrete with different fibers at high temperature Author(s): Mitsuo Ozawa, Dantas Rafael Lustoza, Hiroaki Morimoto and Takayuki Fumoto |
Pages: 281 - 288 |
The mode of action of polypropylene fibres in high performance concrete at high temperatures Author(s): K. Pistol, F. Weise, B. Meng and U. Schneider |
Pages: 289 - 296 |
The use of PP fibers in tunnel construction to avoid explosive concrete spalling in case of fire. New test results for the clarification of the mode of action Author(s): Ingo Knack |
Pages: 297 - 307 |
Chapter 5 - Testing spalling / Testing methods / Special applications / Characterization
Fire tests of loaded beams Author(s): R. Jansson and L. Boström |
Pages: 311 - 318 |
Explosive spalling behavior of restrained concrete in the event of fire Author(s): Toru Tanibe, Mitsuo Ozawa, Dantas Rafael Lustoza, Kouetsu Kikuchi, Hiroaki Morimoto |
Pages: 319 - 326 |
Concrete spalling due to fire exposure and the influence of polypropylene fibres on microcracking Author(s): S. Huismann, M. Korzen, F. Weise and B. Meng |
Pages: 327 - 336 |
Assessment of fire exposed concrete with full-field strain determination Author(s): J. Albrektsson, M. Flansbjer, J E. Lindqvist and R. Jansson |
Pages: 337 - 344 |
Experimental analysis on changes of the porosity of ultrahigh performance concrete at elevated temperatures Author(s): E. Klingsch, A. Frangi |
Pages: 345 - 352 |
Fire spalling of concrete, as studied by NMR Author(s): G.H.A. van der Heijden, L. Pel and O.C.G. Adan |
Pages: 353 - 360 |
A simulation model for microstructure of portland cement paste at high temperature Author(s): Qi Zhang, G. Ye, E.A.B. Koenders |
Pages: 361 - 368 |
A proposal for an experimental set-up to investigate fire-induced corner damage in r/c members Author(s): P. Bamonte, P.G. Gambarova, A. Maggioni and F. Lo Monte |
Pages: 369 - 376 |
Influence of curing conditions on spalling behaviour of reactive powder concretes Author(s): I. Hager and T. Zdeb |
Pages: 377 - 383 |
Mobile furnace for determining spalling sensitivity of existing concrete tunnel linings Author(s): M. Vermeer, B. Pieters and A. Breunese |
Pages: 385 - 392 |
Avoiding spalling of precast HPC & UHPC elements by using a novel layered concept Author(s): M.C. Alonso, O. Rio, C. Rodríguez and V.D. Nguyen |
Pages: 393 - 400 |
Deformation and thermal characteristics of concrete throughout the fire burning and decay phases Author(s): E.A. Jensen and M. Joshi |
Pages: 401 - 410 |
Influence of cement type and aggregate shape on explosive concrete spalling Author(s): J. Kirnbauer and U. Schneider |
Pages: 411 - 418 |
Reinforced concrete slabs strengthened with textile reinforced concrete subjected to fire Author(s): D. Ehlig and S. Hothan |
Pages: 419 - 426 |
Swedish recommendations for preventing fire spalling in concrete structures for civil engineering purposes Author(s): J. Silfwerbrand |
Pages: 427 - 433 |