Proceedings pro089 : Performance-based Specification and Control of Concrete Durability
Title: RILEM International Workshop on Performance-based Specification and Control of Concrete Durability Edited by D. Bjegović, H. Beushausen, M. Serdar ISBN: 978-2-35158-135-3 e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-136-0 Pages: 676 Publication date: 2013 |
Preface Author(s): D. Bjegović, H. Beushausen, M. Serdar |
Pages: XV - XVI |
Session 1: Novel cements
Chemical resistance of novel hybrid cement in various aggressive solutions Author(s): I. Janotka, M. Bačuvčík, P. Martauz, J. Strigač |
Pages: 17 - 24 |
Novel hybrid cement based on different mechanisms of setting and hardening Author(s): J. Strigač, P. Martauz |
Pages: 25 - 31 |
The influence of partial cement replacement by fly ash and silica fume on the hydro-abrasive resistance of concrete Author(s): N.S. Ristić, Z.J. Grdić, G.A. Topličić-Ćurčić, D.Z. Grdić |
Pages: 33 - 40 |
Durability of new environment-friendly concrete without portland cement Author(s): M. Ogino, R. Okamoto, S. Miyahara, E. Owaki, J. Matsumoto, J. Sakamoto, T. Maruya |
Pages: 41 - 48 |
Cementitious materials with low additions of waste GRP dust: Effect on fresh and hardened properties Author(s): F. Tittarelli, S. Kawashima, G. Moriconi, S.P. Shah |
Pages: 49 - 56 |
Effective water-cement ratio of concrete and its effect on the durability of concrete structures Author(s): M. Chromá, P. Rovnaníková, B. Teplý, A. Strauss |
Pages: 57 - 65 |
Comparison of reactivity of cementitious additions on properties of micro-concrete Author(s): M. Lanez, M.N. Oudjit, A. Bali |
Pages: 67 - 73 |
Concrete durability improvement by the use of metakaolin Author(s): N. Melo, A. Velosa, P. Cachim |
Pages: 75 - 82 |
Session 2: Test methods
Carbonation resistance: Accelerated determination and limiting values based on Swiss standard method Author(s): F. Moro, F. Hunkeler, P. Nygaard, S. Cuchet |
Pages: 85 - 92 |
Bridge damage identification from measured natural frequencies Author(s): I. Mekjavić |
Pages: 93 - 100 |
Use of combined durability parameters for different exposure conditions Author(s): B.S. Dhanya, M. Santhanam |
Pages: 101 - 108 |
Threshold pore radius of concrete obtained with two novel methods Author(s): Y. Sakai, C. Nakamura, T. Kishi |
Pages: 109 - 116 |
Importance of water behavior on chloride ion ingress in cover concrete - A case study Author(s): Md.S. Islam, T. Kishi |
Pages: 117 - 124 |
Quality control of concrete structures using IR thermography Author(s): B. Milovanović, I.B. Pečur, N. Štirmer |
Pages: 125 - 132 |
Non-destructive testing of accelerated corrosion of reinforced mortar pozzolanic Author(s): M. Hamadache, M. Mouli, N. Bouhamou, F. Dif, S. Benosman |
Pages: 133 - 140 |
Session 3: Chloride ingress and durability properties
Chloride penetration after field exposure compared with estimates from service life prediction models Author(s): J.M. Aldred, A. Castel |
Pages: 143 - 150 |
Electrical resistivity testing for as-built concrete performance assessment of chloride penetration resistance Author(s): R.B. Polder, W.H.A. Peelen |
Pages: 151 - 157 |
The influence of frost attack on chloride transport in concrete Author(s): M. Ferreira, H. Kuosa, M. Leivo, L. Makkonen |
Pages: 159 - 166 |
The influence of increased levels of limestone mineral addition used in combination with cement kiln dust on chloride ion penetration Author(s): B.T. Benn, D. Baweja, J.E. Mills |
Pages: 167 - 174 |
Performance evaluation of galvanic anodes through laboratory testing and on-site monitoring Author(s): W. Dodds, C. Christodoulou, C.I. Goodier, S.A. Austin |
Pages: 175 - 182 |
Performance-based correlations between different concrete properties Author(s): A. Selander, M. Westerholm, J. Trägårdh |
Pages: 183 - 190 |
Durability properties of recycled aggregate concrete Author(s): I. B. Pečur, N. Štirmer, B. Milovanović |
Pages: 191 - 198 |
Determination of chloride diffusion coefficient in mortars with supplementary cementitious materials Author(s): V. Elfmarkova, P. Spiesz, H. J. H. Brouwers |
Pages: 199 - 205 |
Session 4: Admixtures and resistant materials
Effect of chemical admixtures on water penetration of concrete Author(s): M. Hassani, K. Vessalas, D. Baweja, Z. Schmidt |
Pages: 209 - 216 |
Surface impregnated concrete: a comparative study Author(s): N. Ukrainczyk |
Pages: 217 - 224 |
Improving durability of reinforced concrete structures using migrating corrosion inhibitors Author(s): B. Bavarian and L. Reiner |
Pages: 225 - 232 |
Prediction method for degree of rebar corrosion in reinforced concrete by thermography Author(s): T. Imai and H. Oshita |
Pages: 233 - 240 |
Durability design of concrete structures with corrosion resistant reinforcement Author(s): F. Lollini, M. Carsana, M. Gastaldi, E. Redaelli and L. Bertolini |
Pages: 241 - 248 |
Effects of material characteristics on ready-mixed concrete and implementation of quality control system Author(s): M. Shekarchizadeh, M. Eftekhar, S. Khodabakhsh Reshad, S. Asgarpour |
Pages: 249 - 256 |
Influence of cementitious additions on the saturation point of superplasticizer Author(s): M. Lanez, M. N Oudjit, A. Bali |
Pages: 257 - 263 |
Session 5: Performance-based design
How can we move from prescription to performance? Author(s): S. Mindess, P-C. Aïtcin |
Pages: 267 - 273 |
Field based performance indicators for concrete durability Author(s): N. Srinivasan, M. Santhanam, Radhakrishna G Pillai |
Pages: 275 - 282 |
Probabilistic durability design and performance-based specification of concrete in the marine environment Author(s): J. C Knights |
Pages: 283 - 290 |
Water permeability of reinforced concrete structures containing fiber reinforcement Author(s): C. Desmettre, J.-P. Charron, M. Hubert |
Pages: 291 - 299 |
Key performance indicators - A new approach for specifying concrete and assessing state of health of concrete structures Author(s): S. Nanukuttan, C. Green, M. Basheer, D. Robinson, J. McCarter, G. Starrs |
Pages: 301 - 308 |
Difficulties encountered in the derivation of performance criteria for reinforced concrete structures based on degradation models Author(s): J. Gulikers, I. S. Oslakovic |
Pages: 309 - 316 |
The development of performance-based durability tables for reinforced concrete in the marine environment Author(s): J. C. Knights |
Pages: 317 - 323 |
Relationship between air permeability and carbonation progress of concrete in Japan Author(s): K-i. Imamoto, K. Shimozawa, M. Nagayama, J.Yamasaki, A. Tanaka |
Pages: 325 - 332 |
Prescriptive and performance-based choice of corrosion resistant reinforcing steel Author(s): M. Serdar, D. Bjegović |
Pages: 333 - 340 |
Principles of the performance-based approach for concrete durability Author(s): H. Beushausen |
Pages: 341 - 349 |
Session 6: Durability enhancement
Performance versus prescriptive durability requirements - A case study Author(s): O. E. Gjørv |
Pages: 353 - 360 |
Evaluation of moisture and gas permeability of surface treated concrete under accelerated weathering conditions towards conservation of reinforced concrete buildings Author(s): M. Misono, K-i. Imamoto, K. Nagai, and C. Kiyohara |
Pages: 361 - 368 |
Estimated performance of as-built internally cured concrete bridge decks Author(s): J. Weiss, Y. Bu, C. Di Bella, C. Villani |
Pages: 369 - 376 |
Influence of finishing materials on carbonation suppression of concrete in existing structures Author(s): A. Nakai, K-i. Imamoto, C. Kiyohara, S. Sato, A.Tanaka , K. Niwano, S. Amemiya |
Pages: 377 - 384 |
Extension of service life by electrochemical treatment of steel reinforcement Author(s): G. Sergi and G. Seneviratne |
Pages: 385 - 392 |
Curing of concrete Author(s): F. Jacobs |
Pages: 393 - 400 |
Investigation on fired animal bones as aggregate replacement in concrete Author(s): J.K. Makunza |
Pages: 401 - 408 |
Session 7: Durability modelling
Use of resistivity and chloride resistance measurements to assess concrete durability of new panama canal Author(s): C. Andrade, N. Rebolledo, A. Castillo, F. Tavares, R. Pérez, M. Baz |
Pages: 411 - 418 |
Performance assessment of cracks in reinforced concrete: from crack width to crack volume Author(s): J. Pacheco, B.Šavija, E. Schlangen, R. B. Polder |
Pages: 419 - 426 |
Design of experiment and multi-criteria decision applied to concrete mixture with crushed brick and tile as aggregate Author(s): I. Miličević, D. Bjegović, N. Štirmer |
Pages: 427 - 434 |
Predicting shrinkage deformation of high-strength concrete Author(s): E. Marušić, N. Štirmer |
Pages: 435 - 442 |
Strategy for predicting transport-based durability properties of concrete based on DEM approach Author(s): K. Li, L.B.N. Le, P. Stroeven and M. Stroeven |
Pages: 443 - 450 |
Assessment of routine cover measurements during the upgrading of fifteen bridge structures near Keimoes, South Africa Author(s): P. D. Ronné |
Pages: 451 - 458 |
Simulation of cyclic effects on coupled ionic and moisture transport in concrete Author(s): S. Yoon, B. Hoda, F. P. Glasser, M. S. Imbabi |
Pages: 459 - 467 |
Session 8: The influence of concrete mix parameters on durability evaluation
Porosity influence on life time of concrete structures analysed by chloride migration testing Author(s): I. H. Santos, C.A.C. Souza, D. V. Ribeiro |
Pages: 471 - 480 |
Durability of reinforced concrete members suffered hydrogen detonation Author(s): Y. Yoda, K-i. Imamoto, C. Kiyohara |
Pages: 481 - 487 |
Coping with the effect of moisture on air-permeability measurements Author(s): R. Torrent, F. Moro, A. Jornet |
Pages: 489 - 498 |
Influence of blended cement type on concrete carbonation, capillary uptake and chloride penetration Author(s): A. Šajna, V. Bras, L. Završnik |
Pages: 499 - 506 |
Autogenous deformation of dolomite based self-compacting concretes with different mineral additives Author(s): I. Gabrijel, M. J. Rukavina, D. Bjegović |
Pages: 507 - 514 |
Durability of lightweight concretes containing expanded polystyrene Author(s): A. Bossio, S. Acierno, M. Pecce, F. Bellucci |
Pages: 515 - 522 |
Use of two-stage (pre-placed aggregate) concrete to produce durable structural concrete Author(s): H. S. Abdelgader, A. S. El-Baden and A. H. Fahema |
Pages: 523 - 529 |
Session 9: Maintenance and repair
Reinforced concrete corrosion performance in Florida bridges Author(s): A. N. Sánchez, A. A. Sagüés, M. A. Paredes |
Pages: 533 - 540 |
Controlling past and future deterioration of reinforced concrete Author(s): C. Christodoulou, C.I. Goodier, S.A. Austin |
Pages: 541 - 548 |
Aspects of conserving exposed concrete architecture with wotruba church as an example Author(s): M. Ban |
Pages: 549 - 556 |
A monitoring system for preventive and programmed maintenance of concrete structures - case histories and studies Author(s): G. Moriconi |
Pages: 557 - 564 |
Life cycle design after repair of chloride attacked concrete structures Author(s): S. Miyazato, T. Ueda, S. Nojima |
Pages: 565 - 572 |
Time to visual damage occurence on building facades due to reinforcement corrosion Author(s): A. Köliö, J. Lahdensivu, M. Pentti |
Pages: 573 - 580 |
Study on structural performance of corroded RC member Author(s): H. Oshita, S. Yamasaki |
Pages: 581 - 587 |
Bond reduction due to reinforcement corrosion in concrete Author(s): I. Holly, J. Bilcik |
Pages: 589 - 596 |
Session 10: Special concretes
Influence of fine aggregate lithology on internal sulfate attack in high early strength concrete Author(s): A. M. Amde, K. Williams, R. A. Livingston |
Pages: 599 - 605 |
Characteristics of pervious concrete made with steel slag for road construction application Author(s): I. Barišić, K. Ćosić, I. Netinger |
Pages: 607 - 614 |
Development of high resistivity, high early strength concrete for direct current light rail Author(s): R. Tinnea, J. Tinnea, K. Kuder |
Pages: 615 - 622 |
Influence of steel fiber addition on the shrinkage of ordinary strength and high strength concrete Author(s): M. Šahinagić-Isović, T. Arangelovski, M. Ćećez |
Pages: 623 - 631 |
Fibre reinforced SCC concrete with recycled fibres Author(s): M. Skazlić, A. Baričević, D. Bjegović |
Pages: 633 - 640 |
Impact strength evaluation of rubberized fiber reinforced SCC Author(s): D.Lj. Jevtić, A. R. Savić |
Pages: 641 - 646 |
Durability and strength assessment of copper slag concrete Author(s): D. M. Boakye, H. C. Uzoegbo |
Pages: 647 - 654 |