Proceedings pro128-1 : International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Systems and Structures (SMSS2019) New Generation of Construction Materials
RILEM International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Systems and Structures (SMSS 2019) is a conference organised by Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Zagreb as a supporting event of RILEM Spring Convention from in Rovinj, Croatia. Both are organised in the year Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb is celebrating 100 years from its establishment, making 2019 a perfect year for hosting such an important international event. The scope of the conference was to gather scientists, practitioners, members of technical committees and users of technical recommendations, to jointly at the same place discuss and envision the future sustainable development of materials, systems and structures in a holistic, global way.
SMSS 2019 conference has gathered participants from 50 countries, from Argentina to United States of America, who will exhibit a total of 290 papers. The conference was sponsored by 10 international industrial partners, supported by 6 international organisations of scientists and practitioners and organised under the patronage of 4 governmental bodies. A total of 450 contributions which arrived was reviewed by more than 150 prominent reviewers from different fields. Event was organised by 16 members of the local organising committee and 6 invited international members of organising committee.
As part of the RILEM International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Systems and Structures (SMSS 2019) the segment New Generation of Construction Materials covers innovation, advances and improvement of construction materials, towards sustainable, intelligent and tailor-made solutions. This volume brings a selection of 100 peer-reviewed papers that were presented within the segment on construction materials. Topics include novel advances in raw materials for classical and alternative concretes, innovations in chemistry, application of nanotechnology in construction materials, and requirements for materials to suit the needs of construction automation.
Editors wish to thank the authors for their efforts at producing and delivering papers of high standard. We are sure that this Proceedings will be a valued reference of research topics in this important field and that it will together with the other volumes from SMSS conference form a suitable base for discussion and suggestions for future development and research.
Roadmap of development and application of sustainable materials Author(s): Karen Scrivener |
Pages: 27-27 |
SCM Reactivity
Particle size optimization in multi-component cement Author(s): S. Adu-Amankwah, S. A. Bernal and L. Black |
Pages: 29-29 |
The limiting factors of SCMs reaction at later age Author(s): Yosra Briki (1), Karen Scrivener (1) and Mohsen Ben Haha |
Pages: 30-34 |
Comparative evaluation of use silica fume, blast furnace slag, limestone, metakaolin and red mud as supplementary cementitious materials for con- crete Author(s): Roberto Cesar de Oliveira Romano, José Augusto Ferreira Sales de Mesquita, |
Pages: 35-42 |
Characterization and pozzolanic activity of UK alum water treatment sludge Author(s): M. Shamaki, L. Black |
Pages: 43-50 |
Investigating the origins of metakaolin surface reactivity in the context of alkali-activated binders Author(s): V. Benavent (1), Q. H. Nguyen (1), J.-B. d’Espinose de Lacaillerie (1), M. Ma-rinova-Atanassova (2), A.-M. Blanchenet (3) and C. A. Davy |
Pages: 51-58 |
Special session of TC 280-CBE Cold bitumen emulsion
Evaluation of local aggregate with chemical additives for microsurfacing mix Author(s): eiborlang Lyngdoh Ryntathiang (1), Alan Carter (2), Anjan kumar Siddagangiah |
Pages: 60-67 |
Thermal impact of adding recycled glass in microsurfacing Author(s): Apparao Gandi (1), Abdelghafour Zabayou (2), Saeed Badeli (3), Alan Carter (4), and, Michel Vaillancourt |
Pages: 68-75 |
Characterisation and treatment of tunnel boring muds for their valorisation in road construction Author(s): A. Cabrerizo (1), D. Bulteel (1), J. Waligora (2), D. Bonneau (3) and F. Olard |
Pages: 76-83 |
Influence of coarse recycled concrete aggregate on the durability of asphalt mix- tures Author(s): A. Radević (1), G. Mladenović (1), D. Jevtić (1), D. Zakić (1), M. Aškrabić |
Pages: 84-91 |
Stone mastic asphalt reinforced by vegetable yarns Author(s): Peter Gallo (1), Jan Valentin |
Pages: 92-99 |
Strength mechanism and improvement methods of cement bitumen emulsion mixture Author(s): Jian Ouyang, Wen Xu, and Lijun Hu |
Pages: 100-107 |
Evaluation of the stiffness modulus and phase angle of cold in-place recycled mix- tures for long curing periods Author(s): Bohdan Dolzycki (1), Mariusz Jaczewski (1) and Cezary Szydlowski |
Pages: 108-115 |
Evaluating the cracking resistance of cement-bitumen treated materials using the semi-circular bending test Author(s): Chiara Mignini (1), Fabrizio Cardone (1), Alessandro Morbi (2), Luca Setti (2) and Andrea Graziani |
Pages: 116-123 |
Field behaviour of cold-recycled asphalt mixtures for binder courses Author(s): Andrea Grilli (1), Chiara Mignini (2) and Andrea Graziani |
Pages: 124-131 |
Experimental application of synthetic lightweight aggregates for the production of special asphalt concretes Author(s): P. Tataranni (1) and C. Sangiorgi |
Pages: 132-139 |
Durability of AAMs
Testing the durability of alkali-activated concretes Author(s): John Provis |
Pages: 141-141 |
Behaviour of reinforced alkali-activated fly ash mortars under leaching condi- tions Author(s): Petr Hlaváček (1), Steffi Reinemann (2), Gregor J.G. Gluth (1), Gino Ebell (2) and Jürgen Mietz |
Pages: 142-148 |
Thermal properties and steel corrosion in lightweight alkali activated mortars Author(s): L. Carabba (1), G. Masi (1), S. Pirskawetz (2), S. Krüger (2), G. J. G. Gluth (2), M. C.Bignozzi |
Pages: 149-156 |
Durability of fly ash-based alkali-activated mortars reinforced with short hemp fibres Author(s): Bojan Poletanović (1), Ivan Janotka (2), Michal Bačuvčik (2), Ildiko Merta |
Pages: 149-156 |
Durability of alkali-activated concrete mixtures – a requirement for success in the market Author(s): Katja Dombrowski-Daube, Jan Sachl |
Pages: 165-173 |
Non-classical reaction pathways in alkali-activated systems Author(s): L. Valentini |
Pages: 174-178 |
Waste ashes as SCMs
Properties of cementitious materials with sewage sludge ashes Author(s): M. Saillio (1), L. Andrade (1) M. Mehdi (1)(2) T. Chaussadent (1) and Arezki Tagnit-Hamou |
Pages: 180-187 |
Early-age structural development of cement blended with flash calcined dredging sediments Author(s): Céline Van Bunderen (1), Ruben Snellings (2), Lucie Vandewalle (1) and Özlem Cizer |
Pages: 188-195 |
Durability of high carbon biomass ash-based binder Author(s): Piyush Chaunsali (1), Hugo Uvegi (2), Brian Traynor (2) and Elsa Olivetti |
Pages: 196-203 |
The effect of MSWI fly ash on mortar workability Author(s): Benjamin A. R. Ebert (1), Britt-Marie Steenari (2), Mette R. Geiker (3) and Gunvor M. Kirkelund |
Pages: 204-210 |
Pre-treatments of MSWI bottom ash for the application as supplementary cememtitious material in blended cement paste Author(s): Boyu Chen (1), Yubo Sun (1), Loic Jacquemin (1), Shizhe Zhang (1), Kees Blom (2)Mladena Luković (3) Guang Ye |
Pages: 211-217 |
Effects of different chemical pretreatments of natural fibers on the mechanical properties of cement mortar Author(s): S. Juradin (1), I. Boko (1), I. Netinger Grubeša (2) and S. Mrakovčić |
Pages: 219-225 |
The influence of nano SiO2 and curing regimes on mechanical properties of UHPFRC Author(s): Ksenija Janković (1), Marko Stojanović (1), Dragan Bojović |
Pages: 226-233 |
Strain-hardening ettringite-based composite with polypropylene fiber reinforced ladle slag: durability under combined chloride and sulfate attack Author(s): Hoang Nguyen (1), Paivo Kinnunen (1), Valter Carvelli (2), and Mirja Illikainen (1) |
Pages: 234-240 |
Mechanical and insulation properties of ultra-high performance concrete with expanded polystyrene Author(s): Anjaneya Dixit (1), Sze Dai Pang (1) and Juhyuk Moon (2) |
Pages: 241-246 |
Effect of pre-impregnation process on the tensile behavior of glass yarn/ettringitic matrix composite Author(s): Omayma HOMORO, Marie MICHEL and Thouraya. N. BARANGER |
Pages: 247-254 |
Rubberised concrete refinement by cement substitution and rubber particle pre- treatment Author(s): Dr. Thomaida Polydorou, Dr. Kyriacos Neocleous, Dr. Loukas Koutsokeras, Dr. Georgios Constantinides, Dr. Nicholas Kyriakides, Prof. Kypros Pilakoutas and Prof. Diofantos Hadjimitsis |
Pages: 255-262 |
Experimental investigation of corroded steel anchorages in strain resilient ce- mentitious composites Author(s): Souzana P. Tastani, Christos Dakidis |
Pages: 263-270 |
Trends in aggregate
Early-age evolution of recycled concrete strength: insights from micromechanics modeling and experimental testing Author(s): Markus Königsberger, Brice Delsaute and Stéphanie Staquet |
Pages: 272-278 |
The study on fundamental properties and self-healing performance of concrete using belite-gehlenite clinker as fine aggregate Author(s): Fumihiro Watanabe, Hiromi Fujiwara, Masatoshi Maruoka, Shunnosuke Ito and Kensuke Hayashi |
Pages: 279-286 |
The producing technology and improved methods of the recycled concrete aggre- gate Author(s): Ting Du |
Pages: 287-287 |
Experimental study on properties of concrete containing molten slag from inte- grated coal gasification combined cycle as fine aggregate Author(s): Ryotaro Kobayashi, Hiromi Fujiwara, Masanori Maruoka, Yuto Yamanaka |
Pages: 288-295 |
Recycled aggregates produced from two different feedstock materials – Applied in ready-mixed concrete Author(s): Hernan Mujica, Egil Velde, Christian J. Engelsen, Monica S. Nodland |
Pages: 296-303 |
Variation in physical and environmental properties of recycled concrete aggre- gates from C&D waste in Delhi Author(s): Christian J. Engelsen, Harsha Meenawat, Arun Kumar Sharma, Gaurav Bhatiani, Kshemendra Nath P, Monica S. Nodland |
Pages: 304-310 |
Optimizing performances of recycled aggregates for improving concrete proper- ties Author(s): L. Courard, E. Tabarelli, F. Michel, S. Delvoie, M. ElKarim Bouarroudj, Ch. Colman, Z. Zhao |
Pages: 311-318 |
Innovation in chemistry and nanotechnology
Effects and potentials of plant-based chemical admixtures on the performance of cementitious construction materials Author(s): Wolfram Schmidt, Ines L. Tchetgnia Ngassam, Kolawole A. Olonade, Rose Mbugua and Hans-Carsten Kühne |
Pages: 320-320 |
Mechanical behavior and neutron shielding performances of TiO2-incorporated cement composites Author(s): Jaeyeon Park, Sungwun Her, Heongwon Suh, Seung Min Woo, Keunhong Jeong and Sungchul Bae |
Pages: 321-327 |
Effect of titanate nanotubes on the properties of cement-based composites Author(s): Hyeonseok Jee, Jaeyeon Park, Sungwun Her, Erfan Zalnezhad, Keunhong Jeong and Sungchul Bae |
Pages: 328-335 |
Influence of PRAH crystalline admixtures on the durability of concretes Author(s): Kosmas K. Sideris, Christos Tassos, Alexandros Chatzopoulos, Panagiota Manita |
Pages: 336-341 |
A comparison of graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide and pure graphene: early age properties of cement composites Author(s): Tanvir S. Qureshi and Daman K. Panesar |
Pages: 342-349 |
A new admixture for concrete with clay contaminated sand Author(s): O. Mazanec, F. Morati, A. Große-Sommer |
Pages: 350-350 |
Candidates for AAMs
Instantaneous activation energy of alkali activated materials Author(s): Shiju Joseph, Siva Uppalapati and Özlem Cizer |
Pages: 352-352 |
Mechanical parameters of metakaolin-based geopolymer with CRT glass waste fine aggregate Author(s): Natalia Paszek, Marcin Górski |
Pages: 353-360 |
Development of alkali-activated magnesium aluminosilicate binders from soap- stone Author(s): Z. Abdollahnejad, T. Luukkonen, M. Mastali, J. Yliniemi J, P. Kinnunen, M. Illi-kainen |
Pages: 361-368 |
Production of alkali-activated binders from iron silicate fines Author(s): John L. Provis, Angel L. Muñoz Gomez, Oday H. Hussein, Gaone Koma, Emanuela |
Pages: 369-376 |
Mixture proportioning for alkali-activated slag-based concrete Author(s): Ning Li, Caijun Shi, Zuhua Zhang, Deju Zhu |
Pages: 377-377 |
Alkali activation of high MgO BFS with sodium carbonate added dry vs. wet Author(s): Abeer M. Humad, John L. Provis, Andrzej Cwirzen |
Pages: 378-385 |
Alternative binders
Hydration of MgO in the presence of hydromagnesite Author(s): Frank Winnefeld, Eugenia Epifania, Fabio Montagnaro and Ellis M. Gartner |
Pages: 387-394 |
Radioactive waste conditioning using alumina-silicate binary blends Author(s): Bastien Planel, David Lambertin and Catherine A. Davy |
Pages: 395-401 |
Chemical and microstructural characterisation of lime and lime-metakaolin pastes with linseed oil Author(s): C. Nunes, P. Mácová, D. Frankeová, R. Ševčík and A. Viani |
Pages: 402-409 |
Use of biomass fly ash for the production of low energy blended calcium sul- foaluminate cements Author(s): M. Marroccoli, M. De Biasi and A. Telesca |
Pages: 410-417 |
A preliminary study of thermodynamic modelling of calcium sulfoaluminate ce- ment-based material Author(s): Yoon, H.N., Park, S.M., Kil, T.G. and Lee, H.K. |
Pages: 418-423 |
Properties of Ordinary Portland Cement Clinker with municipal solid waste in- cineration bottom ash as raw meal additive Author(s): Aneeta M. Joseph, Stijn Matthys and Nele De Belie |
Pages: 424-429 |
Novelties in SCMs
Ternary binder made from coal combustion products: mechanical properties and microstructure evolution Author(s): Vít Šmilauer, Rostislav Šulc, Pavel Reiterman, Petr Hlaváček, Martina Šídlová, František Škvára, Adéla Peterová, Roman Snop |
Pages: 431-438 |
Use of Carbonated Waste Hardened Cement Powder as a Supplementary Ce- mentitious Material Author(s): Bao Lu, Caijun Shi |
Pages: 439-439 |
Early strength improvement of sustainable shotcrete Author(s): Lukas G. Briendl, Joachim Juhart, Markus Krüger, Florian Mittermayr, Isabel Galan |
Pages: 440-447 |
Utilization of rice husk ash as reactive filler for enhancing material properties of ultra-high performance concrete Author(s): Sung-Hoon Kang, Yang-Hee Kwon and Juhyuk Moon |
Pages: 448-455 |
Potential USE of ash from the paper industry as SCM Author(s): Sabina Kramar, Vilma Ducman |
Pages: 456-462 |
A study on feasibility of cement clinker manufacture using oyster shell as lime- stone substitute Author(s): Sungwun Her, Hyeonseok Jee, Taehoon Park, Dongcheon Park and Sungchul Bae |
Pages: 463-470 |
Calcined clay
Comparing the reactivity of different natural calcined clays under alkali activa- tion Author(s): Ahmed Zohair Khalifa, Yiannis Pontikes, Jan Elsen, Özlem Cizer |
Pages: 472-472 |
Summary of 4-years of research at IIT Madras on concrete with limestone cal- cined clay cement (LC3) Author(s): Ravindra Gettu, Manu Santhanam, Radhakrishna G. Pillai, Yuvaraj Dhandapani, T. Sakthivel, Sripriya Rengaraju, Sundar Rathnarajan, Fathima Suma M., Anusha S. Basavaraja, Sanoop Prakasan and Nithya Nair V.G. |
Pages: 473-480 |
Limestone calcined clay cements (LC3): effect of raw material properties on hy- dration and strength Author(s): Franco Zunino, Karen Scrivener |
Pages: 481-485 |
Investigation of calcined brick clays from central Germany for use as a sustaina- ble pozzolan Author(s): Nsesheye S. Msinjili, Gregor J. G. Gluth, Nico Vogler, Sebastian Simon and Hans-Carsten Kühne |
Pages: 486-493 |
Pozzolanic potential of calcined clay in high-performance concrete Author(s): Nancy Beuntner, Andrea Kustermann and Karl-Christian Thienel |
Pages: 494-501 |
Influence of temperature on the hydration of limestone calcined clay cements (LC3) Author(s): François Avet and Karen Scrivener |
Pages: 502-507 |
Bio-based materials
Influence of hydric solicitations on the morphological behavior of hemp concrete Author(s): F. Bennai, C. El Hachem, K. Abahri and R. Belarbi |
Pages: 509-509 |
Sustainable Hemp-Clay-Lime Concrete Author(s): Rotem Haik, Isaac A. Meir and Alva Peled |
Pages: 510-517 |
Self – compacting concrete with tailings and fly ash as ecological material Author(s): Iva M. Despotović, Ksenija S. Janković, Dragan M. Bojović, Marko S. Stojanović |
Pages: 518-523 |
Influence of aggregate type on basic properites of cement mortars blended with mixture of wheat and soya straw ash Author(s): Mirjana Malešev, Slobodan Šupić, Miroslava Radeka, Vlastimir Radonjanin, Tiana Milović, Olivera Bukvić |
Pages: 524-531 |
Improving resilience of earth construction - current perspectives and future out- look Author(s): S. S. Lucas, F. Ahmed, H. Varum |
Pages: 532-538 |
Effect of tire powder and wood biomass ash on properties of self compacting con- crete Author(s): Robert Bušić, Nina Štirmer and Ivana Miličević |
Pages: 539-546 |
3D printing
Surface modification as a technique to improve inter-layer bonding strength in 3D printed cementitious materials Author(s): J. Van Der Putten, G. De Schutter and K. Van Tittelboom |
Pages: 548-548 |
Powder bed 3D printing with geopolymers Author(s): Vera Voney, Pietro Odaglia, Gnanli Landrou, Coralie Brumaud, Andrei Jipa, Isolda Agustí-Juan, Benjamin Dillenburger, Guillaume Habert |
Pages: 549-556 |
High-performance 3d printable concrete enhanced with nanomaterials Author(s): Jacques Kruger, Marchant van den Heever, Seung Cho, Stephan Zeranka and Gideon van Zijl |
Pages: 557-564 |
AAMs for specific applications
LowCopReCon – Low Carbon Precast Concrete ProdUcts for an energy efficient built Environment Author(s): T.E. McGrath, J. Kwansy, T. Aiken, S. Cox, M. Soutsos, J.F. Chen, J. Mariotti, R. Correia and S. Toal |
Pages: 566-573 |
Improving mechanical characteristics of lightweight geopolymers through me- chanical activation of fly ash Author(s): Tijana G. Ivanović, Miroslav M. Komljenović, Nataša M. Džunuzović, Violeta M. Ni-kolić and Gordana G. Tanasijević |
Pages: 574-581 |
Preliminary studies on brown coal fly ash as a cement replacement for geopoly- mer brick applications Author(s): Muhamed Khodr, David Law, Chamila Gunasekara and Sujeeva Setunge |
Pages: 582-589 |
Reactivity of alkali-activated binders for stabilization/solidification of tunnel bor- ing muds Author(s): Thomas Wattez, Martin Cyr, Cédric Patapy, Julien Waligora, François Olard, Laurent Frouin and Nicolas Musikas |
Pages: 590-597 |
Irradiation resistance of MK-based geopolymers encapuslating oily wastes Author(s): Daniel A. Geddes, Susan A. Bernal, Martin Hayes and John L. Provis |
Pages: 598-604 |
Chloride Migration Coefficient of Cracked Mortar Incorporating Self-Healing Materials Author(s): Fahad R. Abro, Abdul S. Buller, Kwang Myong Lee and Seung Yup Jang |
Pages: 606-610 |
Investigation on self-healing characteristic of cementitious materials incorporat- ing supplementary cementitious material and crystalline admixture according to exposed environment Author(s): B. Park, S. W. Oh, Y. C. Choi, S. W. Yoo and S. W. Jung |
Pages: 611-616 |
Self-sealing of cracks in cementitious materials incorporating superabsorbent polymers under wet/dry cyclic conditions Author(s): S. Choi, G. Hong and C. Song |
Pages: 617-621 |
Self-healing performance of engineered cementitious composites through the use of nano-silica Author(s): Oğuzhan Öztürk, Gürkan Yıldırım, Ülkü S. Keskin and Mustafa Şahmaran |
Pages: 622-629 |
Effect of superabsorbent polymers on plastic shrinkage cracking and properties of fresh state mortars reinforced by polymeric fibres Author(s): Rohollah Rostami, Agnieszka J. Klemm |
Pages: 630-637 |
Design and testing of anionic superabsorbent polymers for use in durable con- crete structures Author(s): Laurence De Meyst, Els Mannekens, Maria Araújo, Didier Snoeck, Kim Van Tittelboom, Sandra Van Vlierberghe, Geert Deroover, Nele De Belie |
Pages: 638-646 |