Proceedings pro023 : EAC'01: International RILEM Conference on Early Age Cracking in Cementitious Systems
Title: EAC'01: International RILEM Conference on Early Age Cracking in Cementitious Systems Edited by K. Kovler and A. Bentur ISBN: 2-912143-29-2 e-ISBN: 2351580362 Pages: 398 Publication date: 2003 |
Early age cracking sensitivity is a well-known phenomenon, which is associated with drying shrinkage. In special structures and concretes this can be aggravated by thermal effects. The cracking sensitivity induced by drying can occur before or at the onset of setting (plastic shrinkage cracking) or at the period of few days after beginning of setting and hardening. The traditional methods to deal with this problem include the application of proper curing procedures (sealing or water ponding) and the preparation of contraction joints in slabs and pavements.
The advent of modern concrete technology renewed the interest in this issue from several points of view: application of new means to control cracking (e.g. fiber reinforcement and shrinkage reducing admixtures) and the development of a variety of new concretes of superior performance in the fresh and hardened state, that may be more sensitive to early age cracking (e.g. high strength concretes of low water/binder ratio).
In order to optimize the use and design with such concretes and admixtures, there is a need for a comprehensive understanding and treatment of early age cracking. Such an approach is much more complex than the simplistic treatment where cracking sensitivity is quantified in terms of free shrinkage only. It is essential to evaluate, test and model the systems under restrained conditions, to take into account the stresses developed and assess the risk of cracking by considering fracture criteria.
With this in mind, the RILEM technical committee TC 181-EAS was established, to develop and advance the required comprehensive treatment outlined above, to cover basic mechanisms, engineering and design considerations, as well as testing procedures. The current symposium was one of the activities sponsored by this committee. It was intended to bring together international experts dealing with this variety of topics as a step for synthesis of the different complementing approaches to the issue of early age
Foreword Author(s): A. Bentur |
Pages: XIII - XIII |
Part One: Analytical Models
The role of microstructural development on creep and relaxation of hardening concrete Author(s): K. van Breugel, S.J. Lokhorst |
Pages: 3 - 10 |
Properties of early age concrete - Experiments and modelling Author(s): A.-W. Gutsch |
Pages: 11 - 18 |
Chemoplastic material model for the simulation of early-age cracking: from experiments to the constitutive law Author(s): R. Lackner, H.A. Mang |
Pages: 19 - 29 |
Modelling of early age thermal cracking in hardening concrete, including creep and softening behavior Author(s): G. De Schutter |
Pages: 31 - 38 |
Numerical model for prediction of cracks in concrete structures Author(s): A. van Beek, B.E.J. Baetens, E. Schlangen |
Pages: 39 - 48 |
Numerical simulation of temperature and strain development in the Maridal Culvert Author(s): D. Bosnjak, T. Kanstad |
Pages: 49 - 59 |
Part Two: Driving Forces
Thermal dilation and autogenous deformation Author(s): Ø. Bjøntegaard, E.J. Sellevold |
Pages: 63 - 70 |
Heat of hydration of self-compacting concrete Author(s): A.-M. Poppe, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 71 - 78 |
Shrinkage microcracking in cement-based materials with low water-cement ratio Author(s): J. Bisschop, P. Lura, J. van Mier |
Pages: 79 - 88 |
The relation between settlement and plastic shrinkage of high-strength concrete Author(s): T.A. Hammer |
Pages: 89 - 102 |
Effect of the release of the formworks and of a thermal shock on the temperature and strains gradients in non-reinforced concrete Author(s): O. Bonneau, P.-C. Aïtcin |
Pages: 103 - 113 |
Autogenous shrinkage of different types of cement and different types of admixtures at early ages Author(s): H. Mitani, J.-P. Bournazel, N. Rafaï |
Pages: 115 - 122 |
Part Three: Engineering Properties
Effects of microstructure on restrained autogenous shrinkage behavior in high strength concretes at early ages Author(s): S. Igarashi, M. Kawamura |
Pages: 125 - 132 |
The Pickett effect in early age concrete under restrained conditions Author(s): S. Altoubat, D.A. Lange |
Pages: 133 - 143 |
Restrained shrinkage cracking: the role of shrinkage reducing admixtures and specimen geometry Author(s): W.J. Weiss, S.P. Shah |
Pages: 145 - 157 |
Relationship of drying shrinkage to cracking for concrete slabs with and without shrinkage reducing admixtures Author(s): N.S. Berke, J.J. Malone, W. Yang |
Pages: 159 - 167 |
Some aspects of evaluating cracking sensitivity of repair materials Author(s): A.M. Vaysburd, P.H. Emmons, B. Bissonnette, M. Pigeon |
Pages: 169 - 185 |
Method of predicting concrete creep Author(s): E.O. Olkhovik, O.L. Figovsky |
Pages: 187 - 196 |
Part Four: Testing Techniques
Determination of initial degree of hydration by ultra-sonic pulse technique Author(s): M. Kraus, K. Hariri, F.S. Rostásy |
Pages: 199 - 208 |
Investigation of fracture processes in young concrete using electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPY) Author(s): K. Hariri, F.S. Rostásy |
Pages: 209 - 216 |
Measurement methods for testing of early age autogenous strain Author(s): T.A. Hammer, Ø. Bjøntegaard, E.J. Sellevold |
Pages: 217 - 228 |
Stress-based crack criterion as a basis for prevention of through-cracks in concrete structures at early ages Author(s): K. van Breugel, S.J. Lokhorst |
Pages: 229 - 236 |
Influence of AR glass fibers on the cracking of concrete: Analysis at the very early age by digital image correlation Author(s): M. Némoz-Gaillard, D. Nectoux, E. Dallies, D. Muller |
Pages: 237 - 244 |
Early age deformations of hydrating cement systems: comparison of linear and volumetric shrinkage measurements Author(s): J.P. Charron, J. Marchand, B. Bissonnette |
Pages: 245 - 256 |
Part Five: Special Cementitious Systems
Continuous concrete placement of bridge decks in multispan structures with additional retarder over supports Author(s): F. Gallo, M. Rabkin |
Pages: 259 - 268 |
Durability aspects of concrete and mortar in the presence of a new concrete improver admixture Author(s): D. Zampini, M. Weibel, A. Walliser, M. Oppliger |
Pages: 269 - 276 |
Early age creep and stress relaxation of concrete containing blended cements Author(s): I. Pane, W. Hansen |
Pages: 277 - 288 |
Influence of chemical admixtures on concrete shrinkage and cracking Author(s): Z. Li, M. Qi, B. Ma |
Pages: 289 - 297 |
Shrinkage of high performance concrete Author(s): B. Persson |
Pages: 299 - 309 |
Crack sensitivity at early age for high strength and super high strength concrete Author(s): Ø. Bjøntegaard, E.J. Sellevold |
Pages: 311 - 318 |
Comparative study of early age cracking in HPC and NPC structures Author(s): A. Nagy |
Pages: 319 - 326 |
Experimental investigation of cracking behavior of reinforced high strength concrete Author(s): M. Sule, K. van Breugel |
Pages: 327 - 334 |
Autogenous and drying shrinkage of high strength lightweight aggregate concrete at early ages - The effect of specimen size Author(s): P. Lura, K. van Breugel |
Pages: 335 - 342 |
Improvement of flexural behavior of reinforced high strength concrete members by reducing autogenous shrinkage Author(s): M. Tanimura, Y. Shimoyama, H. Omori, R. Sato |
Pages: 343 - 353 |
Shrinkage of high strength natural lightweight aggregate concretes Author(s): A. Yeginobali |
Pages: 355 - 362 |
Efficiency of lightweight aggregates for internal curing of high strength concrete to eliminate autogenous shrinkage Author(s): S. Zhutovsky, K. Kovler, A. Bentur |
Pages: 363 - 371 |
Early-age shrinkage and cracking of controlled low-strength materials (CLSM) Author(s): A. Katz, K. Kovler, I. Schamban |
Pages: 373 - 381 |