Compendium comp003 : 54th RILEM Week: General Conference of RILEM TC Chairmen, Summer School and AFGC-RILEM Seminar on Advances in Building Materials
Title: 54th RILEM Week: General Conference of RILEM TC Chairmen, Summer School and AFGC-RILEM Seminar on Advances in Building Materials Edited by RILEM ISBN: None e-ISBN: 2912143853 Pages: 102 Publication date: 2000 |
During the RILEM Week in Paris (September 2000), a joint seminar AFGC/RILEM was hold on 14 September 2000. A general conference of RILEM Technical Committee Chairmen was also organised (12-13 September 2000), with presentations on the on-going activities and achievements of 20 different committees.
Session 1: Summer School
Experimental analysis and modelling of flexural behavior of FCRP externally bonded reinforced structures Author(s): F. Buyle-Bodin, E. David |
Pages: 1 - 4 |
Traitements de surface et adhésifs (Surface treatments and adhesives) Author(s): Y. Mouton |
Pages: 5 - 6 |
FRP reinforcement for concrete structures: State-of-the-Art Author(s): L. Taerwe, S. Matthys |
Pages: 7 - 13 |
Renforcement des éléments structuraux en béton armé : procédés et matériaux nouveaux (Rapport général) Author(s): Y. Delmas |
Pages: 14 - 15 |
Session 2: BEFIB' 2000
Fifth RILEM Symposium on Fibre-Reinforced Concretes (BEFIB' 2000), General Report Author(s): P. Rossi |
Pages: 16 - 17 |
Session 3: Technical Contributions of AFGC
Vers une politique de qualité pour l'emploi des éléments finis en Génie Civil (Towards a quality policy for the use of finite elements in Engineering) Author(s): M. Prat |
Pages: 18 - 27 |
Utilisation de béton fibré ultra performant pour la réalisation de deux ouvrages routiers, (Use of ultra high performance fibre concrete for two road bridge decks) Author(s): J. Resplendino |
Pages: 28 - 37 |
Session 4: Virtual Scientific Library
Une action pilote de la RILEM : l’Université Virtuelle Author(s): J. Bresson |
Pages: 38 - 39 |
Access to Knowledge and Scientific Digital Libraries Author(s): P. Quéau |
Pages: 40 - 43 |
Diffusion des connaissances avancées dans le domaine des matériaux et des constructions - Mise en oeuvre d’une bibliothèque scientifique virtuelle Author(s): M. Brusin |
Pages: 44 - 45 |
Session 5: General Conference of RILEM TCs' Chairmen
Alkali-Reactivity - An integrated universal scheme for assessing aggregates - The Practical Conclusion of RILEM TC 106-AAR Author(s): I. Sims, P. J. Nixon |
Pages: 46 - 55 |
A review of the work of RILEM committee TC 139-DBS: Durability of Building Sealants Author(s): A. T. Wolf |
Pages: 56 - 63 |
Progress report of RILEM TC 157-PRC: Systems to Prevent Reflective Cracking in Pavements, Author(s): L. Francken |
Pages: 64 - 72 |
RILEM TC 165-SRM: Sustainable Raw Materials Author(s): C. F. Hendriks |
Pages: 73 - 75 |
RILEM TC 174-SCC: Self Compacting Concrete – Progress Report Author(s): A. Skarendahl |
Pages: 76 - 78 |
RILEM TC 177-MDT: On Site Testing and Durability of Masonry Author(s): L. Binda, R. C. De Vekey |
Pages: 79 - 86 |
RILEM TC ATC: Advanced Testing of Cement Based Materials during Setting and Hardening Author(s): H. W. Reinhardt |
Pages: 87 - 89 |
RILEM TC IFE: Industrial Floors - Status and Progress Report Author(s): P. Seidler |
Pages: 90 - 96 |
Ongoing work of the TC MIB, Technical Committee: Microbial Impact on Building Materials– Weathering and Conservation Author(s): M. Ribas Silva |
Pages: 97 - 102 |