Proceedings : Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure – 3rd International Workshop, Paris 2013
Title: Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure – 3rd International Workshop Edited by P. Pimienta and F. Meftah ISBN: 978-2-7598-1074-1 Pages: N/A Publication date: 2013 |
To the memory of Prof. Ulrich Schneider |
Pages: 7 |
Preface Author(s): P. Pimienta, F. Meftah |
Pages: 9 |
Experimental Investigation of Spalling Mechanisms
Fire Spalling of concrete - A historical overview Author(s): R. Jansson |
Pages: 13 - 24 |
An experimental investigation into the influence of specimen size, in-situ pore pressures and temperatures on the spalling of difference size concrete panels when exposed to a hydrocarbon fire Author(s): M. Guerrieri, S. Fragomeni |
Pages: 25 - 34 |
Spalling tests on embedded cores and slabs: A comparative study Author(s): P. Pimienta, B. Moreau, R. Avenel, P. Peyrac, N. Taillefer, C. Larive, L. D’Aloia, P. Clec’h |
Pages: 35 - 42 |
Thermal stress estimation in relation to spalling of HSC restrained with steel rings at high temperatures Author(s): T. Tanibe, M. Ozawa, R. Kamata, R. Sato, K. Rokugo |
Pages: 43 - 50 |
Effects of polypropylene fibre type on occurence of heat-induced concrete spalling Author(s): C. Maluk, L. Bisby, G. Terrasi |
Pages: 51 - 58 |
Effect of load on thermal spalling of reinforced concrete containing various mineral admixtures Author(s): A. Rahim, U. Kr. Sharma, K. Murugesan, P. Arora |
Pages: 59 - 66 |
Effect of compressive loading on the risk of spalling Author(s): H. Carré, P. Pimienta, C. La Borderie, F. Pereira, J.-C. Mindeguia |
Pages: 66 - 75 |
Spalling of concrete: A synthesis of experimental tests on slabs Author(s): N. Taillefer, P. Pimienta, D. Dhima |
Pages: 76 - 83 |
Spalling behaviour of nano SiO₂ high strength concrete at elevated temperatures Author(s): A.H. Shah, U.K. Sharma, D.A.B. Roy, P. Bhargava |
Pages: 84 - 91 |
Spalling of concrete - influence of porosity and specimen size and its critical factors regarding safety Author(s): A. Korten, V. Wetzig |
Pages: 92 - 99 |
Measures to Reduce or Prevent Spalling
Microstructural response of polypropylene fibres at high temperature to protect concrete from spalling Author(s): M.C. Alonso, V. Flor-Laguna, M. Sanchez |
Pages: 102 - 109 |
Concrete spalling sensitivity versus microstructure: Preliminary results on the effect of polypropylene fibers Author(s): C. Rossino, F. Lo Monte, S. Cangiano, R. Felicetti, P.G. Gambarova |
Pages: 110 - 119 |
The impact of the amount of polypropylene fibres on spalling behaviour and residual mechanical properties of Reactive Powder Concretes Author(s): I. Hager, T. Zdeb, K. Krzemień |
Pages: 120 - 127 |
Influence of length and dosage of polypropylene fibres on the spalling tendency and the residual properties of self-compacting concrete after heated at elevated temperatures Author(s): K.K. Sideris, P. Manita |
Pages: 128 - 135 |
The fire resistance of concrete with polypropylene fibers Author(s): F.A. Corpas, B. González, L. Gómez, F. Rosa, J.M. Figueroa |
Pages: 136 - 143 |
Preventive effect on spalling of UFC using jute fiber at high temperature Author(s): M. Ozawa, Z. Bo, J. Kawaguchi, Y. Uchida |
Pages: 144 - 149 |
Improving the behavior of concrete exposed to fire by using an air entraining agent (AEA): Assessment of spalling Author(s): L. D’Aloia, F. Robert, P. Rougeau, B. Moreau, N. Flahault, C. Collignon |
Pages: 150 - 157 |
Moisture, Pore Pressure and Innovative Techniques
Concrete spalling: Interaction between tensile behaviour and pore pressure during heating Author(s): R. Felicetti, F. Lo Monte |
Pages: 160 - 169 |
Prediction of fire spalling in fibre-reinforced high strength concrete Author(s): R.B. Mugume, T. Horiguchi |
Pages: 170 - 177 |
Fire spalling in concrete - The moisture effect, part II Author(s): R.Jansson, L. Boström |
Pages: 178 - 185 |
Neutron radiography of heated high-performance mortar Author(s): B. Weber, M. Wyrzykowski, M. Griffa, S. Carl, E. Lehmann, P. Lura |
Pages: 186 - 193 |
Combined NMR moisture, temperature and pressure measurements during heating Author(s): L. Pel, S. Jaspers, F. Pereira, P. Pimienta, H. Carré |
Pages: 194 - 201 |
Measurement systems to detect the time-dependant development of concrete spalling under fire exposure Author(s): R. Richter, F. Dehn, J. Schmidt, M. Juknat, C.U. Grosse |
Pages: 202 - 209 |
Permeability of concrete under thermal and compressive stress influence: an experimental study Author(s): H. Lun, R. Lackner |
Pages: 210 - 211 |
Spalling Assessment for Large Scale Structures
Large scale fire test on tunnel segment: Real boundary conditions in order to evaluate spalling sensitivity and fire resistance Author(s): F. Robert, C. Collignon, M. Scalliet |
Pages: 214 - 221 |
Design and performance of a skid-mounted portable compartment fire gas furnace and monitoring system Author(s): K. Mueller, Y. Kurama, M. McGinnis, M. Lisk |
Pages: 222 - 231 |
Advanced Modeling for Spalling Risk Assessment
A coupled thermo-hygro-chemo-mechanical model for the simulation of spalling of concrete subjected to fire loading Author(s): M. Zeiml, Y. Zhang, C. Pichler, R. Lackner, H.A. Mang |
Pages: 234 - 243 |
Spalling of concrete due to fire exposure: A coupled fracture mechanics and pore pressure approach Author(s): B.B.G. Lottman, E.A.B. Koenders, C.B.M. Blom, J.C. Walraven |
Pages: 244 - 251 |
Modelling explosive spalling and stress induced thermal strains of HPC exposed to high temperature Author(s): J. Ožbolt, J. Bošnjak |
Pages: 252 - 259 |
Prediction of the spatial occurence of fire induced spalling in concrete slabs using random fields Author(s): R. Van Coile, P. Criel, R. Caspeele, L. Taerwe |
Pages: 260 - 265 |
Fully coupled numerical simulation of fire in tunnels: From fire scenario to structural response Author(s): F. Pesavento, B.A. Schrefler, D. Gawin, J. Principe |
Pages: 266 - 273 |
Influence of moisture on fire resistance of side-plated RC beams Author(s): J. Kolšek, M. Saje, I. Planinc, T. Hozjan |
Pages: 274 - 281 |
On explicit modeling of polypropylene fiber effects on hydro-thermal behavior of heated concrete Author(s): V.H. Tran, F. Meftah, L. Izoret, M. Behloul |
Pages: 282 - 289 |
Aggregate behaviour in concrete materials under high temperature conditions Author(s): G. Mazzuco, C. Majorana, V. Salomoni, G. Xotta |
Pages: 290 - 291 |
Simplified stochastic modeling of concrete spalling due to fire Author(s): I.J.J. van Straalen, R.D.J.M. Steenbergen, S.S.K. Lentzen, R. de Vries |
Pages: 292 - 299 |
Fire Safety Assessment and Repair Techniques
Fire safety assessment and upgrading of existing traffic tunnels Author(s): U. Diederichs, L. Bodnarova, V. Petranek |
Pages: 302 - 313 |
Experimental assessment of concrete damage due to exposure to high temperature and efficacy of the repair system Author(s): Y.K. Guruprasad, A. Ramaswamy |
Pages: 314 - 319 |
Related Research
Thermal stability of different siliceous and calcareous aggregates subjected to high temperature Author(s): R. Niry R., A.-L. Beaucour, R. Hebert, A. Noumowé, B. Ledésert, R. Bodet |
Pages: 322 - 331 |
Characteristics of mechanical and rheological properties of concrete under heating conditions up to 200°C Author(s): V. Korsun, A. Korsun, A. Volkov |
Pages: 332 - 339 |
Residual characteristic properties of ternary blended steel fibre reinforced concrete subjected to sustained elevated temperature Author(s): Deepa A. Sinha, A.K. Verma, K.B. Prakash |
Pages: 340 - 349 |
Compressive strength at high temperature of a concrete made with recycled tire textile and steel fibers Author(s): C. Calmeiro Santos, J.P.C. Rodrigues |
Pages: 350 - 359 |
Spalling of concrete subjected to blast loading Author(s): M. Foglar, M. Kovar |
Pages: 360 - 367 |