Proceedings pro087 : UHPFRC 2013 - Proceedings of the RILEM-fib-AFGC International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete
Title: RILEM-fib-AFGC Int. Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete Edited by F. Toutlemonde and J. Resplendino ISBN: 978-2-35158-130-8 e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-131-5 Pages: 832 Publication date: 2013 |
“UHPFRC” international symposium was first organized in Marseille (France) in 2009 for synthesizing the know-how and applications related to Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC). Four years later, projects and constructions using UHPFRC have definitively gained a growing importance in Europe and North America, as well as in Australia, Far East, and especially Japan.
“UHPFRC 2013” has thus aimed at updating and complementing experience gained in the knowledge and use of UHPFRC, based on recent practice of: design of building structures, components, civil works and bridges; industrial realizations (both on site and in precast factories); and large scale applications. More than eighty presentations detailed the technical and scientific advances, focusing on major recent realizations; decisive use of UHPFRC in structural retrofitting and combination of UHPFRC and ordinary RC; durability and resistance of UHPFRC under severe on-site or laboratory conditions; prospective applications of UHPFRC in current or outstanding works; recent advances in UHPFRC structures design and ductility assessment; and recent results of constitutive characterization and mix optimization of UHPFRC.
In 2013, Marseille, recognized as European capital of culture, has renewed its urban figure and shoreline with iconic architectural achievements. Among them, the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations (MUCEM) constitutes an outstanding realization due to the systematic structural and decorative use of UHPFRC. The MUCEM, in hosting the venue of UHPFRC 2013 symposium, has appeared as a symbol of worldwide engineering community, technical breakthrough and creativity.
Preface Author(s): F. Toutlemonde, J. Resplendino |
Pages: XI |
UHPFRC major recent applications
MUCEM: The builder's perspective Author(s): P. Mazzacane, R. Ricciotti, F. Teply, E. Tollini, D. Corvez |
Pages: 3 - 16 |
Innovative UFC structures in Japan Author(s): H. Musha, H. Ohkuma, T. Kitamura |
Pages: 17 - 26 |
Rationalisation of complex UHPFRC facade shapes Author(s): R. Fabbri, D. Corvez |
Pages: 27 - 36 |
A UHPFRC cladding challenge: the fondation Louis Vuitton pour la création "Iceberg" Author(s): S. Aubry, P. Bompas, B. Vaudeville, D. Corvez, T. Lagrange, P. Mazzacane, A. Brizou |
Pages: 37 - 48 |
Precast thin UHPFRC curved shells in a waste water treatment plant Author(s): G. Delplace, Z. Hajar, A. Simon, S. Chanut, L. Weizmann |
Pages: 49 - 58 |
Roofing of the stade Jean Bouin in UHPFRC Author(s): P. Mazzacane, R. Ricciotti, G. Lamoureux, D. Corvez |
Pages: 59 - 68 |
A new roof for the olympic museum at Lausanne, Switzerland Author(s): A. Muttoni, U. Brauen, J-L. Jaquier, D. Moullet |
Pages: 69 - 76 |
Construction of the u-shaped truss footbridge over the ovejas ravine in alicante Author(s): J. Á. López, P. Serna, J. Navarro-Gregori, E. Camacho |
Pages: 77 - 86 |
UHPFRC for structural retrofitting, composite concrete-UHPFRC elements: R&D and application
Performance of UHPFRC jackets for the seismic strengthening of bridge piers Author(s): B. Massicotte, M-A. Dagenais, F. Lagier |
Pages: 89 - 98 |
Experimental and analytical investigation on failure behavior of steel plate - HPFRC composite beams Author(s): Y. Sato, R. Shionaga, Y. Nakamura |
Pages: 99 – 106 |
Using UHPFRC as a topping layer for orthotropic bridge decks: prototype validation Author(s): F. Toutlemonde, P. Marchand, F. Gomes, L. Dieng |
Pages: 107 – 116 |
Innovative solution for strengthening orthotropic decks using UHPFRC: the Illzach bridge Author(s): Z. Hajar, M. Novarin, C. Servant, G. Généreux, D. Przybyla, D. Bitar |
Pages: 117 – 126 |
Rehabilitation and strengthening of existing RC structures with UHPFRC: various applications Author(s): L. Moreillon, P. Menétrey |
Pages: 127 – 136 |
Strengthening of hydraulic structures with UHPC Author(s): L. Guingot, D. Dekhil, P. Soulier |
Pages: 137 – 146 |
UHPFRC solutions for the retrofit of nuclear reactor containment walls Author(s): D. Corvez, B. Masson |
Pages: 147 – 156 |
Rejunevation of maritime signalisation structures with UHPFRC Author(s): E. Denarié, D. Jacomo, N. Fady, D. Corvez |
Pages: 157 – 166 |
Fatigue behaviour of composite R-UHPFRC - RC structural members Author(s): T. Makita, E. Brühwiler |
Pages: 167 – 176 |
Analytical modelling of R-UHPFRC - RC composite members subjected to combined bending and shear Author(s): M. Bastien-Masse, E. Brühwiler, T. Makita |
Pages: 177 – 186 |
Experimental investigation on shear behavior of RC beams using UFC U-shaped permanent formwork Author(s): P. Wirojjanapirom, K. Matsumoto, K. Kono, J. Niwa |
Pages: 187 – 196 |
Formwork development using UHPFRC Author(s): S-G. Hong, S-H. Kang |
Pages: 197 – 206 |
Uniaxial compressive strength of durable hybrid pier with UHPCC permanent form Author(s): W. Xiangguo, Y. Qun, Z. Xinyu, Z. Wenzhong, H. Sangmook |
Pages: 207 – 216 |
Innovative UHPC-normal concrete composite bridge deck Author(s): S. Aaleti, S. Sritharan, A. Abu-Hawash |
Pages: 217 – 226 |
Durability and resistance properties under severe conditions: laboratory and field experience
Fifteen years of UHPC construction experience in precast bridges in North America Author(s): Vic H. Perry, P.J. Seibert |
Pages: 229 – 238 |
Durability study of the first PC bridge constructed with ultra high strength fiber reinforced concrete in Japan Author(s): K. Kono, H. Musha, T. Kawaguchi, A. Eriguchi, S. Tanaka, T. Kobayashi, M. Ikeda |
Pages: 239 – 248 |
Long term carbonation of UHPC Author(s): C. Andrade, J. Torres |
Pages: 249 – 256 |
Tension-softening behavior and chloride ion diffusivity of cracked ultra high strength fiber reinforced concrete Author(s): K. Hashimoto, T. Toyoda, H. Yokota, K. Kono, T. Kawaguchi |
Pages: 257 – 264 |
Long-term material performance checked on world's oldest UHPFRC road bridges at Bourg-Lès-Valence Author(s): F. Toutlemonde, P. Roenelle, Z. Hajar, A. Simon, R. Lapeyrère, R-P. Martin, S. Ramanich, L. Baron |
Pages: 265– 274 |
Durability evaluation of different types of UHPC Author(s): J. Piérard, B. Dooms, N. Cauberg |
Pages: 275– 284 |
Durability, low and high temperature behaviour of ultra high-performance fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): E. Ferrier, L. Michel, D. Corvez |
Pages: 285– 292 |
Load induced thermal strains in ultra high performance concrete at elevated temperature Author(s): S. Sanchayan, S. J. Foster |
Pages: 293– 302 |
Influence of the nature of the synthetic incorporated fibres in UHPFRC when subjected to fire conditions Author(s): E. Ouedraogo, Y. Malecot, L. Missemer, C. Clergue, D. Rogat |
Pages: 303– 314 |
Assessment of coupled thermo-mechanical behaviour of ultra high performance concrete columns in case of fire Author(s): M. Siemon, D. Hosser |
Pages: 315– 324 |
Current and prospective UHPFRC applications: shells, building elements, bridges, civil structures
UHPFRC in large span shell structures Author(s): R. N. ter Maten, S. Grünewald, J.C. Walraven |
Pages: 327– 334 |
CFRP tendons in UHPFRC - Bond behaviour and applications to folded and curved shells Author(s): A. Stark, J. Hegger |
Pages: 335 – 342 |
Fundamental study on construction systems for complete reuse using UHPFRC blocks Author(s): H. Ito, T. Nishiwaki, S. Kwon, T. Kikuta |
Pages: 343 – 350 |
UHPFRC cladding for the Qatar National Museum Author(s): P. Menétrey |
Pages: 351 – 360 |
UHPC in the U.S. highway infrastructure: experience and outlook Author(s): B.A. Graybeal |
Pages: 361 – 370 |
Trial construction of UHPC highway bridge Author(s): S.Y. Park, S.T. Kim, J.R. Cho, J.W. Lee, B.S. Kim |
Pages: 371 – 378 |
Parkbridge: optimization of a slender bridge in UHPFRC Author(s): S. Grünewald, H. Köhne, M. Nio, M. Serafini, A. Verdonk, R. van Nalta, R. Huijben, V. Mechtcherine, L. Dudziak, L. Gielbert |
Pages: 379 – 388 |
Express bridge deck and light duty bridge Author(s): Y. Brugeaud |
Pages: 389 – 394 |
FDN modular UHPFRC bridges Author(s): Dil L. Tirimanna, J. Falbr |
Pages: 395 – 404 |
An assessment of the steel fibre distribution to load bearing capacity of lost shuttering slabs made from UHPFRC Author(s): M. Rydval, J. Kolisko, M. Vokac, P. Hunka |
Pages: 405 – 412 |
Application of ultra high performance concrete to cable stayed bridges Author(s): B-S. Kim, S. Kim, Y-J. Kim, S.Y. Park, K-T. Koh, C. Joh |
Pages: 413 – 422 |
Conceptual design of an UHPFRC tower structure in segmental construction for offshore wind turbines Author(s): W. Sobek, M. Plank, B. Frettlöhr, J. Röhm, D. Corvez |
Pages: 423 – 432 |
Design of tall wind turbine towers utilizing UHPC Author(s): S. Sritharan, G.M. Schmitz |
Pages: 433 – 442 |
Design of offshore wind turbines with UHPC Author(s): F-X. Jammes, X. Cespedes, J. Resplendino |
Pages: 443 – 452 |
Construction of two precast power units in UHPFRC Author(s): B. Domer, M. Noverraz, C. Zuber |
Pages: 453 – 462 |
Production of precast UHPFRC pavement cover plates in high-speed railway construction Author(s): C. Gu, S. Zhao, W. Sun, Q. Wang |
Pages: 463 – 470 |
UHPFRC anchor plates and first application for strengthening a rhine lock Author(s): S. Hock, H. Weiher |
Pages: 471 – 478 |
Grooved fibre-reinforced ultra-high performance concrete: a new material for pavement long-lasting wearing course Author(s): F. de Larrard, T. Sedran, J-F. Petit, J-C. Blanchard, P-Y. Auffret, S. Charlicart, P. Patillot, M. Duval, R. Blaszczyk, G. Lemonnier |
Pages: 479 – 486 |
Advances in UHPFRC structural analysis, ductility and reinforcement
Flexural and shear behaviour of structural elements in UHPFRC Author(s): J. Nseir, L. Moreillon, R. Suter |
Pages: 489 – 498 |
Flexural behaviour of UHPC beams reinforced with organic fibres and steel bars Author(s): S. Dobrusky, P. Lussou, G. Chanvillard, F. Perez, D. Corvez |
Pages: 499 – 508 |
A simple design approach for UHPFRC in bending Author(s): T. Leutbecher, E. Fehling |
Pages: 509 – 518 |
Analysis of a UHPFRC footbridge with a deck slab under bending by a novel fracture-micromechanics FEM model Author(s): T. Guénet, L. Sorelli, D. Corvez, J. Bastien, F. Toutlemonde, E. Ferrier, L. Michel |
Pages: 519 – 528 |
Case study: tests on two UHPC I-girders and analysis of flexural behaviour Author(s): N. Cauberg, C. Tronci, J. Piérard, P. Van Itterbeeck, P. Van der Zee |
Pages: 529 – 538 |
Exploitation of test results to validate some formulas in the revised french recommendations for UHPFRC Author(s): B. Fouré |
Pages: 539 – 548 |
Structural behaviour of UHPFRC cellular beams Author(s): L. Moreillon, J. Nseir, J. Tomás, R. Suter |
Pages: 549 – 556 |
Experimental investigations on UHP(FR)C beams with high strength reinforcement Author(s): N. Randl, C. Simon, T. Mészöly |
Pages: 557 – 566 |
Dowel action and shear strength contribution of high strength rebar embedded in ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete Author(s): Y. Xiao, J. Xia, K. Mackie, A. Mirmiran |
Pages: 567 – 576 |
Punching shear resistance of UHPFRC slabs: experimental works and design model Author(s): L. Moreillon, R. Suter, R. Le Roy |
Pages: 577 – 586 |
Characterization of rebars anchorage in UHPC Author(s): E. Fehling, P. Lorenz |
Pages: 587 – 596 |
Recent experimental investigations on reinforced UHPFRC for applications in earthquake engineering and retrofitting Author(s): F. Toutlemonde, A. Simon, P. Rivillon, P. Marchand, F. Baby, M. Quiertant, A. Khadour, J. Cordier, T. Battesti |
Pages: 597 – 606 |
Experimental determination of the load-bearing behaviour of dry joints between precast elements made of UHPFRC Author(s): W. Sobek, M. Plank, D. Corvez, K-H. Reineck |
Pages: 607 – 616 |
Static and dynamic behaviour of hybrid panels and beams made of UHPFRC, wood and fiber reinforced polymer bars Author(s): E. Ferrier, L. Michel |
Pages: 617 – 626 |
Experimental investigation of pull-out response of composite connection made of UHPFRC material Author(s): S. Kazemi, R. Cheng |
Pages: 627 – 636 |
Multiple impact penetration of ultra high performance cementitious composites Author(s): J. Lai, Y. Zhu, S. Xu, X. Guo |
Pages: 637 – 646 |
Material characteristics identification, fibers contribution and material optimization
Identification of UHPFRC tensile behaviour: methodology based on bending tests Author(s): F. Baby, B.A. Graybeal, P. Marchand, F. Toutlemonde |
Pages: 649 – 658 |
Explicit back analysis method for quick determination of direct tensile strength in plate structural members Author(s): G. Chanvillard, D. Corvez |
Pages: 659 – 668 |
Feedback of a ten years assessment of fibre distribution using K factor concept Author(s): A. Simon, D. Corvez, P. Marchand |
Pages: 669 – 678 |
Numerical modeling of UHPFRC mechanical behavior based on fibre orientation Author(s): S. Delsol, J-P. Charron |
Pages: 679 – 688 |
Theoretical model for size and shape effect of UHPFRC in flexural tension considering tensile behaviour influenced by fibre orientation Author(s): B. Frettlöhr |
Pages: 689 – 698 |
Mechanical properties of ultra-high performance hybrid fibre-reinforced cement-based composites Author(s): S. Kwon, T. Nishiwaki, T. Kikuta, H. Mihashi |
Pages: 699 – 708 |
Assessment of flexural behaviour of high-strength concrete reinforced with rebars and steel fibres Author(s): T. Müller, H. Kieslich, K. Holschemacher |
Pages: 709 – 720 |
Experiments and analysis of size and shape effect of UHPFRC subjected to axial and flexural tension Author(s): B. Frettlöhr, K-H. Reineck, H-W. Reinhardt |
Pages: 721 – 730 |
Determination of conversion factors for compressive strength of UHPC measured on specimens of different dimensions Author(s): J. Fládr, I. Broukalová, P. Bílý |
Pages: 731 – 738 |
Can vacuum mixing replace heat curing in UHPFRC? Author(s): J. Dils, V. Boel, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 739 – 748 |
Effects of the composing materials on the rheological and mechanical properties of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) Author(s): K-T. Koh, G.S. Ryu, J-J. Park, K.H. An, S.W. Kim, S-T. Kang |
Pages: 749 – 756 |
Microstructural and performance based criteria for UHPC with improved durability - outcome of a coordinated research program in Germany Author(s): M. Schmidt |
Pages: 757 – 766 |
Simulation of hydration process and microstructure development of UHPC paste containing fly ash and silica fume Author(s): C. Gu, G. Ye, W. Sun |
Pages: 767 – 776 |
Ultra-high performance concrete reinforced with stainless steel fibres: from material optimization to structural component response Author(s): D. Corvez, E. Ferrier, L. Michel, A. Ammouche, J-P. Commène |
Pages: 777 – 788 |
Keynote address
The UHPFRC revolution in structural design and construction Author(s): J. Resplendino, F. Toutlemonde |
Pages: 791 – 804 |