Proceedings pro056 : International RILEM Workshop on Integral Service Life Modelling of Concrete Structures
Title: International RILEM Workshop on Integral Servie Life Modelling of Concrete Structures Edited by R. M. Ferreira, J. Gulikers, C. Andrade ISBN: 978-2-35158-058-5 e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-090-5 Pages: 458 Publication date: 2007 |
Modelling of chloride penetration and carbonation has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years; however, essential aspects such as the chloride threshold still remain controversial. Corrosion leads to several undesirable effects, for example, cracking and spalling of the concrete cover, loss of steel/concrete bond and reduction of the loadbearing capacity of the structure. So far, most of the structural consequences of reinforcement corrosion have been scarcely treated in a rigorous manner. Therefore, modelling of the overall structural performance after corrosion initiation is an important aspect to be considered by the RILEM Technical Committee - Model Assisted Integral Service Life Prediction of Concrete Structures with respect to Reinforcement Corrosion (TC 213-MAI).
An integrated approach seems to be the indicated methodology to be followed. On the other hand, modelling can be assisted by testing of a particular concrete or by monitoring using external techniques and embedded sensors. The objective of RILEM TC 213-MAI is the preparation of a State of the Art Report on currently available models for both the initiation and propagation stages of reinforcement corrosion in concrete structures, as well as a compilation of relevant tests and sensors suitable for supporting such models. Another objective is the preparation of a RILEM Recommendation for users of service life models.
The main topics addressed in the workshop in order to finalize the State-of-the-Art Report were:
a) Penetration of aggressive substances from a particular exposure environment, either for new structures (design stage), or for existing structures (during service);
b) Depassivation process and the subsequent electrochemical process of reinforcement corrosion, once it has been initiated;
c) Structural behaviour following corrosion initiation (cracking, spalling, loss of cross sectional area, debonding, deflection, collapse etc);
d) Monitoring of the reinforcement corrosion by external techniques or embedded sensors.
Target readers: graduate students, material scientists, researchers, engineers, material suppliers, contractors and scientists from research organizations, universities and industries
Preface Author(s): R.M. Ferreira, J. Gulikers, C. Andrade |
Pages: XIX |
Session 1: Initiation stage: Chloride ingress and carbonation
A two-scale approach to concrete carbonation Author(s): S.A. Meier, M.A. Peter, A. Muntean, M. Böhm and J. Kropp |
Pages: 3 - 10 |
Identification of binding isotherm and prediction of chloride ingress into water saturated concrete by a numerical multi-species model Author(s): T.Q. Nguyen, V. Baroghel-Bouny, P. Dangla, P. Belin |
Pages: 11 - 22 |
Chloride diffusion coefficients through concrete partially submerged and partially exposed to the atmosphere Author(s): G. de Vera, M.A. Climent, C. Antón, I. Sánchez, C. Andrade |
Pages: 23 - 30 |
Chloride penetration in concrete exposed under different temperatures Author(s): B. Li, L. Tang |
Pages: 31 - 38 |
Modelling of the influence from environmental actions on the durability of reinforced concrete structures Author(s): A. Lindvall |
Pages: 39 - 46 |
Chloride penetration into concrete structures in marine atmosphere zone - influence of environmental characteristics Author(s): G.R. Meira, M.C Andrade, M.C. Alonso, J.C. Borba Jr. |
Pages: 47 - 54 |
A moving-boundary model with stefan-signorini conditions to predict service life of concrete structures Author(s): A. Muntean, M. Böhm, S.A. Meier |
Pages: 55 - 62 |
Models of variation of chloride ion diffusion as a function of changes in the saturation degree (SD) of concrete mixes prepared with pozzolanic cement Author(s): A.C. Guimarães, P. L Helence |
Pages: 63 - 70 |
Influence of concrete composition on parameters related to the durability of reinforced concrete structures Author(s): L. Bertolini, F. Lollini, E. Redaelli |
Pages: 71 - 78 |
Chloride ingress and critical crack width Author(s): M.R. de Rooij, I. Yoon, E. Schlangen |
Pages: 79 - 86 |
Time dependent changes of durability properties of concrete from maslenica bridge at the adriatic coast Author(s): I. Stipanovic, D. Bjegovic, D. Mikulic, M. Serdar |
Pages: 87 - 96 |
Performance-based evaluation of silica fume concrete against chloride induced corrosion Author(s): E. Bora Kurt, M. Hulusi Ozkul, U. Anil Dogan |
Pages: 97 - 106 |
An evaluation system of waterproof layer materials for service life expansion of concrete slab Author(s): A. Miyamoto, J. Takahashi, H. Emoto |
Pages: 107 - 114 |
Evaluation of polymeric coatings and primers against chloride ingress in concrete Author(s): J. B. de Aguiar, L. Schueremans, P. Moreira, A. Camões, D. van Gemert |
Pages: 115 - 122 |
Influence of moisture losses at early ages on concrete cover quality: a numerical approach Author(s): M. Azenha, R. Faria, K. Maekawa |
Pages: 123 - 130 |
The new LNEC specifications on reinforced concrete durability Author(s): A. F. Gonçalves, A. B. Ribeiro, M. J. Esteves Ferreira |
Pages: 131 - 140 |
Resistance of green concrete to chloride ingress Author(s): I. Stipanovic, D. Bjegovic, M. Serdar |
Pages: 141 - 148 |
Prediction of concrete strength from the development of cement paste microstructure Author(s): D. Sekulić, D. Mikulić, I. Gabrijel |
Pages: 149 - 156 |
Session 2: Monitoring of concrete structures
Corrosion monitoring systems for design verification - Application at the 36 km Hangzhou bay bridge Author(s): M. Raupach, G. Weizhong |
Pages: 159 - 166 |
Development of an integrated sensor to monitor the corrosion process of reinforced concrete structures Author(s): G. S. Duffó, S. B. Farina, E. A. Arva, C. M. Giordano, C. J. Lafont |
Pages: 167 - 174 |
Long term performance of a sensor for oxygen evaluation in concrete Author(s): M. J. Correia, M. M. Salta |
Pages: 175 - 184 |
Monitoring of the effect of water repellent coatings on the corrosion rate of steel in carbonated concrete Author(s): J.S. Mattila, M. J. Pentti |
Pages: 185 - 192 |
Session 3: Probabilistic approaches for service life design
Critical issues in the interpretation of results of probabilistic service life calculations Author(s): J. Gulikers |
Pages: 195 - 204 |
Sensitivity analysis of model parameters for corrosion initiation and implications on design Author(s): R. M. Ferreira |
Pages: 205 - 214 |
Modelling uncertainty and performance updating: applications in chloride induced deterioration Author(s): M. Imran Rafiq |
Pages: 215 - 222 |
Optimization of structural durability Author(s): M. Holický |
Pages: 223 - 228 |
Session 4: Modelling of structural consequences of reinforcement corrosion
Effects on bond of reinforcement corrosion Author(s): K. Lundgren, A. S. San Roman, H. Schlune, K. Z. Hanjari, P. Kettil |
Pages: 231 - 238 |
Corrosion initiation and propagation in the service life of reinforced concrete in chloride environment Author(s): A. Castel, T. Vidal, R. Zhang, R. François, V. Sirivivatnanon |
Pages: 239 - 246 |
Modelling R. C. structures in presence of reinforcement corrosion Author(s): G. Bertagnoli, G. Mancini, F. Tondolo |
Pages: 247 - 254 |
Initiation and propagation of corrosion in concretes containing fly-ashes Author(s): C. Alonso, C. Andrade |
Pages: 255 - 266 |
Modelling the mechanical consequences of rebars corrosion on reinforced concrete structures in atmospheric conditions Author(s): V. L’Hostis, A. Millard, P. Dillmann, B. Huet, R. Faquin, W. J. Chitty |
Pages: 267 - 276 |
A model for time-to-cover cracking of reinforced concrete due to rebars corrosion Author(s): G. S. Duffó, S. B. Farina |
Pages: 277 - 284 |
Numerical modelling of reinforcement corrosion Author(s): J. Warkus, M. Raupach |
Pages: 285 - 298 |
Development of an engineering approach for modelling corrosion attack Author(s): C. Andrade, I. Martinez, N. Rebolledo, A. Castillo |
Pages: 299 - 306 |
Effect of impressed anodic current density applied to accelerated corrosion on laboratory results Author(s): I. Saether, R. Antonsen, Ø Vennesland |
Pages: 307 - 314 |
A numerical model to assess mechanical properties of corroded reinforcement Author(s): Y. Du, Y. Xu, C. Tang |
Pages: 315 - 322 |
Numerical modelling of concrete cover cracking due to corrosion of reinforcing steel Author(s): D. V. Val, L. Chernin |
Pages: 323 - 330 |
Structural performance of deteriorated concrete structures: reliability approach for chloride attack Author(s): M. Akiyama, K. Yamada, T. Shimomura, S. Miyazato |
Pages: 331 - 338 |
Principles for calculation/assessment of load bearing capacity loss due to corrosion in CONTECVET Manual applied to the structural assessment of La Rance beams Author(s): M. Prieto, A. Muñoz, P. Tanner, C. Andrade |
Pages: 339 - 350 |
A novel approach for predicting the corrosion rate of steel in concrete Author(s): M. Pour-Ghaz, P. Ghods, O. Burkan Isgor |
Pages: 351 - 358 |
Use of sodium molybdate in reinforced concrete exposed to chlorides Author(s): D. R. da Silva, H. S. Júnior, A. C. Vieira da Nóbrega, M. V. V. Almeida de Sá |
Pages: 359 - 366 |
Session 5: Critical chloride content and electrochemical processes
Effect of silica fume on the initiation of chloride induced corrosion in reinforced concrete Author(s): M. Manera, Ø Vennesland, L. Bertolini |
Pages: 369 - 378 |
Chloride induced corrosion of steel in concrete exposed in a marine environment Author(s): L. Tang, P. Utgenannt |
Pages: 379 - 386 |
The effect of synthetic concrete pore solution on the depassivation of steel Author(s): P. Ghods, T. Miller, O. Burkan Isgor, G. McRae |
Pages: 387 - 394 |
A review of utilization of carbon fibers as an anodic material in cathodic protection Author(s): M. Chini, R. Antonsen, Ø. Vennesland, B. Arntsen, J. H. Mork |
Pages: 395 - 402 |
Adaptation of the galvanodynamic electrochemical technique to the study of steel corrosion immersed in concrete Author(s): M. V. V. Almeida de Sá, H. S. Júnior, A. C. Vieira da Nóbrega, D. R. da Silva |
Pages: 403 - 410 |
Proposal of a method of preparation of reinforced concrete samples for electrochemical measurements in laboratory Author(s): A. C. Vieira da Nóbrega, H. S. Júnior, M. V. V. Almeida de Sá, D. R. da Silva |
Pages: 411 - 420 |
Electrochemical behavior of steel rebars in concrete with SF and SRH subjected to chloride attack Author(s): F. G. da Silva, J. B. L. Liborio |
Pages: 421 - 430 |