Proceedings pro029 : 2nd International RILEM Workshop on Life Prediction and Aging Management of Concrete Structures
Title: 2nd International RILEM Workshop on Life Prediction and Aging Management of Concrete Structures Edited by D.J. Naus ISBN: 2-912143-36-5 e-ISBN: 2912143780 Pages: 404 Publication date: 2003 |
Civil infrastructure facilities, such as industrial buildings, transportation, dam and navigation facilities, and nuclear power plants, include concrete structures whose performance and function are necessary for the safety and protection of operating personnel and the general public. Aging of these structures may adversely impact their ability to withstand future operating conditions, extreme environmental challenges or accidents, and increase risk to public safety if not controlled. Methodologies for service life prediction of concrete structures and to manage the effects of aging currently are under development in many fields of civil engineering. Recent improvements have been made with respect to surveillance, inspection/testing, and maintenance techniques to help ensure continued safe, functional, and economical operation of concrete structures. The state-of-the-art has progressed to the point that specific guidelines and technical criteria required to meet these objectives in existing and new concrete construction can be proposed.
The 2nd International RILEM Workshop on Life Prediction and Aging Management of Concrete Structures was held 5-6 May 2003 in Paris, France. It brought together experts for the purpose of defining the current state-of-the-art with respect to modeling aging of concrete structures and providing recommendations (to the extent possible) for a unified approach to facility management. Participants included designers and engineers, facility managers, researchers, and regulators. The Workshop provided an international forum for highlighting recent advances in the technology underlying aging management and service life prediction of concrete structures. Approaches to service life prediction, performance monitoring, and aging management of industrial buildings, bridges and other transportation structures, dams, and navigation facilities were presented and critically appraised. The Workshop updated participants on research, presented novel ideas and strategies for management of aging of infrastructure-related facilities, provided an opportunity for exchanging practical experiences on implementation of aging management policies, and initiated new approaches to aging management. The Workshop strongly emphasized the practical aspects and the links between research and real applications. Thirty-seven papers from 20 countries were presented at the workshop. The papers were selected by members of the Scientific Committee. A sampling of specific topics that were discussed at the Workshop included:
1. Durability of concrete structures
2. Modeling techniques for service life prediction
3. Material selection and design considerations for durability
4. Assessment methods and instrumentation systems
5. Maintenance and repair approaches for service life extension
6. Probabilistic approaches to performance estimation
7. Aging management
8. Risk-informed decision-making
9. Case histories, performance assessments of degraded structures,
and economics of successful aging management
Preface Author(s): D. J. Naus |
Pages: XIII - XIV |
Session 1: Modeling/Numerical Simulation/Service Life Prediction
Constitutive models for prediction of performance of deterioreted concrete structures Author(s): T. Shimomura, K. Maruyama |
Pages: 3 - 12 |
Models for service life prediction Author(s): D. Bjegovic, J. Selih, D. Mikulic, L. Stipanovic |
Pages: 13 - 20 |
Coefficient of diffusion derived from structures exposed to chlorides more then 60 years old Author(s): G. C. M. Gaal, A. van Beek, J. D. Bakker, J. C. Walraven |
Pages: 21 - 29 |
Global estimates of structural degradation for lifetime management Author(s): Y. S. Petryna, F. Stangenberg |
Pages: 31 - 38 |
Modeling of durability performance of cementitious materials and structures based on thermo-hygro physics Author(s): T. Ishida, K. Maekawa |
Pages: 39 - 49 |
THI - a physical model for estimating the coupled transport of heat, moisture and chloride ions in concrete Author(s): I. Petre-Lazar, L. Abdou, C. Franco, I. Sadri |
Pages: 51 - 69 |
Numerical modelling of service life of reinforced concrete structures Author(s): B. Martín-Pérez, Z. Lounis |
Pages: 71 - 79 |
Session 2: Monitoring/Testing/Assessment
Measurement of corrosion parameters and their use for service life assessment in the El Cabril-Spain Author(s): C. Andrade, L. Martínez, J. Muñoz, J. Rodríguez, M. Ramírez |
Pages: 83 - 91 |
Improvement of electrical resistivity measurement for non destructive evaluation of concrete structures Author(s): J. F. Lataste, C. Sirieix, D. Breysse, M. Frappa |
Pages: 93 - 102 |
The influence of cover delamination on the assessment of the corroding rebar in concrete, using the half-cell potential mapping method Author(s): A. Ouglova, Y. Berthaud, I. Petre-Lazar, K. Beddiar, A. Raharinaivo |
Pages: 103 - 113 |
Structural assessment of RC elements subjected to localised and general corrosion Author(s): M. Dekoster, F. Buyle-Bodin, O. Maurel |
Pages: 115 - 125 |
Serviceability assessment of reinforced concrete structures in marine environments Author(s): C. Q. Li, W. Lawanwisut |
Pages: 127 - 136 |
Improvement and combination of echo methods for NDT of concrete elements Author(s): M. Krause, C. Maierhofer, A. Gardei, C. Kohl, H. Wiggenhauser |
Pages: 137 - 147 |
A monitoring system for preventive and programmed maintenance of concrete structures Author(s): V. Corinaldesi, G. Moriconi, F. Tittarelli |
Pages: 149 - 155 |
Mechanical diagnosis of reinforced concrete structures damaged by steel corrosion Author(s): A. Castel, T. Vidal, R. François |
Pages: 157 - 164 |
Crack measurements using digital imaging as part of an integrated monitoring program for small concrete dams Author(s): C. Bernstone, A. Heyden, M. Holmström |
Pages: 165 - 172 |
Rheology and reactive testing methods for properties of cement mortars and their utilization for concrete design Author(s): R. Hela, S. Stastnik, J. Zach |
Pages: 173 - 184 |
Artificial intelligence methods and analysis of structure in evaluation of hardened concrete quality Author(s): J. Kasperkiewicz |
Pages: 185 - 194 |
Testing and modelling biogenic sulfuric acid corrosion of concrete sewer pipes in function of aggregate type, cement type and production method Author(s): N. De Belie, J. Monteny, E. Vincke, A. Beeldens |
Pages: 195 - 204 |
Session 3: Strategies/Life Cycle Analysis/Repair/Applications
Evaluation of the residual service life of existing concrete structures: a valuable tool for maintenance planning Author(s): T. Teruzzi, E. Cadoni, G. Frigeri |
Pages: 207 - 216 |
Strategies for management of rehabilitation of concrete structures Author(s): J. Rodríguez, R. Muñoz, M. Ramírez, C. Andrade, D. Izquierdo |
Pages: 217 - 222 |
A contribution to the development of performance-related design methods Author(s): A. B. Ribeiro, A. Machado, A. Gonçalves, M. Salta |
Pages: 223 - 235 |
Recommendations for the European prestandard for concrete repair Author(s): F. J. O'Flaherty, P. S. Mangat |
Pages: 237 - 245 |
Structural concrete patch repair for performance and durability: progress towards a risk-based implementation procedure Author(s): T. D. G. Canisius |
Pages: 247 - 255 |
Validation model for service life prediction of concrete structures Author(s): A. van Beek, G. C. M. Gaal, J. M. van Noortwijk, J. D. Bakker |
Pages: 257 - 265 |
Designing highway bridges for 75-100 years Author(s): P. Tikalsky, D. Tepke, A. Schokker |
Pages: 269 - 279 |
Load tests and assessment of a concrete bridge: case study Author(s): M. Jolin, J. Bastien, J.-P. Perron |
Pages: 281 - 288 |
Load tests and assessment of a concrete bridge: case study Author(s): M. Ghosn, K. Subramaniam, J. Wang, M. Ali-Ahmad |
Pages: 289 - 298 |
A statistical approach for managing visual inspection and in situ testing in designing rehabilitation project of a 5 km long viaduct Author(s): E. Proverbio, G. Proietti, E. Venturi |
Pages: 299 - 307 |
Realisation and first results of cooling tower monitoring Author(s): D. Busch, H.-D. Köpper, J. Meyer |
Pages: 309 - 318 |
Probability-based approach to service life analysis of concrete harbour structures Author(s): M. Ferreira, S. Jalali, O. E. Gjørv |
Pages: 319 - 328 |
The measurement of tendon forces in Swedish reactor containments Author(s): P. Anderson, L.-E. Berglund, J. Gustavsson |
Pages: 329 - 337 |
Computational analysis of nuclear containment structures at high temperature Author(s): C. E. Majorana, F. Pesavento, B. A. Schrefler, D. Gawin |
Pages: 339 - 347 |
French nuclear power plants: how to manage ageing of containment vessels? Author(s): G. Heinfling, J.-L. Valfort |
Pages: 349 - 359 |
Methodology for the reliability evaluation of containment vessels repairs through the coupling of finite elements and probabilistic analyses Author(s): B. Sudret, M. Berveiller, G. Heinfling |
Pages: 361 - 371 |
Risk-based replacement strategies for deteriorating reinforced concrete pipes Author(s): B. Adey, O. Bernard, B. Gérard |
Pages: 373 - 382 |
Application possibilities of fiber composites with polymer-matrix in building industry Author(s): L. Bodnarova, R. Hela |
Pages: 383 - 388 |