Proceedings pro038 : 3rd International RILEM Workshop on Testing and Modelling the Chloride Ingress into Concrete
Title: 3rd International RILEM Workshop on Testing and Modelling the Chloride Ingress into Concrete Edited by C. Andrade and J. Kropp ISBN: 2-912143-48-9 e-ISBN: 2912143578 Pages: 462 Publication date: 2004 |
This 3rd RILEM Workshop on the processes involved in the transport of chloride ions through concrete has highlighted the still prevailing distance from present knowledge to the attempts to predict the time to depassivation of steel reinforcement in real reinforced concrete structures exposed to service conditions containing chloride ions. The more experimental results are published the clearer the huge task appears of what an analytical modelling of the chloride transport into concrete represents.
The workshop was focused on in-depth discussions around six main lectures summarizing the state of the art. The lectures and the oral contributions enabled the participants to reach conclusions stimulating new research and new empirical ways to provide assistance and solutions to engineers designing new structures and assessing existing ones.
Six subjects were selected for presentation in key note lectures and they were given by the following experts:
1. Concepts on chloride ingress modelling – L.O. Nilsson
2. Concepts on diffusion coefficients – C. Andrade
3. Threshold chloride levels – C. Page
4. Surface concentration and calculated D in existing structures – C. Larsen
5. Short term testing for long term prediction – M. Thomas
6. What a service life model can offer to an owner – J. Gulikers
Not all of the key note lectures are published in the present volume of the workshop proceedings, but a summary of the major ideas has been prepared by the secretary of RILEM TC 178-TMC, Prof. Dr. Kropp.
The recognition of the limited scientific knowledge and therefore of the uncertainty inherent in any type of model has to be considered as a stimulation of further research and a growing importance of the subject. However, all interested researchers and practitioners should approach the modelling of chloride penetration into concrete with the modesty necessary to face scientific challenges instead of demanding accuracies in the prediction that are unachievable at present.
Foreword Author(s): Andrade |
Pages: XI - XI |
Invited Lectures
Concepts on the chloride diffusion coefficient Author(s): C. Andrade |
Pages: 3 - 17 |
Testing and modelling the chloride ingress in concrete Author(s): J. Kropp |
Pages: 19 - 28 |
Concepts in chloride ingress modelling Author(s): L. Nilsson |
Pages: 29 - 48 |
Electrical double layer effect on chloride migration in cement-based materials Author(s): A. Aït-Mokhtar |
Pages: 51 - 64 |
A pragmatic prediction model for chloride ingress into concrete Author(s): M. Alexander |
Pages: 65 - 76 |
Corrosion rates of concretes made with different binders and exposed for 10 years in natural sea water Author(s): C. Alonso |
Pages: 77 - 91 |
Are service life models appropriate for use in design of reinforced concrete structures for exposure to chloride salts? Author(s): C. Andrade |
Pages: 93 - 104 |
Comparison of resistance to chloride penetration of concretes and mortars for repair Author(s): L. Bertolini |
Pages: 165 - 168 |
A mathematical model for predicting chloride penetration into concrete exposed to marine environment in temperate climate. Author(s): M. Massimo Borsa |
Pages: 179 - 191 |
Rapid determination of the oh- content in the aqueous phase of hardened cementitious materials by a leaching method: validation for different binders. Author(s): M. Castellote |
Pages: 193 - 203 |
Transport and binding of chlorides through non-saturated concrete after an initial limited chloride supply Author(s): G. de Vera |
Pages: 205 - 218 |
Repairing concrete car parks - a case study from the client's perspective Author(s): M. Grantham |
Pages: 219 - 227 |
Chloride diffusion in and out of concrete made with different types of binders Author(s): G. Gudmundsson |
Pages: 229 - 235 |
Chloride diffusion and the influence of the saturation degree of the concrete Author(s): A. Guimarães |
Pages: 237 - 255 |
Improved engineering model for the propagation stage of chloride-induced pitting corrosion of steel reinforcement Author(s): J. Gulikers |
Pages: 257 - 268 |
A study on the difference of chloride ion diffusibity and degradation of cement mortar due to NaCI and CaCl2 ingress Author(s): M. Hisada |
Pages: 269 - 280 |
Influence of temperature and salinity on the chloride ingress into concrete exposed in marine environments Author(s): A. Lindvall |
Pages: 281 - 296 |
Qualitative and quantitative description of the road environment with respect to corrosion of reinforcing steel Author(s): A. Lindvall |
Pages: 297 - 316 |
On relationships between different chloride diffusion and/or migration coefficients in concrete Author(s): T. Tang |
Pages: 317 - 328 |
Chloride ingress modelling: comparison of experimental and numerical data Author(s): S. Meijers |
Pages: 329 - 345 |
Redistribution of chloride in blended cement concrete during storage in various climates Author(s): R. Polder |
Pages: 347 - 359 |
Comparison between chloride ion threshold and electrochemical measurements for reinforcement corrosion Author(s): O. de Rincón |
Pages: 361 - 380 |
Effect of carbonation on chloride penetration in concrete Author(s): T. Saeki |
Pages: 381 - 394 |
Influence of concrete composition on the transport of chloride ions in concrete Author(s): M. Salta |
Pages: 395 - 415 |
Field determination of critical chloride content for depassivation of steel Author(s): O. Vennesland |
Pages: 417 - 421 |
Time dependency of chloride diffusion coefficients in concrete Author(s): J. Visser |
Pages: 423 - 433 |
A study on chloride penetration under a dry-wet condition considering the chloride binding capacity of cement Author(s): K. Yamada |
Pages: 433 - 446 |