Proceedings pro064 : RILEM Workshop on Long-Term Performance of Cementitious Barriers and Reinforced Concrete in Nuclear Power Plants and Waste Mangement
Title: RILEM Workshop on Long-Term Performance of Cementitious Barriers and Reinforced Concrete in Nuclear Power Plants and Waste Mangement Edited by V. L'Hostis, R. Gens, C. Gallé ISBN: 978-2-35158-072-1 e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-087-5 Pages: 359 Publication date: 2009 |
After the successful NUCPERF 2006 workshop dedicated to corrosion and long-term performance of reinforced concrete in nuclear power plants and waste facilities, the organizers and the sponsor organizations proposed that NUCPERF 2009 meeting focus on the long-term performance of cementitious barriers and reinforced concrete in nuclear power plants and
waste management structures. The NUCPERF 2009 workshop hosted by Dr. Valérie L’Hostis from the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA) was held in Cadarache from March 30 - April 2, 2009. This event was a part of the activities of the RILEM Technical Committee 'Concrete in the context of the nuclear management' (TC 226-CNM). The event was sponsored by the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC), Nuclear Corrosion (WP 4) and Corrosion in Concrete (WP 11) Working Parties. The Committee for Safety of Nuclear
Installations (CSNI) of the OECD/NEA was also involved in the event.
Many of the facilities and structures used for the processing , the temporary storage and the
disposal of radioactive waste materials generated by the nuclear power plant fuel cycle use
concrete in their construction. These structures are required to function safely and reliably in
challenging and varying environments for periods of time that can potentially range up to
thousands of years. During their operational life, these structures will in all likelihood be
subjected to a number of environmental stresses or ageing factors that may adversely affect
their performance and result in shortened service lives.
Within this context, the workshop aimed at:
- presenting the expectations of regulators, implementers, designers, operators of
facility and researchers with regard to concrete structures,
- discussing R&D progress with regard to concrete degradation and corrosion of steel
- reaching a consensus on R&D needs to further develop cooperative programs.
The sessions of the workshop covered the following areas: (1) Present and future
expectations, (2) Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) behaviour, (3) Corrosion, (4)
Modelling, (5) Test methodology, and (6) Ageing management. At the end of each session a
panel discussion was organised.
All the participants are gratefully acknowledged for their high-quality contribution to the
workshop and to the proceedings. It is worth mentioning that it was one of the main successes
of NUCPERF 2009 to facilitate information exchange between all the involved stakeholders.
The quality and the success of the workshop were also linked to the important endeavour of
the local organizing committee who worked continuously for having every detail fixed for the
best possible hosting conditions of the participants of the workshop.
Valérie L'Hostis, Robert Gens and Christophe Gallé
Preface Author(s): V. L'Hostis, R. Gens, C. Gallé |
Pages: XV - XV |
I. Session present and future expectations
1. Leaching of reinforced concrete vaults subjected to variable water content due to capillary suction created by the seasonal temperature changes Author(s): P. Zuloaga, C. Andrade, M. Castellote |
Pages: 3 - 11 |
2. Studies concerning the reinforcement corrosion of concrete vaults for intermediate-level radioactive waste disposal Author(s): F.M. Schultz, E.A. Arva, G.S. Duffo |
Pages: 13 - 21 |
3. Effect of corrosion on load-bearing capacity and flexural stiffness of reinforced concrete elements Author(s): R. François, A. Castel, R. Zhang |
Pages: 23 - 31 |
II. Session Corrosion
4. The passivity and corrosion resistance of carbon steel in simulated boom clay HLNW environments Author(s): D.D. Macdonald, O. Azizi, A. Saleh |
Pages: 35 - 44 |
5. Effect of irradiation on corrosion of carbon steel in alkaline media Author(s): N.R. Smart, A.P. Rance, R.J. Winsley, P.A.H. Fennel, B. Reddy, R. Gens |
Pages: 45 - 52 |
6. Corrosion of steel drums containing cemented ion exchange-resins Author(s): S.B. Farina, F.M. Schulz, G.S. Duffo |
Pages: 53 - 60 |
7. Investigations into the development of corrosion induced cracks in mortar Author(s): S. Caré, Y. Berthaud, F. Ragueneau, V. L'Hostis, A. Millard |
Pages: 61 - 69 |
8. Modelling of reinforcement corrosion: macro cells and time dependence Author(s): J. Harnisch, J. Warkus, M. Raupach |
Pages: 71 - 78 |
9. Impact of moisture paramaters on the chloride induced corrosion in concrete rebars Author(s): S. Charles, S. Poyet, V. L'Hostis |
Pages: 79 - 87 |
III. Session THMC behaviour
10. Hydrated phases in blended cementitious systems for nuclear infrastructure Author(s): K.A. Snyder, P.E. Stutzman, J. Philip, D. Esh |
Pages: 91 - 98 |
11. Low-pH concretes based on CAC for underground repositories of HLRW. Resistance respect to groundwater agression Author(s): J.L. Garcia Calvo, A. Hidalgo, M.C. Alonso, L. Fernandez Luco |
Pages: 99 - 108 |
12. Pore structure and transport properties of high-volume fly ash materials used for radioactive waste disposal facilities Author(s): K. Kinomura, V. Baroghel-Bouny |
Pages: 109 - 117 |
13. Effect of decalcification on the performance of carbon microfiber reinforced cement-based materials Author(s): F. Sanchez, A. Borwankar, C. Ince |
Pages: 119 - 124 |
14. Influence of pre-cracking over water desorption in cement pastes and mortars Author(s): T. Rougelot, N. Burlion, F. Skoczylas |
Pages: 125 - 133 |
15. An integrated model to predict the relations between electrical double layer properties and chloride ingress in cement-based materials Author(s): Y. Elakneswaran, T. Nawa, K. Kurumisawa |
Pages: 135 - 142 |
16. Effect of desaturation and temperature on concretes Author(s): F. Brue, N. Burlion, F. Skoczylas, X. Bourbon, G. Camps |
Pages: 143 - 150 |
IV. Session modelling
17. Concrete buffers for the containment of high-level radioactive waste: casting conditions and THM behaviour Author(s): B. Craeye, G. De Schutter, H. Van humbeeck, W. Wacquier, A. Van cotthem |
Pages: 153 - 166 |
18. Modelling the durability of concrete for nuclear waste disposal facilities Author(s): O.P.J. Kari, J.A. Puttonen |
Pages: 167 - 174 |
19. Application of an atmospheric corrosion model to the prediction of induced damage in reinforced concrete structures Author(s): A. Millard, V. Leyre, V. L'Hostis |
Pages: 175 - 183 |
20. The impact of mineral deposition by carbonation and dissolution on tortuosity for leaching of constituents from a cementitious waste form Author(s): J. Arnold, J.C.L. Meeussen, A. Garrabrants, H. van der Sloot, D.S. Kosson |
Pages: 185 - 192 |
21. A reactive transport model based on thermodynamic computations to estimate the atmospheric carbonation of cementitious materials Author(s): E. Stora, C. Conrardy, R. Barbarulo, J. Chen, F. Thoué |
Pages: 193 - 202 |
22. Correlations between measures and development of a predictive model for the long-term behavior of concrete structures subjected to leaching Author(s): T. de Larrard, F. Benboudjema, J.B. Colliat, J.M. Torrenti, F. Deleruyelle |
Pages: 203 - 210 |
V. Session tests methodology
23. Thick corrosion layers in reinforced concrete: characterization and properties - a review Author(s): D. Neff, P. Dillmann, E. Burger, A. Demoulin, V. L'Hostis |
Pages: 213 - 219 |
24. Estimation of degraded depth in decalcified cement mortars by simplified modeling and ultrasonic velocity measurements Author(s): I. Segura, M. Molero, A. Moragues, J.J. Anaya, T. Sanchez |
Pages: 221 - 228 |
25. Evaluation of long-term durability of concrete in contact with bentonite mixed with NaHCO3 by electrical migration technique Author(s): K. Nakarai, M. Watanabe, K. Koibuchi |
Pages: 229 - 235 |
26. A new analysis of the restrained ring shrinkage test Author(s): M. Briffaut, F. Benboudjema, J.M. Torrenti, G. Nahas |
Pages: 237 - 244 |
27. The long-term prediction of corrosion damage in nuclear waste containers Author(s): P. Fennell |
Pages: 245 - 253 |
28. analysis of steel concrete interface in presence of corrosion Author(s): T.B. Hop, Y. Berthaud, F. Ragueneau, S. Caré |
Pages: 255 - 263 |
29. Chloride transport within the bulk of hardened cementitious materials Author(s): M. Castellote, C. Andrade, P. Zuloaga, M. Ordonez |
Pages: 265 - 272 |
VI. Session aging management
30. Ageing management of CANDU concrete containment buildings Author(s): K.E. Philipose, E. Frank |
Pages: 275 - 285 |
31. Role of reactive vitreous coatings in reinforced concrete in nuclear plant construction Author(s): C. Weiss, S.W. Morefield, P.G. Malone, M.L. Koenigstein |
Pages: 287 - 294 |
32. Use of stainless steel reinforcement in the engineered barriers of LILW repository Author(s): A. Legat, N. Cesen, N. Gartner, V. Kuhar, T. Kosec |
Pages: 295 - 303 |
33. Service life of coating systems applied on cooling towers - A laboratory study and in-situ investigations Author(s): T. Mozaryn, J. Kokowska |
Pages: 305 - 312 |
34. Evaluation of carbonation-induced corrosion initiation for coastal concrete structure Author(s): S.H. Han, W.S. Park |
Pages: 313 - 320 |
35. BETOSCAN - A robotic system for simultaneous diagnoses of reinforced concrete structures Author(s): K. Reichling, M. Raupach, H. Wiggenhauser, M. Stoppel, G. Dobmann, J. Kurz |
Pages: 321 - 327 |
36. Informative results from a non-destructive corrosion survey of the soffit of an 80 cm thick post-tensioned bridge deck Author(s): U. Schneck |
Pages: 329 - 334 |
37. Online corrosion monitoring and cathodic protection of a steel structure in concrete Author(s): M. Brem, M. Büchler, I. Mailand |
Pages: 335 - 342 |