Proceedings pro024 : 2nd International RILEM Workshop on Frost Resistance of Concrete
Title: 2nd International RILEM Workshop on Frost Resistance of Concrete Edited by M. J. Setzer, R. Auberg and H. - J. Keck ISBN: 2-912143-30-6 e-ISBN: 2351580370 Pages: 400 Publication date: 2002 |
Since 1991 the RILEM Technical Committees 117-FDC "Freeze-Thaw and De-Icing Resistance of Concrete" and TC 176-IDC "Internal Damage of Concrete Due to Freeze-Thaw Attack" have been extending our knowledge in the field of frost action on concrete. Their success is based on the close link existing between basic research and the problems encountered in practical application. The major research goals for the practice were improved testing methods, optimisation of mix-design, the assessment of new techniques and materials and finally better prediction of service live. The basis was a deeper understanding of the relevant physical and chemical interactions as well as of mass and heat transport. Moreover, these factors vary over a wide range of sizes; from nanometres, for surface active gel via micrometers, for capillaries, to metres, for the macroscopic structures themselves.
This workshop resulted from the co-operation of TC 176-IDC with other RILEM TCs, which permitted the exchange of experience with experts in other fields of concrete research: RILEM TC 178-TMC and RILEM TC FHP.
The major topics of the workshop were:
1. Phase transitions of pore solution.
2. Transport of mass and heat in nano-porous materials; the Stephan problem, the moving boundary condition and freezing.
3. Interphases in the gel and capillary system of hardened cement paste and gel phase changes.
4. Changes in the mechanical properties due to changes in pore solution composition, gel and capillary structure and due to the attack of frost and de-icing chemicals.
5. Testing of the scaling and internal damage due to freeze-thaw attack, de-icing agents.
6. Correlation with practical behaviour; new materials and components, life-time prediction.
Preface Author(s): M.J. Setzer |
Pages: XIII - XV |
25 years frost research in Munich and Essen Author(s): R. Auberg, R.E. Beddoe, H.-J. Keck |
Pages: 1 - 12 |
Part One: Micro Structure and Pore Solution
Nano- and microstructure of Portland cement paste Author(s): J. Stark, B. Möser |
Pages: 15 - 28 |
Morphological analysis and modelling of cement structure Author(s): J. Hu, P. Stroeven |
Pages: 29 - 36 |
Structure formation of hardening cement pastes at freezing Author(s): M. Sanitsky, H. Sobol, U. Marushchak |
Pages: 37 - 44 |
The role of nanopores in concrete Author(s): J. Adolphs |
Pages: 45 - 52 |
Influence of surface properties on germ formation Author(s): U. Dahme, M.J. Setzer |
Pages: 53 - 59 |
Effects of carbonation to micro structure and pore solution Author(s): O. Wowra |
Pages: 61 - 68 |
Small angle neutron scattering as well as pore solution investigations of cement Author(s): J. Tritthart, F. Häußler |
Pages: 69 - 79 |
Study on hydration kinetics of C3S in NaNO2 solution at negative temperature Author(s): H. Ba, Z. Huang, Z. Liu |
Pages: 81 - 86 |
Single ion activities of unassociated chlorides in CaCl2 and CaCl2-NaOH-KOH solutions Author(s): G. de Vera, A. Hidalgo, M.A Climent, C. Andrade, C. Alonso |
Pages: 87 - 94 |
Part Two: Surface Science
Disjoining pressure of water films in frozen materials Author(s): N.V. Churaev, V.D. Sobolev |
Pages: 97 - 103 |
Freezing and melting of water in ordered nanoporous silica materials Author(s): G.H. Findenegg, A. Schreiber |
Pages: 105 - 114 |
Part Three: Frost Mechanisms
Mechanical damage and fatigue effects associated with freeze-thaw of materials Author(s): G. Fagerlund |
Pages: 117 - 132 |
Development of the micro-ice-lens model Author(s): M.J. Setzer |
Pages: 133 - 145 |
From freezing and thawing pore water pressures to concrete stresses Author(s): V. Penttala |
Pages: 147 - 160 |
Low-temperature phase transitions of pore water in hardened cement paste Author(s): R.E. Beddoe |
Pages: 161 - 168 |
Frost dilatation and pore system of hardened cement paste under different storage conditions Author(s): M.J. Setzer, A. Liebrecht |
Pages: 169 - 178 |
Salt frost scaling - interaction of transport mechanisms and ice formation in concrete Author(s): M.T. Jepsen |
Pages: 179 - 186 |
Analysis of heat flux and moisture transport in concrete during freezing and thawing Author(s): S. Kasparek, M.J. Setzer |
Pages: 187 - 195 |
A qualitative sequential frost deicing salt damage model based on experimental data Author(s): J.P. Kaufmann |
Pages: 197 - 204 |
A method to predict the frost-resistant properties of HPC under external load Author(s): K,-R. Wu, A. Yan, W. Yao, D. Zhang |
Pages: 205 - 211 |
Regularities of ice formation and estimation of frost attack danger Author(s): A. Usherov-Marshak, O. Zlatkovski, V. Sopov |
Pages: 213 - 221 |
Part Four: Damage Mechanisms
Simulation of damage and crack formation in the composite structure of concrete under freeze-thaw cycles Author(s): T. Hörsch, F.H. Wittmann |
Pages: 225 - 234 |
Micromechanics model to predict macroscopic behaviour of concrete under frost action Author(s): M. Mihashi, Z.Y. Zhou, S. Tada |
Pages: 235 - 241 |
Hypotheses of frost destruction and fracture mechanics of concrete Author(s): S.N. Leonovich, Y.V. Zaitsev |
Pages: 243 - 251 |
Part Five: Test Methods and Experimental Observation
Application of CIF-Test in practise for reliable evaluation of frost resistance of concrete Author(s): R. Auberg |
Pages: 255 - 267 |
The role of aggregates in the CIF-Test Author(s): P. Heine, M.J. Setzer |
Pages: 269 - 276 |
Requirements for a test of frost resistance of concrete Author(s): D. Janssen |
Pages: 277 - 286 |
Water uptake, dilation and internal deterioration of concrete due to freezing-and-thawing Author(s): L. Tang, P.-E. Petersson |
Pages: 287 - 294 |
Investigation of frost resistance of cementless composite concrete by dilatometric way Author(s): S.I. Pavlenko, P.G. Kuvshinov, T.M. Luhanina |
Pages: 295 - 302 |
Freeze-thaw resistance of water permeable concrete Author(s): Z. Wang, N. Saeki, T. Horiguchi, T. Shimura |
Pages: 303 - 310 |
The evaluation of the freeze-thaw resistance of porous concrete carried out using different test methods Author(s): M. Sugiyama |
Pages: 311 - 316 |
Investigations of High-Performance Concrete under frost attack - Internal damage and water uptake Author(s): S. Palecki, M.J. Setzer |
Pages: 317 - 325 |
Freezing and thawing resistance of concretes with shrinkage reducing admixtures Author(s): J. Bae, N.S. Berke, R.J. Hoopes, J. Malone |
Pages: 327 - 333 |
Stress-strain behavior in tension and compression of concrete damaged by freezing and thawing cycles Author(s): H. Muttaqin, N. Kouhei, S. Yasuhiko, U. Tamon |
Pages: 335 - 342 |
The influence of hydraulic additions to cement on frost and de-icing salt resistance of concrete Author(s): D. Janeva, J. Beslac, D. Sekulic, K. Mavar |
Pages: 343 - 350 |
Development of complex admixture for winter concreting Author(s): A. Usherov-Marshak, V. Sopov, A. Lihopud, N. Sinayko |
Pages: 351 - 358 |
Assessing the freeze-thaw durability of surface treated concrete Author(s): D.J. Cleland, L. Basheer |
Pages: 359 - 366 |
Resistance to frost damage of concrete with various mix proportions under salty condition Author(s): J. ZHANG, T. FUJIWARA |
Pages: 367 - 374 |
Influence of hydrophobic treatment of young concrete on the resistance to early freeze-thaw and de-icing salt attack Author(s): A. Frentzel |
Pages: 375 - 383 |