Proceedings pro055 : International RILEM Symposium on Photocatalysis, Environment and Construction Materials - TDP 2007
Title: International RILEM Symposium on Photocatalysis, Environment and Construction Materials - TDP 2007 Edited by P. Baglioni and L. Casssar ISBN: 978-2-35158-056-1 e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-057-8 Pages: 342 Publication date: 2007 |
2007 is the closure event of RILEM Technical Committee 194-TDP: ‘Application of Titanium Dioxide Photocatalysis to Construction Materials’, and also presented the state-of-the-art on this subject.
There will be four lectures on the State of the Art of Photocatalytic glass and windows, Photocatalytic paints, Photocatalytic ceramics and Photocatalytic cementitious materials.
Besides fundamentals on the photocatalytic process and materials, the application of photocatalytic materials and new advanced developments were presented. Researches from European and Japanese projects were reported.
The symposium deals with a variety of related subjects:
1. Fundamentals of practically applicable TiO2 photocatalysis in construction materials fields;
2. Economic and environmental benefits of construction materials utilizing TiO2 photocatalysis;
3. Development of self-cleaning construction materials with TiO2 photocatalyst;
4. Development of air-cleaning construction materials with TiO2 photocatalyst;
5. Development of antibacterial construction materials with TiO2 photocatalyst;
6. Test methods and the development of standards for characterization of the efficiency of photocatalytic properties;
7. Fullscale trials and case studies;
8. Future development of useful construction materials with TiO2 photocatalyst;
9. Advances in visible photocatalysis.
Target readers: graduate students, material scientists, researchers, engineers, material suppliers, contractors and scientists from research organizations, universities and industries
Foreword Author(s): Piero Baglioni and Luigi Cassar |
Pages: XVII - XVII |
Session One: Fundamentals
TiO2 photocatalysts towards novel building materials Author(s): Kazuhito Hashimoto (Plenary lecture) |
Pages: 3 - 8 |
Reaction intermediates and pathways in the photoreduction of oxygen molecules at the (101) TiO2 (anatase) surface Author(s): Francesco Filippone, Giuseppe Mattioli, Aldo Amore Bonapasta |
Pages: 9 - 16 |
The role of the synthetic procedure of nano-crystalline TiO2 on the photodegradation of toluene Author(s): C.L. Bianchi, S. Ardizzone, G. Cappelletti, C. Pirola, V. Ragaini |
Pages: 17 - 24 |
Photocatalytic titanium dioxide Author(s): M. Fukumaru, Y. Masunaga, K. Yamamoto, M. Okuda |
Pages: 25 - 30 |
Doped titanium dioxide as a photocatalyst for UV and visible light Author(s): Stephan P. Blöß, Lothar Elfenthal |
Pages: 31 - 38 |
Session Two: Glass / Testing / Models
Photocatalysis: from fundamentals to self-cleaning glass applications Author(s): Jean-Marie Herrmann, Laure Péruchon, Eric Puzenat, Chantal Guillard |
Pages: 41 - 48 |
Limits of application of photocatalytic technologies to construction materials Author(s): F. Peterka, J. Jirkovský, P. Sťahel, Z. Navrátil |
Pages: 49 - 56 |
Characterization of TiO2 thin films for photocatalytic applications Author(s): Marianna Bellardita, Maurizio Addamo, Agatino Di Paola, Leonardo Palmisano |
Pages: 57 - 64 |
Semiconducting nanocrystalline films for environmental photocatalysis: effect of the substrate type/composition and deposition techniques Author(s): A. Panniello, R. Comparelli, D. Diso, A. Licciulli, G. Mascolo, A. S. Franza, M. Striccoli, A. Agostiano, M. L. Curri |
Pages: 65 - 75 |
Precision measurement of BTEX depollution in air by photocatalytic building materials using a stirred flow reactors Author(s): Alberto Strini, Simona Cassese, Elisa Bossi |
Pages: 77 - 83 |
Photocatalytic coverings assessment: from canyon street measurements to 3-D modelling Author(s): A. Plassais, F. Rousseau, E. Eriksson, L. Guillot |
Pages: 85 - 91 |
A SPME-GC-MS method for the evaluation of dropping capacity of organic pollutants by TiO2 added plasters used in building industry Author(s): G. Pieraccini, F.R. Dani, L. Turbanti, F. Boscaro, C. Pepe, G. Moneti |
Pages: 93 - 99 |
Photocatalytic testing of immobilized titanium dioxide and its efficiency for degradation of air contaminants Author(s): Nicklas Bengtsson, Marta Castellote |
Pages: 101 - 108 |
Photochemically induced reactions on organic derivatives in the presence of titanium dioxide: a product study Author(s): Tullio Caronna, Francesca Fontana, Giovanni Palmisano |
Pages: 109 - 115 |
Interfering effects in the measurement of BTEX depollution in air by photocatalytic materials Author(s): Alberto Strini, Elisa Bossi |
Pages: 117 - 122 |
Sample preparation for the measurement of BTEX photodegradation in air by pure catalyst Author(s): Alberto Strini, Elisa Bossi |
Pages: 123 - 128 |
Session Three: Cement / Concrete
Photocatalysis of cementitious materials Author(s): L. Cassar, A. Beeldens, N. Pimpinelli, G. L. Guerrini |
Pages: 131 - 145 |
Comparative study on cementitious products containing titanium dioxide as photo-catalyst Author(s): Götz Hüsken, Martin Hunger, Henricus J.H. Brouwers |
Pages: 147 - 154 |
Concrete containing TIO2: an overview of photocatalytic NOX abatement Author(s): R. Amadelli and L. Samiolo |
Pages: 155 - 162 |
NOx removal effects and physical properties of cement mortar incorporating titanium dioxide powder Author(s): Makoto Kawakami, Takashi Furumura, Hidenobu Tokushige |
Pages: 163 - 170 |
Photocatalytic and surface abatement of aromatic hydrocarbons by anatase Author(s): Francesco Pinna, Valentina Trevisan, Luigi Cassar, Carmine Pepe, Nicola Pernicone |
Pages: 171 - 177 |
Photocatalytic cementitious roads for depollution Author(s): Gian Luca Guerrini and Enrico Peccati |
Pages: 179 - 186 |
Air purification by road materials: results of the test project in Antwerp Author(s): Anne Beeldens |
Pages: 187 - 194 |
Mitigating biofilm growth through the modification of concrete design and practice Author(s): Jonah C. Kurth, David J. Giannantonio, Frederic Allain, Patricia A. Sobecky, Kimberly E. Kurtis |
Pages: 195 - 202 |
Photocatalytic cement: a new approach to environmental protection Author(s): Luigi Campanella, Fabio Borzetti, Luigi Cassar |
Pages: 203 - 209 |
An experimental characterization of a photocatalytic mortar for road bituminous pavements Author(s): M. Crispino, S. Lambrugo |
Pages: 211 - 218 |
Use of photocatalytic cementitious materials for self-cleaning applications Author(s): G. L. Guerrini, A. Plassais, C. Pepe, L. Cassar |
Pages: 219 - 226 |
Titanium dioxide containing cementitious materials: characterization and air cleaning potential Author(s): Aníbal Maury, Nele De Belie, Kristof Demeestere, Tapio Mäntylä |
Pages: 227 - 234 |
Synthesis of TiO2-AG doped slurry for concrete impregnation Author(s): B. Tryba, M. Czerwińska and A. W. Morawski |
Pages: 235 - 242 |
Study of the NO2 surface saturation of photocatalytic cements Author(s): F. Pinna, V. Trevisan, L. Cassar, E. Peccati, C. Pepe, N. Pernicone |
Pages: 243 - 248 |
Session Four: Coatings
Photocatalytic coatings for the construction industry Author(s): Claire E. Bygott, Julie E. Maltby, John L. Stratton, Robert McIntyre |
Pages: 251 - 258 |
Colloidal nanocrystal films as catalysts for environmental applications Author(s): Roberto Comparelli, Anna Panniello, Michela Corricelli, Elisabetta Fanizza, Marinella Striccoli, Vito Locaputo, Giuseppe Mascolo, Angela Agostiano, M. Lucia Curri |
Pages: 259 - 266 |
Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of a surface-coated with TiO2 Author(s): Si. Bonetta, Sa. Bonetta, A. Strini, E. Carraro |
Pages: 267 - 272 |
Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin films prepared in the presence of organic and inorganic additives Author(s): L. Palmisano , G. Marcì , E. García-López and A. Di Paola |
Pages: 273 - 280 |
Flame Spraying of TiO2 nanoparticles: deposition onto glass substrate Author(s): M. Dinelli, M. Bonini, A. Giorgetti, F. Casucci, F. Ridi, E. Fratini, N. Baldanzini, P. Citti, P. Baglioni |
Pages: 281 - 288 |
Session Five: Ceramics / Stone
Research and applications of photocatalyst tiles Author(s): Mitsuhide Shimohigoshi, Yoshimitsu Saeki |
Pages: 291 - 297 |
Photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B on building materials – influence of substrate and environment Author(s): D. Stephan, P. Wilhelm, M. Schmidt |
Pages: 299 - 306 |
Self-cleaning performance evaluation of commercial photocatalyst coating materials trough 5 years outdoor exposure Author(s): Kenji Motohashi, Tatsuo Inukai |
Pages: 307 - 313 |
Surface engineering on natural stone through TiO2 photocatalytic coatings Author(s): Giancarlo Potenza, Antonio Licciulli, Daniela Diso, Sergio Franza, Angela Calia, Mariateresa Lettieri, Giuseppe Ciccarella |
Pages: 315 - 322 |