
Proceedings pro067 : International RILEM Workshop on Repairs Mortars for Historic Masonry

Title: International RILEM Workshop on Repairs Mortars for Historic Masonry
Edited by C. Groot
ISBN: None
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-083-7
Pages: 397
Publication date: 2009

RILEM technical committee Repair Mortars for Historic Masonry (TC 203-RHM) was launched in September 2003 to develop recommendations for the selection of repair mortars for historic (older) masonry. Examples of repair mortars are repointing mortar, bedding mortar, renders and plasters.

In practice many mistakes were being made in choosing repair mortars. There was a clear need for recommendations for selecting repair mortars, based on an explanation of the factors playing a role in regard to the compatibility of the repair mortar with the existing mortar and masonry units, and aspects such as service life and performance.


Author(s): C. Groot
Pages: 1 - 1

Roman cement - key historic material to cover the exteriors of buildings
Author(s): G. Adamski, L. Bratasz, R. Kozlowski, N. Mayr, D. Mucha, M. Stilhammerova, J. Weber
Pages: 2 - 11

The influence of craftsmanship on the inner structures of lime plaster
Author(s): K. Balksten, K. Klasén
Pages: 12 - 19

A classification of structures and masonries for the adequate choice of repair
Author(s): L. Binda, G. Cardani, A. Saisi
Pages: 20 - 34

The role of mortar joints in the mechanical behaviour of masonry structures
Author(s): L. Binda, C. Tedeschi, G. Cardani
Pages: 35 - 46

A comparative study of mechanical and physical properties of mortars prepared using lime putties, sands and metakaolin from different sources
Author(s): V. Bokan Bosiljkov, J. Valek
Pages: 47 - 62

Compatibility of repair mortars at the archaeological site of Villa Domizia on Giannutri Island, Italy
Author(s): A. Bonazza, C. Sabbioni, A. Sardella, O. Favoni, P. Rendini, R. Sabelli
Pages: 63 - 72

Approach for compatible mortars for restoration purposes; stone reparations of the Roman amphitheatre of Arles (France)
Author(s): P. Bromblet, G. Martinet, F. Martin
Pages: 73 - 81

Microstructure and weathering mechanisms of natural cements used in the 19th century in the French Rhône-Alpes region
Author(s): E. Cailleux, E. Marie-Victoire, D. Sommain, E. Brouard
Pages: 82 - 93

Conservation of ancient mortars from Sagalassos - Turkey
Author(s): J. Elsen, G. Mertens, P. Degryse, M. Waelkens
Pages: 94 - 98

Resistance to salts of lime and pozzolan mortars
Author(s): P. Faria Rodrigues
Pages: 99 - 110

Compatibility of rendering systems with salt loaded ordinary masonry walls
Author(s): T. Diaz Gonçalves, J. Delgado Rodrigues
Pages: 111 - 122

Bridging theory and practice
Author(s): R. Hayen, K. Van Balen
Pages: 123 - 131

Historic trass - lime mortars with expansive reactions: characterization and repair strategies
Author(s): R.P.J. Van Hees, T.G. Nijland, J.A. Larbi, T.J. Wijffels, H. Brocken
Pages: 132 - 142

Challenges and perspectives of replacement mortars in architectural conservation
Author(s): F.M.A. Henriques
Pages: 143 - 161

Compressive and flexural strength testing of brick masonry panels constructed with two contrasting traditionally produced lime mortars
Author(s): J.J. Hughes, A.K. Taylor
Pages: 162 - 177

Lime mortar for renders: is there a relationship between finishing technique and properties? Preliminary results
Author(s): A. Jornet, M. Somaini, A. Romer
Pages: 178 - 186

A new freeze-thaw test method for mortars used in Nordic climates
Author(s): P. Kokko, M. Pentti
Pages: 187 - 195

Theory transformed in practice and the results from practice distorting theories. Experiences from masonry restoration at the fortress of Suomenlinna in Finland
Author(s): T. von Konow
Pages: 196 - 206

Investigations of soluble salt contents in modern hydraulic lime mortars - Test method and first results
Author(s): K. Kraus, K. Droll
Pages: 207 - 213

Condition investigations of rendered facades
Author(s): J. Lahdensivu
Pages: 214 - 223

Sub-hydraulic binders in historic mortars
Author(s): J.E. Lindqvist, S. Johansson
Pages: 224 - 230

The performance of a restoration plaster in the field: investigation and monitoring of two case studies
Author(s): B. Lubelli, R.P.J. van hees, C.J.W.P. Groot
Pages: 231 - 241

Repair mortars for the conservation of cultural heritage: a multilayer render system with mass water-repelling to be applied in facings with high moisture and salts
Author(s): M.P. Luxán, F. Dorrego, J. Dorrego
Pages: 242 - 265

Preliminary evaluation of the freeze-thaw resistance of hydraulic lime mortars
Author(s): A.H.P. Maurenbrecher, K. Trischuk, M.I. Subercaseaux, G.T. Suter
Pages: 266 - 277

Reverse engineering: a proper methodology for compatible restoration of mortars
Author(s): A. Moropoulou, A. Bakolas, P. Moundoulas, E. Aggelakopoulou
Pages: 278 - 291

Design and manufacture of repair mortars for interventions on monuments and historical buildings
Author(s): I. Papayianni
Pages: 292 - 304

Characteristics of repair mortars for historic buildings concerning quantified hygric requirements
Author(s): M. Rosário Veiga
Pages: 305 - 315

Monitoring of the moisture and salt load in restoration plasters in St.-Babara’s church in Culemborg
Author(s): M.M. Sanders, R.P.J. Van Hees
Pages: 316 - 327

Historic mortars revived; developing local materials and crafts for restoration
Author(s): E. Sandström Malinowski
Pages: 328 - 338

The role of compaction in the quality of repair mortars
Author(s): M. Stefanidou
Pages: 339 - 344

Optimised microstructure of calcium sulphate-based mortars for the restoration of historic masonry
Author(s): V. Tesch, B. Middendorf
Pages: 345 - 353

Key considerations in the development of ASTM standard specification for mortar for historic structures: materials, test procedures and properties
Author(s): M.L. Thomson, J.M. Wathne
Pages: 354 - 361

Development of lime-pozzolan-cement compositions for the repair and strengthening of historic structures
Author(s): E.E.E. Toumbakari, C.B. Malami, C.E. Adami, E.N. Vintzileou
Pages: 362 - 373

Tests on lime and metakaolinite mortars intended for application on historic buildings
Author(s): J. Válek, Z. Slízková
Pages: 374 - 381

Requirements for the choice of mortar and grouts for consolidation of three-leaf stone masonry walls
Author(s): M.R. Valluzzi
Pages: 382 - 397