Proceedings pro030 : 4th International RILEM Workshop on High Performance Fiber - Reinforced Cement Composites (HPFRCC4)
Title: 4th International RILEM Workshop on High Performance Fiber - Reinforced Cement Composites (HPFRCC4) Edited by A. E. Naaman and H. W. Reinhardt ISBN: 2-912143-38-1 e-ISBN: 2912143799 Pages: 393 Publication date: 2003 |
The main mechanisms of strengthening and toughening cementitious materials due to fiber addition are now generally understood. However, there is still enormous work ahead in terms of tailoring a composite for a given level of performance, especially when performance is specified not only in terms of mechanical properties, but also in terms of rheology, fresh properties, workability, production method, durability and the like.
High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites (HPFRCC) represent a class of cement composites whose stress-strain response in tension undergoes strain hardening behaviour accompanied by multiple cracking, and leading to a high strain capacity at failure.
The primary objective of this International Workshop was to provide a compendium of up-to-date information on the most recent developments and research advances in the field of High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites.
About forty contributions from leading world experts are assembled in these proceedings and provide an authoritative perspective of the subject. Special topics include impact and fire resistance, scale effects, self-compacting mixtures, properties under reverse cyclic loading, seismic requirements, hybrid composites, structural applications, and modeling.
Target readers: graduate students, researchers, fiber producers, design engineers, material scientists
Preface Author(s): A. E. Naaman, H. W. Reinhardt |
Pages: XI - XII |
Acknowlegdements Author(s): A. E. Naaman, H. W. Reinhardt |
Pages: XVI - XVI |
Part One: Modeling and Characterization
Numerical modeling of fiber reinforced cement composites subjected to drying Author(s): J. E. Bolander, M. Yip |
Pages: 7 - 20 |
Complete characterisation of tensile properties of Ductal® UHPFRC according to the French recommendations Author(s): G. Chanvillard, S. Rigaud |
Pages: 21 - 34 |
Modeling bond components of deformed steel fibers in FRC composites Author(s): C. Sujivorakul |
Pages: 35 - 48 |
A new 3D discrete bond model to study the influence of bond on the structural performance of thin reinforced and prestressed concrete plates Author(s): M. Krüger, J. Ozbolt, H. W. Reinhardt |
Pages: 49 - 63 |
CARDIFRC® - Manufacture and constitutive behaviour Author(s): S. D. P. Benson, B. L. Karihaloo |
Pages: 65 - 79 |
Modeling of cement based composite laminates Author(s): B. Mobasher |
Pages: 81 - 93 |
Strain hardening and deflection hardening fiber reinforced cement composites Author(s): A. E. Naaman |
Pages: 95 - 113 |
Part Two: Impact, Toughness, Ductility
Impact resistance of fiber reinforced concrete: a progress report Author(s): N. Banthia, V. Bindiganavile, S. Mindess |
Pages: 117 - 131 |
Effect of confinement on high performance fiber reinforced cement composite Author(s): J. F. Berthet, E. Ferrier, P. Hamelin |
Pages: 133 - 144 |
Effects of different confinement devices on the strength and ductility of compressed concrete members Author(s): G. Campione |
Pages: 145 - 156 |
Response of steel sandwich plates with FRC middle plates under hard lateral impact Author(s): P. Paramasivam, S. Santosh, W. A. M. Alwis |
Pages: 157 - 166 |
Modeling and use of SIMCON and other high performance fiber- composites for increasing structural resistance to extreme loadings Author(s): N. Krstulovic-Opara, V. Kilar, L. Krstulovic-Opara |
Pages: 166 - 167 |
Evolution of toughening behavior of fiber reinforced concrete Author(s): D. A. Lange, C. J. Lee |
Pages: 177 - 186 |
Part Three: Special Topics: Fire Resistance, Self Compacting Mix-tures, Scale Effects
Fire resistance of different fibre reinforced high-performance concretes Author(s): F. Dehn, G. König |
Pages: 189 - 204 |
On the fire behavior of SFRC and SFRC structures in tension and bending Author(s): M. di Prisco, R. Felicetti, P. G. Gambarova, C. Failla |
Pages: 205 - 220 |
Rheology of fiber-reinforced cementitious materials Author(s): V. K. Bui, S. P. Shah, M. R. Geiker |
Pages: 221 - 231 |
Development of sprayable engineered cementitious composites Author(s): Y. Y. Kim, V. C. Li, H. J. Kong |
Pages: 233 - 243 |
Scale effects in FRC and HPFRCC structural elements Author(s): H. Stang |
Pages: 245 - 258 |
Comparison of tensile and bending response of three high performance fiber reinforced cement composites Author(s): K. Chandrangsu, A. E. Naaman |
Pages: 259 - 274 |
Part Four: Hybrid and Textile Reinforcements
Development of high performance hybrid fibre concrete Author(s): I. Markovic, J. C. Walraven, J. G. M. van Mier |
Pages: 277 - 300 |
Structural behavior of hybrid elements with advanced cementitious materials (HPFRCC) Author(s): E. Denarié, K. Habel, E. Brühwiler |
Pages: 277 - 300 |
Cement impregnated fabrics for repair and retrofit of structural concrete Author(s): A. Peled, A. Bentur |
Pages: 313 - 324 |
Glass concrete thin sheets prestressed with aramid fiber mesh Author(s): C. Meyer, G. Vilkner |
Pages: 325 - 336 |
Strength of continuous AR-glass fibre reinforcement of cementitious composites Author(s): F. Jesse, G. Curbach |
Pages: 337 - 348 |
Sulphoaluminate cement matrices used for textile and glass fibre reinforced concrete elements Author(s): M. Krüger, H. W. Reinhardt, X. Yong |
Pages: 349 - 360 |
Part Five: Mechanical Properties
Cyclic response of ductile fiber-reinforced cement-based composites Author(s): S. L. Billington, K. E. Kesner |
Pages: 363 - 378 |
Lightweight engineered cementitious composites (ECC) Author(s): S. Wang, V. C. Li |
Pages: 379 - 390 |
Progress of PVA fiber reinforced cementitious composites Author(s): T. Saito, T. Horikoshi, H. Hoshiro |
Pages: 391 - 398 |
Effects of pozzolanic additives on long-term flexural toughness of HPGFRC Author(s): A. M. Brandt, M. A. Glinicki |
Pages: 399 - 408 |
Study on the properties and mechanism of ultra-high performance ecological reactive powder concrete (ECO-RPC) Author(s): W. Sun, S. Liu, J. Lai |
Pages: 409 - 417 |
Experimental evaluation of fibre pullout from plain and fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): I. Markovic, J. C. Walraven, J. G. M. van Mier |
Pages: 419 - 436 |
Effectiveness of crack control on durability of HPFRCC Author(s): H. Mihashi, T. Nishiwaki, J. P. de b. Leite |
Pages: 437 - 450 |
Part Six: Structural Applications
HPFRCC in earthquake-resistant structures: current knowledge and future trends Author(s): G. Parra-Montesinos |
Pages: 453 - 472 |
Practical structural applications of fiber reinforced concrete in japan Author(s): K. Kosa |
Pages: 473 - 481 |
Cracking in SFRC elements containing ordinary reinforcement Author(s): D. Dupont, L. Vandewalle |
Pages: 483 - 494 |
High performance composite bridge decks using SCSFRC Author(s): R. Walter, H. Stang, N. J. Gimsing, J. F. Olesen |
Pages: 483 - 504 |
Behavior of HPFRCC low-rise walls subjected to displacement reversals Author(s): K. Kim, G. Parra-montesinos |
Pages: 505 - 515 |
Bonding behaviour of textile reinforced concrete strengthening Author(s): R. Ortlepp, M. Curbach |
Pages: 505 - 527 |
Part Seven: Design by RILEM TC 162-TDC
Design recommendations - RILEM TC 162-TDF: (sigma-epsilon)-design method for steel fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): L. Vandewalle |
Pages: 531 - 541 |