Proceedings pro117 : 3rd International RILEM Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites
The value of the infrastructure worldwide has been estimated at over 40 trillion US dollars. That is about five times the value of all the gold hat has even been mined! There is a big difference, however, between infrastructure assets and gold. With elapse of time gold will remain gold. Our infrastructure, however, suffers from ageing. With an average service life of about 100 years, our infrastructure would ‘evaporate’ within one century. Given the enormous amount of money represented by our infrastructure and the huge amounts of raw materials and energy that have been used to realize all these buildings, a huge responsibility comes to us to maintain, preserve, upgrade, rehabilitate or renew this infrastructure. On top of all this we have to satisfy the demand from rapidly developing economies for growth of their infrastructure. This further increases the responsibility of all stakeholders active in the building industry, from layman to decision makers, to ensure the best possible performance of our structures at minimal costs for construction, operation and maintenance and this at the lowest possible ecological footprint. Scientists and technologists cannot ignore these developments and changing boundary conditions. On the contrary, they constitute new challenges for improvement of existing materials and creating new robust and environment friendly materials.
Rapid depletion of resources and strong reductions in energy consumption force scientist to search for ‘getting more from less’ and this, if possible, not after hundred years but tomorrow! Challenging goals like these require in-depth knowledge of the materials. This 3rd Microdurability conference wants to contribute to deeper understanding of the behaviour of existing and new cement-based building materials exposed to a wide variety of exposure conditions. More than hundred papers will be presented during the conference and will increase our knowledge of the complex world of cement-based systems.
Microdurability’2016 is a Sino-Dutch initiative, organized under the umbrella of RILEM and also supported by ACI, fib and several universities and research institutes in China and The Netherlands. Since the conference takes place in China, it is clear that most of the work for organizing this event was carried by staff members of the organizing Southeast University and Jiangsu Research Institute of Building Science. The Organizing Committee would like to thank the Chinese team for their outstanding preparations.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee we would finally like to thank all the keynote speakers, the Scientific Committee for reviewing the papers, authors and delegates for their collaboration and presence in this conference. The support from companies, who have sponsored the conference, is gratefully acknowledged. We wish you all most fruitful discussions during this conference, a wonderful stay in Nanjing.
Preface Author(s): Prof. Changwen Miao, Prof. Wei Sun, Prof.dr. K. van Breugel |
Pages: 16 |
Modelling of Microstructure Development and Disintegration of Cementitious Composite under Repeated Pore Water Pressure in Micro- Spaces Author(s): Koichi Maekawa and Yuya Takahashi |
Pages: 17-24 |
Corrosion of Steel in Concrete: Do Cracks Matter? Author(s): Chanakya Arya |
Pages: 25-33 |
Transport in Cracked Cement-Based Materials: A Review Author(s): Kefei Li |
Pages: 34-41 |
Autogenous Deformation of Cement Paste and High-Performance Concrete Author(s): Pietro Lura |
Pages: 42-47 |
Numerical Simulation of Early Age Deformation and Cracking of RC Structures with Full-3D Multi-scale and Multi-physical Integrated Analysis Author(s): Tetsuya Ishida, Naoya Ohno, Yasushi Tanaka and Ichiro Iwaki |
Pages: 48-57 |
Ageing Infrastructure–Driving Forces and Research Needs Author(s): K. Van Breugel |
Pages: 58-72 |
The Importance of Cryo-shrinkage In the Frost Resistance of Porous Materials Author(s): Paulo J.M. Monteiro |
Pages: 73-79 |
Microstructure Related Durability Properties of Textile Reinforced Concrete Author(s): Viktor Mechtcherine |
Pages: 80-88 |
Characterization of the Non-uniform Deformation and Crack in Concrete with 3D Digital Image Correlation Author(s): Yang Chen, Jiangxiong Wei, Wen Jin and Qijun Yu |
Pages: 89-104 |
Impact of Particle Shape on Microstructure and Performance of Cementitious Composites Author(s): Huisu Chen, Zhigang Zhu, Lin Liu and Wenxiang Xu |
Pages: 105-114 |
Observation of Water Transport in Cement-based Materials by Neutron Radiography and Service Life of Reinforced Concrete Structures Author(s): Folker H. Wittmann, Peng Zhang and Tiejun Zhao |
Pages: 115-122 |
Early Microstructure and Shrinkage Development of UHPC Author(s): Jianhui Liu, Caijun Shi and Zemei Wu |
Pages: 123-140 |
Simulation of the Autogenous Shrinkage of Slag Cement Paste in Microscale Author(s): Peng Gao, Guang Ye, Jiangxiong Wei, Qijun Yu |
Pages: 141-148 |
Mixture Proportions Design and Performance Study of Coral Concrete Author(s): Hongfa Yu, Bo Da, Haiyan Ma and Renjie Mi |
Pages: 149-157 |
Research on Early Age Hydration Performance of the Nano-silica Dioxide Modified Cement-based Material Author(s): Xiuzhi Zhang, Xiaohan Du, Xiaoyan Zhao, Pengkun Hou and Xin Chen |
Pages: 158-166 |
The Damage of Concrete in Mg2++SO4 2- and Mg2++SO4 2-+Cl- Solution Author(s): Zhanfei Wang, Dingyi Yang, and Wu Shen |
Pages: 167-178 |
Research on the Influence of Seawater on the Properties of Sulphoaluminate Cement Concrete Author(s): Youqiang Huang, Zhonghe Shui and Kai Wang |
Pages: 179-191 |
Effects of Circulated Fluidized-bed Fly Ash, Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag and Coal Fly Ash on Properties and Durability of Mortars Author(s): Maochieh Chi, Jiang-Jhy Chang and Weichung Yeih |
Pages: 192-201 |
Experimental Investigation of Changes in Pore Structure of Leached Cement Pastes Author(s): Lin Liu, Xuecheng Wang, Huisu Chen and Jian Zhou |
Pages: 202-209 |
Effect of Hybrid Fiber on Uniaxial Tensile Properties of Ultra-high Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites (UHPFRCC) Author(s): Hao Zhang, Lihui Zhang |
Pages: 210-216 |
Multi-field Coupling Shrinkage Cracking Model of Concrete and Its Application in Civil Engineering Author(s): Qian Tian, Ming Li, Ting Yao, Hua Li, Yujiang Wang, Wen Xu, |
Pages: 217-224 |
Using Acoustic Emission to Characterize Damaging-Healing of Self-healing Cement Matrices by Microcapsules Author(s): Wenting Li, Zhengwu Jiang and Zhenghong Yang |
Pages: 225-233 |
Numerical Analyses of the Fracturing Process of Meso-structures Consisting of One Particle with Polyhedral Shapes Author(s): Xueqian Yin, Lin Liu, Huisu Chen and Zhigang Zhu |
Pages: 234-241 |
The Effect of Particle Size on the Hydration of Blast Furnace Slag Blended Grouts for the Immobilisation of Nuclear Waste Author(s): Rebecca A. Sanderson, Gavin M. Cann and John L. Provis |
Pages: 252-257 |
Investigation on Microstructure Evolution of Cement-based Materials with Ferrite Oxide Addition Responding to Elevated Temperature Author(s): Dong Cui, Wei Sun |
Pages: 258-266 |
Crumb Rubber as a Concrete Additive: Effect of Specific Surface on Air Void Content Author(s): Adrian Zimmermann, Sha Yang and Eduardus A. B. Koenders |
Pages: 267-274 |
Effect of Long Curing Period on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Ultra-high Strength Concrete Author(s): Liang Huo, Xiqiang Lin, Tao Zhang, Guoyou Li and Nan Zhang |
Pages: 275-282 |
Bending and Shear Behavior of 3D Textile Reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete Beams Author(s): Yong Xun, Lei Hui, Buquan Miao and Lei Jia |
Pages: 283-289 |
The Mechanical Properties of Three-dimension Textile Combined with Reactive Powder Concrete and Related Micro-strcture Properties Author(s): Yong Xun, Buquan Miao and Lei Hui |
Pages: 290-296 |
Fatigue Damage and Its Influence on Permeability of Structural Concrete Author(s): Y.F. Fu and S.Q. Zhang |
Pages: 297-305 |
Study on Water Transport in Cement-based Materials by X-ray CT Author(s): Lin Yang, Guojian Liu and Yunsheng Zhang |
Pages: 306-313 |
Electrochemical Behavior of 00Cr10MoV Steel in Alkali-activated Slag Extract Author(s): Jinjie Shi, Danqian Wang, Jing Ming and Huisu Chen |
Pages: 314-322 |
Mesoscale Approach for Simulating Chloride Diffusion in Concrete Subjected to Frost Damage Author(s): Licheng Wang |
Pages: 323-330 |
Recent Advances in Moisture Field Calculation of Concrete at Early-Ages Author(s): Jiahe Wang, Jun Zhang and Jiajia Zhang |
Pages: 331-346 |
Microstructure Characterization of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Phase Author(s): Yuan Jia, Tingting Zhang, Baomin Wang, Luc J. Vandeperre and Chris R.Cheeseman |
Pages: 347-364 |
Phase Stability of Alkali-Activated Fly Ash-Slag-Silica Fume Cements: An XRD Analysis Author(s): Z. Zhang and H. Wang |
Pages: 365-373 |
Novel Admixture Using to Control the Hydration Evolution and Temperature Rise of Concrete Author(s): Wenbin Wang, Jiaping Liu, Lei Li, Cheng Yu, Xiaolei Zhang, |
Pages: 374-381 |
The Effect of Friction Reclaimed Materials of Train Waste Brake-shoe (FRMWBS) on Carbonization Resistance and Anti-chloride Corrosion of Rubber Concrete Author(s): Caihui Wang, Dongjie Huang, Xiaojun Peng, Hua Fu, Sun |
Pages: 382-390 |
Estimation Models of Autogenous Shrinkage Based on Electrical Resistivity Method and Capillary Tension Theory for Cement Pastes at Early Age Author(s): Jiayin Tao, Xiaosheng Wei, Lei Fu |
Pages: 391-400 |
Experimental Study on Accelerating Impairment of Cement-based Materials under Restrained Condition Author(s): Huaicheng Chen, Chunxiang Qian and Haoliang Huang |
Pages: 401-407 |
Compressive Strength, Chloride Diffusivity and Pore Structure of Coral Sand Concrete with Metakaolin and Slag Author(s): Shukai Cheng, Zhonghe Shui and Tao Sun |
Pages: 408-417 |
Release Process of Core-shell Organic Corrosion Inhibitor in Simulated Concrete Pore Solutions with Different pH Values Author(s): Yangyang Zhu, Jie Hu and Qijun Yu |
Pages: 418-426 |
Seeding Effects in Cement Hydration: Simulation Study from the Colloidal Point of View Author(s): Achutha Prabhu1, Jean-Christophe Gimel, Andres Ayuela and Jorge S. Dolado |
Pages: 427-432 |
Effect of Nano-particles on Mechanical Properties and Durability of Ultra- High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Author(s): Zhonghe Shui, Xinpeng Wang, Rui Yu and Qiu Li |
Pages: 433-440 |
The Influences of Ultra-fine Limestone Powder on Zeta Potential of Freshly Mixed Cement Paste Author(s): X. Hu, C. Shi, G. Ye and G. De Schutter |
Pages: 441-449 |
Effect of Napier Grass Ash on the Autogenous Shrinkage of Low Water Binder Ratio Cement Based Materials Author(s): Y. Lv, G. Ye and G. De Schutter |
Pages: 450-457 |
Research on Synthesis and Surface Morphology of Polyurea for Concrete Protecting Author(s): Ping Lv, Xiao Hu, Weibo Huang and Yanxuan Ma |
Pages: 458-466 |
Self-immune of Efflorescence on Cementitious Materials Induced by Bacteria: Experiment and simulation Author(s): Chunxiang Qian, Bin Xue and Tianji Cao |
Pages: 467-476 |
An Analytical Probabilistic Model for Crack Penetrating Capsules in Capsule-based Self-Healing Cementitious Materials Author(s): Zhong Lv and Huisu Chen |
Pages: 477-483 |
Microstructural Modification of Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites Due to the Type of Fine Sand and Matrix Author(s): M. Iqbal Khan and Galal Fares |
Pages: 484-492 |