Proceedings pro058 : International RILEM Symposium on Concrete Modelling - ConMod'08
Title: International RILEM Symposium on Concrete Modelling - ConMod'08 Edited by E. Schlangen and G. De Schutter ISBN: 978-2-35158-060-8 e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-076-9 Pages: 844 Publication date: 2008 |
It was at the end of a Gordon Conference in Italy, in the late nineties, that Professor Wittmann kindly offered me a lift to Pisa. During that trip we discussed the idea of organizing an international workshop on concrete modelling. Modelling of concrete at different scales and with input from different disciplines. Obviously our trip was too short to fix a date already. Probably we both intuitively felt that, in spite of our excitement about such an event, every-day business would not leave us with time to organize it. But the idea was there and, fortunately, this time postponement did not lead to cancellation. A couple of years later I discussed the idea with colleagues from Switzerland, USA, Canada, Japan and Belgium. Their positive reactions made us deciding to set the preparations for a concrete modelling conference in motion.
The original plan was to organize the first CONMOD conference in 2006. However, that would have created a big overlap with a RILEM symposium in Quebec, where one of the themes was just on Concrete Modelling, the theme we were aiming at. We decided to postpone our Concrete Modelling conference with two years until 2008. Meanwhile we ‘baptized' the Quebec symposium the first CONMOD conference in a series of conferences on this particular topic. Since much progress is expected in the field of modelling in the coming decade, the intention is now to organize a series of CONMOD conferences with an interval of two years. This will enable PhD students working on this topic to attend two CONMOD conferences during their study. This is considered a good condition for making contacts with colleagues from all over the world and for intensifying these contacts if appropriate.
CONMOD conferences are supposed to be a platform for researchers active in modelling of concrete at different length scales and coming from different scientific disciplines. During the conferences the background of models will be discussed, for what purpose models are developed, the modelling concepts and computation techniques that are adopted, as well as the validation of models.
The fact that almost hundred papers were submitted to CONMOD’08 from more than twenty countries illustrates the relevance of the topic and the interest of researchers to share their ideas and results with colleagues. We do hope that sharing and discussing ideas will generate further momentum in modelling activities, break open unexpected directions in research and will, in the end, lead to improvements and innovations in materials and structural design.
CONMOD’08 is a RILEM event and has been organized jointly by the University of Genth / Magnel Laboratory and Delft University of Technology / Microlab. The organizers would like to thank all the sponsors of CONMOD’08 and the respected delegates from all over the world to make this conference a success. Finally I would like to express my appreciation for Professor Wittmann’s presence as one of our keynote speakers. Klaas van Breugel
Chairman Organising Committee
April 2008, Delft, The Netherlands
Foreword Author(s): K. van Breugel |
Pages: XXI - XXI |
On the development of models and their application in concrete science Author(s): F.H. Wittmann |
Pages: 1 - 11 |
Modelling damage from ice and salt Author(s): G.W. Scherer |
Pages: 13 - 23 |
Risk management for civil engineering & oil gas infrastructures: the use of models for performance & risk assesment Author(s): B. Gérard, B. Capra, H. De Jonge |
Pages: 25 - 36 |
Beyond multi-scale modelling Author(s): K. van Breugel |
Pages: 37 - 46 |
Prediction of the mechanical properties of the major constituent phases of cementitious systems by atomistic simulations Author(s): H. Manzano, J.S. Dolado, A. Ayuela |
Pages: 47 - 55 |
Model for heat release of fly ash - cement pastes Author(s): G. Baert, G. De Schutter, N. De Belie |
Pages: 57 - 64 |
Recent advances in the determination of ionic diffusion using migration test results Author(s): E. Samson, J. Marchand, P. Henocq, P. Beauséjour |
Pages: 65 - 78 |
Modeling adiabatic temperature rise during concrete hydration with the use of artificial neural networks Author(s): G. Trtnik, F. Kavcic, G. Turk |
Pages: 79 - 86 |
Simulation of the particle size distribution during the early hydration of portland cement Author(s): S. Brendle, S. Erfurt, M.R. de Rooij |
Pages: 87 - 94 |
Coupled FEM model for concrete exposed to fire loading Author(s): J. Surovec, P. Kabele, J. Cervenka |
Pages: 95 - 102 |
Design of fire resistant concrete structures, using validated Fem models Author(s): S.J.F. Erich, A.B.M. v. Overbeek, G.H.A. v.d. Heijden, L. Pel, H.P. Huinink, A.H.J.M. Vervuurt |
Pages: 103 - 110 |
Concrete’s behaviour modeling at high temperatures, Influence of mechanical models and study scales Author(s): C. De Sa, F. Benboudjema |
Pages: 111 - 118 |
Modeling the microstructure change of high performance cement paste at elevated temperatures Author(s): X. Liu, G. Ye, G. De Schutter, Y. Yuan |
Pages: 119 - 130 |
Fire spalling of concrete as studied by NMR, model validation Author(s): G.H.A. van der Heijden, L. Pel, H.P. Huinink, K. Kopinga |
Pages: 131 - 138 |
Compressive strength evolution in early-age Portland Cement paste predicted by a micromechanical model Author(s): B. Pichler, C. Hellmich, J. Eberhardsteiner |
Pages: 139 - 146 |
Benhur and Vi(CA)2T, two toolboxes to model concrete as an heterogeneous material combining analytical and numerical approaches Author(s): Y. Le Pape, C. Toulemonde, R. Masson, J. El Gharib |
Pages: 147 - 154 |
Numerical modeling of Portland Cement hydration Author(s): I. Maruyama, T. Matsushita, T. Noguchi |
Pages: 155 - 163 |
Physical & chemical modeling of the hydration kinetics of OPC paste using a semi-analytical approach Author(s): E. Guillon, J. Chen, G. Chanvillard |
Pages: 165 - 172 |
Simulating the workability of fresh concrete Author(s): S. Shyshko, V. Mechtcherine |
Pages: 173 - 181 |
Kinetics of ice growth in cement and concrete Author(s): Z. Sun, G.W. Scherer |
Pages: 183 - 190 |
Characterisation and modelling of physico-chemical degradation of cement-bases materials used in oil wells Author(s): N. Neuville, E. Lecolier, G. Aouad, D. Damidot |
Pages: 191 - 198 |
Modelling of the sulphate attack in cement-based materials Author(s): E. Rozière, A. Loukili, R. El-Hachem |
Pages: 199 - 206 |
Modelling alkali silica reaction in concrete Author(s): R. Naar, E. Garcia-Diaz, F. Bay, P.O. Bouchard |
Pages: 207 - 212 |
Modeling chemical degradations of cement pastes in contact with aggressive solutions: leaching and carbonation Author(s): R. Barbarulo |
Pages: 213 - 223 |
Multi-scale time-dependent deformation model or solidifying cementitious materials coupling with aggregate properties Author(s): S. Asamoto, T. Ishida, K. Maekawa |
Pages: 225 - 232 |
Analytical modelling of the coupling between microstructure and effective diffusivity of cement based materials Author(s): W. Dridi |
Pages: 233 - 241 |
Amie: a new modelling framework for meso-scale simulation of concrete Author(s): C.F. Dunant, K. Scrivener |
Pages: 243 - 250 |
Multi-scale Modelling: The Delftcode Author(s): E.A.B. Koenders, E. Schlangen, K. van Breugel |
Pages: 251 - 258 |
Continuum microviscoelasticity of cementitious materials: upscaling technique and first experimental validation Author(s): S. Scheiner, C. Hellmich |
Pages: 259 - 263 |
An engineering approach to the problem of natural carbonation accompanied by drying-wetting cycles Author(s): M. Thiery, V. Baroghel-Bouny, C. Crémona |
Pages: 265 - 273 |
Chloride ingress prediction - part 1: analytical model for time dependent diffusion coefficient and surface concentration Author(s): J.M. Frederiksen, M. Geiker |
Pages: 275 - 282 |
Chloride ingress prediction - part 2: experimentally based design parameters Author(s): J.M. Frederiksen, M. Geiker |
Pages: 283 - 290 |
Chemo-mechanical model describing the expansion due to internal sulfate attack: numerical simulation Author(s): N. Baghdadi, J.F. Seignol, F. Toutlemonde |
Pages: 291 - 298 |
Numerical model of Ca(OH)2 transport in concrete due to electrical currents Author(s): T. Koster, W.H.A. Peelen, J.A. Larbi, M.R. de Rooij, R.B. Polder |
Pages: 299 - 306 |
Numerical modelling of chloride ingress for service life design of concrete structures Author(s): M.M.R. Boutz, P.E. Roelfstra, R. Haverkort, G. van der Wegen |
Pages: 307 - 315 |
A multi-scales approach for the physico-chemical deformations of solidifying cement-based materials Author(s): F. Grondin, M. Bouasker, P. Mounanga, A. Khelidj |
Pages: 317 - 324 |
Multiscale modelling of coupled problems in porous materials Author(s): J. Carmeliet, H. Derluyn, S. Mertens, P. Moonen |
Pages: 325 - 336 |
Autogenous and drying shrinkage modeling: from paste to concrete Author(s): J.P Thierry, G. Chanvillard |
Pages: 337 - 344 |
Multi-scale modeling of softening materials Author(s): O. Lloberas, A. Simone, L.J. Sluys |
Pages: 345 - 352 |
Prediction of physical properties of concrete using mathematical model for cement hydration and microstructure formation Author(s): H. Sugiyama |
Pages: 353 - 360 |
Model for the formation of microstructure in cement paste during hydration Author(s): R. Nothnagel, H. Budelmann |
Pages: 361 - 368 |
Numerical experimentation with cement using µic Author(s): S. Bishnoi, K.L. Scrivener |
Pages: 369 - 376 |
A reaction-diffusion model for simulating 3-D microstructure development of cement paste Author(s): J.W. Bullard |
Pages: 377 - 384 |
Modeling of calcium leaching from cement hydrates coupled with microstructure formation Author(s): K. Nakarai, T. Ishida, K. Maekawa, T. Kishi |
Pages: 385 - 382 |
Thermodynamic modelling of the effect of temperature on the hydration of Portland cement Author(s): B. Lothenbach |
Pages: 393 - 400 |
Experimental results of cement particle growth in the early hydration stage Author(s): A. Mueller, S. Erfurt |
Pages: 401 - 409 |
Universal modeling for hydration heat generation and strength development of arbitrarily blended cementitious materials based on multicomponent system Author(s): T. Kishi, Y. Otabe, Z. Lin |
Pages: 411 - 418 |
Modeling of hydration of Portland Cements incorporating supplementary cementing materials Author(s): K. Park, H. Lee, X. Wang |
Pages: 419 - 427 |
Stability analysis of moisture influential depth in concrete under drying-wetting cycles Author(s): C. Li, K. Li, Z. Chen |
Pages: 429 - 437 |
Modelling of chloride penetration in concrete with artificial cracks Author(s): K. Audenaert, G. De Schutter, L. Marsavina |
Pages: 439 - 446 |
Enhanced modeling of moisture equilibrium and transport in cementitious materials under arbitrary temperature and relative humidity history Author(s): T. Ishida, K. Maekawa, T. Kishi |
Pages: 447 - 454 |
Modelling of chloride transport coupled with moisture migration in concrete with application to cracked concrete structures Author(s): P. O’Neill Iqbal, T. Ishida |
Pages: 455 - 462 |
Application of reactive transport models in cement-based porous media Author(s): J. van der Lee, L. De Windt, V. Lagneau |
Pages: 463 - 470 |
The use of geometrically based particle packing models with fine particles Author(s): S.A.A.M. Fennis, J.C. Walraven, J.A. den Uijl |
Pages: 471 - 478 |
Computer simulation of arbitrary-shaped grains and application to aggregate packing in concrete Author(s): H. He, Z. Guo, W. Yang, M. Stroeven, P. Stroeven, L.J. Sluys |
Pages: 479 - 486 |
Computed X-ray microtomography on cementitious materials: possibilities and limitations Author(s): V. Boel, V. Cnudde, G. De Schutter, B. Van Meel, B. Masschaele, Y. Guang, L. Van Hoorebeke, P. Jacobs |
Pages: 487 - 494 |
Mesoscopic analyses of porous concrete under static compression and drop weight impact tests Author(s): A.S. Agar Ozbek, R.R. Pedersen, J. Weerheijm, A. Simone, K. van Breugel, B. Sluys |
Pages: 495 - 502 |
Prediction of concrete compressive strength Author(s): D. Mikulic, I. Gabrijel, B. Milovanovic |
Pages: 503 - 510 |
3D Simulation of moisture transport in cement mortars Author(s): M. Koster, J. Hannawald, W. Brameshuber |
Pages: 511 - 520 |
Application of the sharp front model to capillary absorption in concrete materials with bimodal pore size distribution Author(s): I. Ioannou, C. Hall, A. Hamilton |
Pages: 521 - 525 |
The effect of moiture transport and sorption hystersis on ionic multispecies diffusion in concrete Author(s): B. Johannesson, Y. Hosokawa, K. Yamada |
Pages: 527 - 534 |
Modelling of moisture and salt transport incorporating salt crystallization in porous media Author(s): H. Derluyn, P. Moonen, J. Carmeliet |
Pages: 535 - 542 |
A development of a multi-species mass transport model considering thermodynamic phase equilibrium Author(s): Y. Hosokawa, K. Yamada, B. Johannesson, L.O. Nilsson |
Pages: 543 - 550 |
Multiscale framework to model fibre reinforced cementitious composite and study its microstructure Author(s): F.K.F. Radtke, A. Simone, M. Stroeven, L.J. Sluys |
Pages: 551 - 558 |
On the mesomechanical modelling of plain concrete with different grain-size distribution Author(s): T. Sadowski, G.L. Golewski |
Pages: 559 - 566 |
3D modelling of fracture in concrete based on CT-scan observation Author(s): E. Schlangen |
Pages: 567 - 575 |
Damage model for normal & high strength concrete Author(s): A.R. Khan, N. Naseem |
Pages: 577 - 584 |
Results of a macroscopic simulation of saturated lightweight aggregates (LWAs) and superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) as internal water sources Author(s): H.W. Reinhardt, S. Mönnig |
Pages: 585 - 593 |
Dependence between capillary stress and autogenous shrinkage for high-strength cement pastes Author(s): S. Zhutovsky, K. Kovler |
Pages: 595 - 602 |
Modelling autogenous shrinkage of hydrating cement paste Author(s): I. Jaouadi, A. Guidoum, K. Scrivener |
Pages: 603 - 609 |
Inter-particle moisture movement during cement hydration Author(s): H.W.M. van der Ham, E.A.B. Koenders, K. van Breugel |
Pages: 611 - 618 |
Effective elastic properties of degraded and non degraded cement pastes using various micromechanics schemes and numerical simulations Author(s): M. Ben Haha, B. Bary, E. Adam, P. Montarnal |
Pages: 619 - 627 |
Prediction of tensile strength of cement paste based on a micromechanical model Author(s): L. Tan, Z. Qian, G. Ye, E. Schlangen |
Pages: 629 - 636 |
Simulation of 3D cracks propagation in cement paste Author(s): Z. Qian, G. Ye, E. Schlangen |
Pages: 637 - 646 |
Failure process in concrete under static and impact tensile loading: experiments and numerical modelling Author(s): I. Vegt, R.R. Pedersen, J. Weerheijm, L.J. Sluys, A. Simone |
Pages: 647 - 656 |
On influence of microstructure parameters on cement paste performance: results from micromechanical modelling and optimization Author(s): V. Smilauer, M.J. Leps, Z. Vitingerová |
Pages: 657 - 663 |
Modelling of simultaneous temperature and moisture transportation in modern concrete Author(s): J.E. Jonasson, K. Mjörnell, C.A. Carlsson |
Pages: 665 - 672 |
Capillary pressure and cracking in early age concrete Author(s): V. Slowik, T. Hübner, B. Villmann, M. Schmidt |
Pages: 673 - 680 |
Drying shrinkage of concrete, can it be used for modelling autogenous shrinkage? Author(s): R. Haverkort, P. Roelfstra, E. Schlangen |
Pages: 681 - 689 |
Mesoscopic analysis of drying shrinkage damage in a cementitious material Author(s): P. Moonen, R.R. Pedersen, A. Simone, L.J. Sluys, J. Carmeliet |
Pages: 691 - 698 |
Modeling of relaxation in bonded concrete overlays subject to differential volume changes Author(s): J. Zhou, G. Ye, E. Schlangen, K. van Breugel |
Pages: 699 - 706 |
Comments on the shrinkage of paste in mortar containing saturated lightweight aggregate Author(s): R. Henkensiefken, G. Sant, T. Nantung, J. Weiss |
Pages: 707 - 714 |
Modeling moisture warping in concrete pavement Author(s): W. Hansen, Y. Wei, E. Schlangen |
Pages: 715 - 723 |
Prediction of autogenous shrinkage of concrete at early age using percolation Author(s): J.M. Torrenti, F. Benboudjema, L. Stefan |
Pages: 725 - 732 |
Assesment of chloride binding isotherm Author(s): V. Baroghel-Bouny, T.Q. Nguyen, P. Dangla, P. Belin |
Pages: 733 - 743 |
Modelling of chloride migration through cementitious materials by using electrical current transfer Author(s): O. Amiri, A. Aït-Mokhtar, H. Fridedmann |
Pages: 745 - 752 |
Chloride ingress: modelling, sampling and predicting service life Author(s): P. Goltermann |
Pages: 753 - 760 |
Simulation of corrosion of reinforcement in reinforced concrete Author(s): P. Kotes, M. Brodnan, K. Slopková |
Pages: 761 - 766 |
Moisture loss induced shrinkage of concrete Author(s): R. Mu, J.P. Forth |
Pages: 767 - 773 |
Modelling of elastic properties of a hydrating cement paste Author(s): R. Chamrova, A. Guidoum, K. Scrivener |
Pages: 775 - 782 |
Modelling elasticity of a hydrating cement paste Author(s): J. Sanahuja, L. Dormieux, G. Chanvillard |
Pages: 783 - 790 |
Microstructure simulation of portland cement blended with blast furnace slag Author(s): G. Ye, K. van Breugel |
Pages: 791 - 800 |
Modeling of early age behavior of underground structure Author(s): Z. Qi, L. Xian, Y. Yong |
Pages: 801 - 807 |
Multi-scale modelling of ionic diffusivity, compression and tensile tests on mortar Author(s): S. Kamali-Bernard, F. Bernard, W. Prince |
Pages: 809 - 817 |
Integrated materials-structural models Author(s): H. Stang, M. Geiker |
Pages: 819 - 819 |