Proceedings pro081 : 2nd International RILEM Conference on Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC2-Rio)
Title: 2nd International RILEM Conference on Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC2-Rio) Edited by R.D. Toledo Filho, F.A. Silva, E.A.B. Koenders and E.M.R. Fairbairn ISBN: 978-2-35158-120-9 e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-121-6 Pages: 451 Publication date: 2011 |
This book of proceedings is a collection of the 49 accepted papers that are presented at the 2nd International RILEM Conference on Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC2-Rio) which was organized in Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro, December 12 to 14, 2011. The conference covers the latest findings and research works related to cement based composites with a strain hardening behavior under mechanicalloading in the following topics:
• Test methods for mechanical characterization
• Structural design and performance
• Durability characterization and design
• Theoretical considerations and computational methods
• Practical Applications
With the SHCC2-Rio conference the activities of the RI LEM TC 208-HFC were closed and
the ongoing activities were addressed by means of the RILEM TC-FDS. All the published
papers can also be found and downloaded from the International Union of Laboratories
and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM) website at www. This book of proceedings is suggested to practical engineers, graduate students,
academies, professors, and researchers.
The articles will be placed soon on the website
Preface Author(s): R.D. Toledo Filho, F.A. Silva, E.A.B. Koenders and E.M.R. Fairbairn |
Pages: XVII - XVII |
Task Group A Sessions - Mechanical characterization and test methods:
Development of high strength high ductility concrete Author(s): R. Ranade, M.D. Stults, V.C. Li, T.S. Rushing, J. Roth and W.F. Heard |
Pages: 1 - 8 |
Evaluation of standardized test methods to characterize fiber reinforced cement composites Author(s): I. Paegle and G. Fischer |
Pages: 9 - 16 |
Half a century of progress leading to ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete: part 1 - overall review Author(s): A.E. Naaman |
Pages: 17 - 26 |
Half a century of progress leading to ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete: part 2-tensile stress-strain response Author(s): A.E. Naaman |
Pages: 27 - 36 |
Damage mechanisms analysis of a multi-scale fibre reinforced cement-based composite subjected to impact loading conditions Author(s): P. Rossi |
Pages: 37 - 44 |
Strain hardening behavior of textile reinforced concrete (TRC) Author(s): A. Peled |
Pages: 45 - 52 |
Flexural design of strain hardening cement composites Author(s): B. Mobasher and C. Barsby |
Pages: 53 - 60 |
Simulation of mechanical tests on SHCC by fem with stochastic fields Author(s): M. Přinosil and P. Kabele |
Pages: 61 - 68 |
Crack growth resistance of concrete-HPFRCC interface Author(s): C. Zanotti, N. Banthia and G. Plizzari |
Pages: 69 - 77 |
The role of fiber orientation on strain hardening/softening FRCCS: continuum damage modeling Author(s): L. Ferrara and M. di Prisco |
Pages: 79 - 87 |
Evaluation of the TRC (Textile Reinforced Concrete) solutions in the case of RC beams shear strengthening Author(s): R. Contamine, A. Si Larbi and P. Hamelin |
Pages: 89 - 95 |
Chemo/piezoresistive hpfrcc carrying carbon fiber and carbon nanotubes for sensing Author(s): N. Banthia and F. Azhari |
Pages: 97 - 106 |
Pigmentable engineered cementitious composites Author(s): En-Hua Yang, E.O. Garcez and V.C. Li |
Pages: 107 - 112 |
Design of ductile wood fibre cement based material Author(s): M. Guadalupe Sierra Beltran and E. Schlangen |
Pages: 113 - 120 |
Mechanical behavior of strain hardening sisal fiber cementitious composites under quasi static and dynamic tensile loading Author(s): F. A. Silva, B. Mobasher and R.D. Toledo Filho |
Pages: 121 - 129 |
Mechanical performance of ductile cement mortar composites reinforced with nanofibrillated cellulose Author(s): J. Claramunt, M. Ardanuy, R. Arévalo, F. Parés and R.D. Toledo Filho |
Pages: 131 - 138 |
Near-tip analysis of crack propagation in cementitious composites Author(s): E.B. Pereira, G. Fischer and J.A.O. Barros |
Pages: 139 - 146 |
Task Group B Sessions - Durability performance:
Crack distribution characterisation towards a framework for durability design of SHCC Author(s): G.P.A.G. van Zijl |
Pages: 149 - 156 |
Integrated probabilistic life cycle assessment and durability design for sustainable SHCC infrastructure Author(s): M.D. Lepech, H. Stang and M. Geiker |
Pages: 157 - 164 |
Capillary absorption and chloride penetration into neat and water repellent shcc under imposed strain Author(s): F.H. Wittmann, P. Wang, P. Zhang, T.J. Zhao and F. Beltzung |
Pages: 165 - 172 |
Application of HPFRCC as a patching repair material for RC members exposed to chloride attack Author(s): K. Kobayashi, Y. Asano and K. Rokugo |
Pages: 173 - 180 |
On the water permeability of cracked strain hardening cement-based composites Author(s): C. Wagner and V. Slowik |
Pages: 181 - 188 |
Thermal properties and resistance to thermal shock of strain hardening cement-based composites Author(s): M. S. Magalhães, R.D. Toledo Filho and E.M.R. Fairbairn |
Pages: 189 - 198 |
Tensile crack widhts of strain hardening cementbased composites Author(s): W.P. Boshoff and P.D. Nieuwoudt |
Pages: 199 - 206 |
Durability design for steel reinforced shcc members exposed to chlorides – a fuzzy-probabilistic concept Author(s): F. Altmann and V. Mechtcherine |
Pages: 207 - 215 |
Evolution of crack patterns on shcc as function of imposed strain Author(s): P. Wang, F.H. Wittmann, T.J. Zhao and W.L. Huang |
Pages: 217 - 224 |
Verification of strength durability models for glass fibre textile reinforced cement Author(s): J. Wastiels and P. Van Itterbeeck |
Pages: 225 - 232 |
Study of the bending behaviour of textile reinforced cementitious composites when exposed to high temperatures Author(s): J. Blom, J. Van Ackeren and J. Wastiels |
Pages: 233 - 241 |
Simulation of the multiaxial loading behavior of fiber reinforced concrete Author(s): E.A. Schauffert and G. Cusatis |
Pages: 243 - 250 |
Control of cracking direction of Shcc under principal stress rotation with coarse aggregate Author(s): K. Nagai, B. Suryanto, K. Maekawa and T. Kanda |
Pages: 251 - 258 |
Fracture process zone extent and energy dissipation in silicate composites with different cohesive behaviour Author(s): V. Veselý, T. Pail, P. Frantík and S. Seitl |
Pages: 259 - 267 |
Stochastic cracking of composites with micromechanical formulation of crack bridges Author(s): R. Rypl, R. Chudoba, M. Vořechovský and J. Hegger |
Pages: 269 - 276 |
Task Group C Sessions - Structural design and practical applications:
On the bearing capacity of frc structures: is the material characteristic value the “right” choice? Author(s): M. di Prisco, D. Dozio and M. Colombo |
Pages: 279 - 287 |
New high-rise R/C structure using ECC coupling beams Author(s): T. Kanda, S. Nagai, M. Maruta and Y. Yamamoto |
Pages: 289 - 296 |
Characterization of multiple fine cracks in SHCC by probability distribution analysis Author(s): H. Takada, Y. Asano, K. Kobayashi and K. Rokugo |
Pages: 297 - 304 |
Damage resistance of reinforced concrete structures that utilize High Performance Hybrid Fiber Reinforced (HYFRC) Composites Author(s): C.P. Ostertag |
Pages: 305 - 312 |
Fresh properties and mechanical performance of hand-mixed small-batch SHCC Author(s): K. Rokugo, K. Kobayashi, Y. Asano, N. Morii, S.-C. Lim, K. Shinya and H. Hirai |
Pages: 313 - 321 |
The feasibility of engineered cementitious composites with local compositions Author(s): Z. Zhang and S. Qian |
Pages: 323 - 328 |
Impacts of principal stress rotation on the nonlinearity of strain-hardening cementitious composites with fibers Author(s): K. Maekawa, K. Nagai and B. Suryanto |
Pages: 329 - 337 |
Computational durability mechanics of fiberreinforced cement composites Author(s): J.E. Bolander and A.S. Joshi |
Pages: 339 - 346 |
TRC masonry retrofitting against in-plane seismic solicitations Author(s): A. Si Larbi and P. Hamelin |
Pages: 347 - 353 |
Reproduction of the 3D bond microstructure from sem micrographs as a basis for the modeling of the representative behavior of a crack bridge in TRC Author(s): R. Chudoba, I. Focke, B.-G. Kang, V. Sadílek and M. Vořechovský |
Pages: 355 - 362 |
Tensile performance of sprayed SHCC with hollow particles for keeping air content Author(s): N. Morii, S.-C. Lim, Y. Yamada, Y. Asano and K. Rokugo |
Pages: 363 - 370 |
Structural behavior of SHCC cement sheath in oil well submitted to steam injection: experimental analysis Author(s): R.F. Correia, E.M.R. Fairbairn, R.D. Toledo Filho and C.R. Miranda |
Pages: 371 - 380 |
Flexural strengthening of masonry members using advanced cementitious materials Author(s): J.A.O. Barros, E. Esmaeeli, E. Manning, D. Häßler |
Pages: 381 - 389 |
Drainage concrete pipes with hybrid reinforcement Author(s): A.D. de Figueiredo and R. Campos Escariz |
Pages: 391 - 398 |
Applicability of composite charpy impact method for strain hardening textile reinforced cementitious composites Author(s): J. Van Ackeren, J. Blom, D. Kakogiannis, J. Wastiels, D. Van Hemelrijck, S. Palanivelu, W. Van Paepegem, J. Vantomme |
Pages: 399 - 407 |
Limit strength of sandwich pipes filled with strain hardening cementitious composites Author(s): C. An, X. Castello, R.D. Toledo Filho and S.F. Estefen |
Pages: 409 - 419 |
Application potential of textile reinforced concrete Author(s): J. Hegger, A. Shams, C. Kulas and M. Horstmann |
Pages: 421 - 428 |