Proceedings pro049 : RILEM Proceedings PRO 49: International RILEM Workshop on High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites (HPFRCC) in Structural Applications
Title: RILEM Proceedings PRO 49: International RILEM Workshop on High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites (HPFRCC) in Structural Applications Edited by G. Fischer and V. C. Li ISBN: 2-912143-93-4 e-ISBN: 2912143942 Pages: 600 Publication date: 2006 |
The international workshop on High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites (HPFRCC) in Structural Applications was organized by RILEM TC HFC with the intention of brining together an international group of researchers to present and discuss their work on HPFRCC materials and their structural applications.
Research and development on HPFRCC materials have generated a wealth of information on the features of these composites, which are defined by an ultimate tensile strength higher than their first cracking strength and the formation of multiple cracking during the inelastic deformation process, with resulting tensile strain capacity significantly higher than that of normal fiber reinforced concrete. While the potential benefits of HPFRCC on structural response and performance have been experimentally demonstrated in numerous research projects, specific procedures for structural implementation of HPFRCC in the form of design guidelines, manufacturing processes, and evaluation and quality control tools are rarely available.
This workshop aimed at alleviating these shortcomings through a concerted effort of workshop participants from the international research community, the construction industry, structural designers, and materials suppliers to contribute to a sequence of topics
emphasizing the design and implementation of HPFRCC in new and existing structures. In a coordinated approach, this workshop attempted to generate a report on the international state-of-the-art on HPFRCC as well as to define future research needs towards
implementation of HPFRCC in Building Codes and ultimately in structural applications.
Preface |
Pages: XVII - XVIII |
Task Group A
Conclusions Author(s): H. Mihashi |
Pages: 3 - 6 |
Testing Method and Modelling of HPFRCC Author(s): H. Mihashi, T. Kikuchi, H. Akita, A. Fantilli |
Pages: 7 - 16 |
Rate Dependence in High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Cement-Based Composites for Seismic Applications Author(s): Kyle S. Douglas, Sarah L. Billington |
Pages: 17 - 25 |
Tensile Characteristics Evaluation of DFRCC - Round Robin Test Results by JCI-TC Author(s): Toshiyuki Kanakubo, Katsuyuki Shimizu, Makoto Katagiri, Tetsushi Kanda, Hiroshi Fukuyama, Keitetsu Rokugo |
Pages: 27 - 36 |
Testing the Behavior of Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites in Tension Author(s): Viktor Mechtcherine, Joachim Schulze |
Pages: 37 - 46 |
Method for Determination of Tensile Properties of ECC - I: Formulation and Parameter Variations Author(s): L. Østergaard, J. F. Olesen |
Pages: 47 - 55 |
Method for Determination of Tensile Properties of ECC - II: Inverse Analysis and Experimental Results Author(s): L. Østergaard, R. Walter, J. F. Olesen |
Pages: 57 - 64 |
Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber Reinforced Engineered Cementitious Composites: Material Design and Performances Author(s): Shuxin Wang, Victor C. Li |
Pages: 65 - 73 |
Fiber Reinforced Foamed Mortar with Multiple Cracks in Flexure Author(s): Motoyoshi Yamamoto, Yoshihisa Honda, Atsuhisa Ogawa, Keitetsu Rokugo |
Pages: 75 - 82 |
Rate Dependence in Engineered Cementitious Composites Author(s): Enhua Yang, Victor C. Li |
Pages: 83 - 92 |
Investigation of the Fiber Bridging Stress-Crack Opening Relationship of Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites Author(s): Jinghai Yang, Gregor Fischer |
Pages: 93 - 105 |
Task Group B
Task Group B – Durability of Strain Hardening Fiber-Reinforced Cement-Based composites, SHCC – Conclusions Author(s): Folker H. Wittmann, Gideon P. A. G. van Zijl |
Pages: 109 - 114 |
Optimizing Material Properties by Means of the Instrumented Ring Test Author(s): Folker H. Wittmann, Kai Furtwängler, Xinqi Mao |
Pages: 115 - 124 |
Time-Dependent Response of ECC: Characterisation and Modelling of Creep and Creep Fracture Author(s): William P. Boshoff, Gideon P. A. G. van Zijl |
Pages: 125 - 134 |
The Role of Fibers During Non-Uniform Drying of Cement Composites Author(s): Zhen Li, Yun M. Lim, John E. Bolander |
Pages: 135 - 144 |
Properties of Polyvinylalcohol Fiber as Reinforcing Materials for Cementitious Composites Author(s): T. Horikoshi, A. Ogawa, T. Saito, H. Hoshiro |
Pages: 145 - 153 |
Durability on the Fracture Parameters of Crack-Repaired High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites Author(s): Yoshinori Kitsutaka, Masaki Tamura |
Pages: 155 - 164 |
Durability and Long Term Performance of Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) Author(s): Michael Lepech, Victor C. Li |
Pages: 165 - 174 |
The influence of surface preparation on the behavior of ECC/concrete layer repair system under drying shrinkage conditions Author(s): Mo Li, Victor C. Li |
Pages: 175 - 184 |
Rapid Hardening PVA Fibre Reinforced Concrete Author(s): G. Martinola, M. Bäuml, D. Sommain |
Pages: 185 - 194 |
Developing Fiber Applications in Structural Concrete Author(s): Jerry H. Morton |
Pages: 195 - 203 |
Micromechanical Properties of Calcium Leached Engineered Cementitious Composites Author(s): J. Nemecek |
Pages: 205 - 211 |
Cracking, Ductility and Durability Characteristics of HPFRCC with Various Mixture Proportions and Fibers Author(s): Byung Hwan Oh, Kyung Joon Shin |
Pages: 213 - 222 |
Task Group C
Task Group C– Processing and Applications Methods – Conclusions Author(s): Tetsushi Kanda |
Pages: 225 - 227 |
Technical Consideration in Producing ECC Pre-cast Structural Element Author(s): Tetsushi Kanda, Toshiyuki Kanakubo, Satoshi Nagai, Makoto Maruta |
Pages: 229 - 242 |
PVA-Fiber Reinforced High Performance Cement Board Author(s): Atsuhisa Ogawa, Yoshinori Hitomi, Hideki Hoshiro |
Pages: 243 - 251 |
Application of Extrusion Molded DFRCC to Permanent Form Author(s): Kanji Yamada, Ryu Saijo, Takashi Furumura, Satoshi Tanaka |
Pages: 253 - 260 |
Task Group D
Task Group D – HPFRCC Design Assumptions – Conclusions Author(s): Victor C. Li, Keitetsu Rokugo |
Pages: 263 - 268 |
General Design Assumptions for Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) Author(s): Victor C. Li, Michael Lepech |
Pages: 269 - 277 |
Tensile Behavior of ECC Members With or Without Reinforcement Author(s): Keitetsu Rokugo, Seung-Chan Lim, Tetsushi Kanda, Minoru Kunieda, Yasuhiro Fujimoto |
Pages: 279 - 286 |
Concrete Free Suspended Elevated Slabs Reinforced with Only Steel Fibers: Full Scale Testing Results and Conclusions - Design Examples Author(s): Xavier Destrée |
Pages: 287 - 294 |
Experimental Analysis and Modeling of Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete Plates Author(s): E. M. R. Fairbairn, R. D. Toledo Filho, S. Formagini, J. I. Rosa, R. C. Battista |
Pages: 295 - 302 |
Maximum Bending Moment and Ductility of R/HPFRCC Beams Author(s): Alessandro P. Fantilli, Hirozo Mihashi, Paolo Vallini |
Pages: 303 - 311 |
Measurement of Crack Opening Behavior within ECC Under Bending Moment Author(s): Minoru Kunieda, Keitetsu Rokugo |
Pages: 313 - 321 |
Full-Scale Tests on HPSFRC Prestressed Roof Elements Subjected to Longitudinal Flexure Author(s): Fausto Minelli, Luca Cominoli, Alberto Meda, Giovanni A. Plizzari, Paolo Riva |
Pages: 323 - 332 |
Mix Design, Autogenous Shrinkage, and Mechanical Characterization of UHPFRCC Author(s): S. Formagini, R. D. Toledo Filho, E. M. R. Fairbairn |
Pages: 333 - 341 |
Outlines of "Recommendations for Design and Construction of Ultra High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete Structures" by JSCE Author(s): Yuichi Uchida, Junichiro Niwa, Yoshihiro Tanaka, Makoto Katagiri |
Pages: 343 - 351 |
Bending Failure Behavior and Crack Properties of Steel Tubes Covered with Multiple-Crack-Type Concrete Author(s): Kenji Yamashita, Yasuhiro Fujimoto, Seung-Chan Lim, Keitetsu Rokugo |
Pages: 353 - 359 |
Task Group E
Task Group E– Seismic Design, Shear and Torsion – Conclusions Author(s): Gregor Fischer |
Pages: 363 - 364 |
Test on High-Performance Wall Elements with HPFRCC Author(s): Hiroshi Fukuyama, Haruhiko Suwada, Tomohisa Mukai |
Pages: 365 - 374 |
Mechanical Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Element Subjected to Pure Shearing Stress Author(s): Nobuhiro Hisabe, Isamu Yoshitake, Hiroshi Tanaka, Sumio Hamada |
Pages: 375 - 381 |
Fracture Behavior of Shear-Critical Reinforced HPFRCC Members Author(s): Petr Kabele |
Pages: 383 - 392 |
HPFRCC Infill Panels Under Cyclic Loading: Experiments & Numerical Simulations Author(s): Keith Kesner, Sarah L. Billington |
Pages: 393 - 402 |
Influence of ECC Ductility on the Diagonal Tension Behavior (Shear Capacity) of Infill Panels
Experimental Investigation of Shear Dominant RC Beam Repaired with DFRCC at Cover Thickness Author(s): Yun Yong Kim, Jeong-Su Kim, Gee Joo Ha, Jin-Keun Kim |
Pages: 403 - 410 |
Experimental Investigation of Shear Dominant RC Beam Repaired with DFRCC at Cover Thickness Author(s): Jang-Ho Jay Kim, Yun Mook Lim, Jong-Pil Kim |
Pages: 411 - 419 |
Improvement of the Deformation Capacity by the Use of Fibers Author(s): Kenji Kosa, Hiroki Goda |
Pages: 421 - 432 |
Influence of High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete on the Ductility of Beam Elements
Shear Behavior of PVA-ECC Beams Author(s): Zila Rinaldi, Antonio Grimaldi |
Pages: 433 - 441 |
Shear Behavior of PVA-ECC Beams Author(s): Katsuyuki Shimizu, Toshiyuki Kanakubo, Tetsushi Kanda, Satoru Nagai |
Pages: 443 - 451 |
FEM Analysis on the Shear Behavior of HPFRCC Member Author(s): Haruhiko Suwada, Hiroshi Fukuyama |
Pages: 453 - 461 |
Basic Study for Construction of HPFRCC Constitutive Models Author(s): Haruhiko Suwada, Hiroshi Fukuyama |
Pages: 463 - 471 |
Task Group F
Task Group F – Special Considerations – Conclusions Author(s): Nemy Banthia, Mohamed Maalej |
Pages: 473 - 476 |
Impact Resistance of HPFRCC Author(s): Nemkumar Banthia |
Pages: 479 - 488 |
3D FE Modeling of Hybrid-Fiber ECC Panels Subjected to Projectile Impact Author(s): Siew C. Lee, Ser T. Quek, Mohamed Maalej |
Pages: 489 - 497 |
Experimental Study on Crack-Bridging Ability of ECC for Repair Under Train Loading
Flexural Fatigue of High and Ultra High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete Author(s): Hiroshi Inaguma, Masaki Seki, Kumiko Suda |
Pages: 499 - 508 |
Flexural Fatigue of High and Ultra High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete Author(s): Eleni S. Lappa, C. René Braam, Joost C. Walraven |
Pages: 509 - 518 |
Partial Use of ECC in Concrete Components to Resist Concentrated Stress Author(s): Christopher K.Y. Leung, Angus K.F. Cheung, Xiufang Zhang |
Pages: 519 - 527 |
Elevating Material Ductility to Structural Performance of Steel Anchoring to ECC Author(s): Shunzhi Qian, Victor C. Li |
Pages: 529 - 537 |
Mechanical Behaviour of a Ultra-high Performance Fibre Reinforced Cement Composite Submitted to Impact Loading Conditions Author(s): Pierre Rossi, Edouard Parant |
Pages: 539 - 547 |
Mix Design, Mechanical Properties, and Impact Resistance of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) Author(s): Marios N. Soutsos, Stephen G. Millard, Konstantinos Karaiskos |
Pages: 549 - 560 |
The Impact Response of Normal and Very High Strength FRC Round Panels Author(s): Hanfeng Xu, Sidney Mindess, Nemkumar Banthia |
Pages: 561 - 569 |
The Impact Response of Normal and Very High Strength FRC Round Panels Author(s): Isamu Yoshitake, Koji Baba, Tetsuo Ito, Koji Nakagawa |
Pages: 571 - 577 |