Proceedings pro120-2 : 2nd International RILEM/COST Conference on Early Age Cracking and Serviceability in Cement-based Materials and Structures (EAC-02) Volume 2
We are honored to organize and host the 2nd International RILEM/COST Conference on Early Age Cracking and Serviceability in Cement-based Materials and Structures EAC-02, 12-14 September 2017 in Brussels in Belgium in conjunction of the annual scientific meeting of the COST Action TU1404 ( The conference is scientifically endorsed by RILEM.
This COST Action TU1404 is entitled: “Towards the next generation of standards for service life of cement-based materials and structures”, dedicated to assist deepening knowledge regarding the service life behavior of cement-based materials and structures. The main purpose of this Action is to bring together relevant stakeholders (experimental and numerical researchers, standardization offices, manufacturers, designers, contractors, owners and authorities) in order to reflect today’s state of knowledge in new guidelines/recommendations, introduce new products and technologies to the market, and promote international and inter-specialty exchange of new information, creating avenues for new developments.
The COST Action TU1404 is basically divided in three main workgroups targeted to: WG 1 – Testing of cement-based materials and RRT+WG 2 – Modelling and benchmarkingWG 3 – Recommendations and productsAlso, two important instruments of the Action are under way: the Extended RoundRobin Testing Program (RRT+) and the numerical benchmarking. The RRT+ is currently involving 42 enrolled laboratories.
This International RILEM/COST Conference follows the RILEM InternationalConference on Early Age Cracking in Cementitious Systems (EAC’01) organized inMarch, 2001, in Haifa, Israel, by Prof. Konstantin Kovler. The EAC’01 conference was dedicated to early age cracking in cementitious systems, one of the most prominent topics tackled by COST Action TU1404. Indeed, this Action includes in the working group 1 (WG1) the following priorities: fresh properties and setting, chemical and microstructural characterization, transport properties and boundary effects, mechanical properties and creep, volume stability and fracture properties and cracking. In the working group 2 (WG2), this Action includes the following priorities: microstructural modelling, multiscale modelling, macroscopic modelling, probabilistic modelling and benchmarking calculations. It is the reason why, to continue the tradition of the specific conference EAC’01, the idea came naturally to organize the EAC-02 conference in conjunction with the annual event of the COST Action TU1404.
The present conference deals with a wide breadth of topics related to early age cracking of cement-based materials and to the service life of concrete from nano up to macro scales including both material and structural scales and comprising aspects related to the 3 Workgroups mentioned above. The conference is attended by 165 participants including 12 invited plenary speakers and 140 presenters from university, industry and practice representing more than 30 different countries. All contributions have been peer reviewed. The event takes place in Brussels, at the campus of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, 12-14 September 2017. It is a great pleasure to welcome you in Brussels,the capital of the European Union, having a long history of hosting the institutions of the European Union, a place with a rich history and vibrant activities situated in the heart of Europe.Welcome to Brussels, an open and cosmopolitan city where 183 nationalities live side by side!
Transport and thermal processes
Effects of super-hydrophobic GGBS on the transport properties of lightweight aggregate concrete Author(s): Q.L. Yu, Z.Y. Qu, H.J.H. Brouwers |
Pages: 509-514 |
Predicting depth of carbonation of concrete for varying climatic conditions Author(s): Rakesh Gopinath, Mark Alexander and Hans Beushausen |
Pages: 515-520 |
Water permeability of cementitious materials: outstanding issues on measurement and modelling approaches Author(s): Quoc Tri Phung, Ravi A. Patel, Norbert Maes, Diederik Jacques |
Pages: 521-526 |
Ion-leaching properties of blast furnace slag and fly ash under alkaline conditions Author(s): Woonggeol Lee, Kyungnam Kim, Seungmin Kang, Myongshin Song |
Pages: 527-532 |
Mechanical properties
Influence of PCA on structure of fly ashes and slag obtained by mechanosynthesis. Applications: Mechanical performance of substituted paste (CEMI+ 50% slag /or fly ashes) Author(s): Othmane Bouchenafa, Rabah Hamzaoui, Abdelkrim Bennabi, Johan Colin |
Pages: 535-540 |
Effects of nano-metakaolin on cement mortar and concrete properties Author(s): Steve Wilben Macquarie Supit, Rilya Rumbayan, Adriana Ticoalu |
Pages: 541-546 |
The effect of different air entraining admixtures on freeze-thaw scaling resistance of concrete Author(s): Ksenija Jankovic, Marko Stojanovic, Dragan Bojovic, Ljiljana Loncar, Lana Antic |
Pages: 547-552 |
Mechanical performance of mortars modified with hemp fibres, shives and milled fly ashes Author(s): Rabah Hamzaoui, Sofiane Guessasma, Kamilia Abahri |
Pages: 553-558 |
Concrete Mix Design Optimization using Artificial Neural Networks Author(s): Bal Lyes, Buyle-Bodin François |
Pages: 559-564 |
Mechanical properties and creep
Early-age responses of railway prestressed concrete sleepers to creep and shrinkage Author(s): Dan Li, Sakdirat Kaewunruen, Peter Robery |
Pages: 567-572 |
Experimental investigation on strain distribution in reinforcement of RC specimens Author(s): Eugenijus Gudonis, Regimantas Ramanauskas, Aleksandr Sokolov |
Pages: 573-578 |
Systematic Investigations with Restraining Frames for Reinforced Concrete Author(s): Katrin Turner, Dirk Schlicke, Nguyen Viet Tue |
Pages: 579-584 |
Investigation on Impact resistance and Mechanical Properties of self compacting concrete made with Fly ash and GGBS Author(s): Parasivamurthy Prakash, Veena Jawali, Srishaila Jagalur Mahalingasharma, Vivek Rama Das and Pramod A V |
Pages: 585-590 |
Stress concentrations induced by active and passive reinforcements in a concrete containment building Author(s): Laurent Charpin, Jean-Philippe Mathieu, Thierno Sow |
Pages: 591-596 |
Set of creep and shrinkage data for a normal strength concrete Author(s): Martin Drexel, Yvonne Theiner, Günter Hofstetter |
Pages: 597-602 |
Determination of concrete elastic modulus in early age for temperature stress testing under the effect of restraint Author(s): He Zhu, Yu Hu, Qingbin Li, Mingyang Zhang |
Pages: 603-608 |
Influence of gradual imposition of tensile stresses on associated viscoelastic behaviour Author(s): Dirk Schlicke, Eva Maria Dorfmann |
Pages: 609-614 |
Early age cracking resistance of pre-stressed concrete beams subjected to long-term service loads Author(s): Gnida Sossou |
Pages: 615-620 |
Developing a Common Approach to using Eurocode 2 for Early Thermal Effects and Crack Control – Process and Lessons learnt Author(s): Ioannis Sfikas, Cremona Makaginsar, James Banks, David Gibson, Adrian Douglas, Ian Gibb |
Pages: 621-626 |
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Peculiarities of Concrete Behavior in Time and the Concrete Limit Characteristics from the Standpoint of Creep Adsorption Theory Author(s): Merab Lordkipanidze, Olgha Giorgishvili, Iuri Salukvadze, Nika Botchorishvili,Aleksandre Tatanashvili |
Pages: 627-632 |
Evaluation of Material Properties for Young Concrete Author(s): Anders Hösthagen, Jan-Erik Jonasson, Mats Emborg, Martin Nilsson |
Pages: 633-638 |
Macroscopic modelling
Thermo-hygro-mechanical modelling of concrete structures in service life: a multi-scale approach in the IntegraCrete project Author(s): Miguel Azenha, Rui Faria, José Granja, Carlos F. Sousa, Rui Carvalho, Hadi Mazaheripour, Behzad Zahabizadeh |
Pages: 641-646 |
Thermo-mechanical modeling of the early age behavior of concrete in Nuclear Containment Buildings Author(s): El-Mahdi BOUHJITI, Matthieu BRIFFAUT, Julien BAROTH, Frédéric DUFOUR and Benoît MASSON |
Pages: 647-652 |
Modeling Restrained Shrinkage-Induced Cracking in concrete elements using the Thick Level Set approach Author(s): Rebecca Nakhoul, Olivier Pierard |
Pages: 653-658 |
Multi-scale strategy for modeling macrocracks propagation in large reinforced concrete structures Author(s): Christian Nader, Pierre Rossi, Jean-Louis Tailhan |
Pages: 659-664 |
Thermo-chemo-mechanical behavior of alkali-activated slag materials Focus on early-age Author(s): Farah Rifai, Aveline Darquennes, Farid Benboudjema, Benoist Muzeau, Lavinia Stefan |
Pages: 665-670 |
Phase-field modeling of shrinkage cracks in cement-based materials Author(s): Tuanny Cajuhi, Pietro Lura, Laura De Lorenzis |
Pages: 671-676 |
Experimental study and numerical estimation of the early age behavior of a massive concrete structure Author(s): Bary Benoit, Bastiaens Wim, Bernachy-Barbe Fabien, Honorio Tulio, Imbert Christophe, Neji Mejdi, Poyet Stéphane, Segarra Corinne, Touzé Gaëtan |
Pages: 677-682 |
Hygro-mechanical modelling of self induced stresses in concrete Author(s): François Soleilhet, Farid Benboudjema, X. Jourdain, Fabrice Gatuingt |
Pages: 683-688 |
Discrete modelling of hardening-induced cracking Author(s): Dirk Schlicke, Gramos Muja |
Pages: 689-694 |
Macroscopic calculation model for simulating early age behavior of concrete members Author(s): Lýdia Matiašková, Július Šoltész |
Pages: 695-702 |
Validation of CTU Prague thermo-mechanical simulator with TU Graz restraining frame experiments Author(s): Karolina Hájková, Dirk Schlicke, Katrin Turner, Vít Šmilauer, Petr Havlásek, Peter Heinrich |
Pages: 703-708 |
Prediction of the delayed behavior of concrete structures Author(s): A. Brahma |
Pages: 709-714 |
Prediction of concrete drying and its effect on gas permeability: application to a vessel of nuclear power plant Author(s): Jérôme Carette, Martin Buszyk, Farid Benboudjema |
Pages: 715-720 |
Crack analysis of reinforced concrete members based on predicted mean strain of reinforcement Author(s): Gintaris Kaklauskas, Mattia Francesco Bado |
Pages: 721-726 |
Structural health monitoring
In situ monitoring of slab's structure degradation casting under hot climate Author(s): Ahmed Bouaziz, Oussama Temami, Mekki Mellas |
Pages: 729-734 |
Axial loading of small scale sandwich panels with textile reinforced cementitious faces monitored by DIC Author(s): Jolien Vervloet, Petra Van Itterbeeck, Svetlana Verbruggen, Michael El Kadi, Matthias De Munck, Jan Wastiels, Danny Van Hemelrijck, Tine Tysmans |
Pages: 735-740 |
Real-time monitoring of concrete structures using embedded piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers Author(s): Arnaud Deraemaeker, Cédric Dumoulin |
Pages: 741-746 |
Characterization of carbonation-induced changes in crack features and geometry in hardened cement pastes Author(s): Anna Varzina, Quoc Tri Phung, Bart Rogiers, Janez Perko, Diederik Jacques, Norbert Maes, Özlem Cizer |
Pages: 747-752 |
Detection of Cracking Damage in-Service Concrete by AE Energy Parameter Author(s): Tetsuya Suzuki and Yuma Shimamoto |
Pages: 753-758 |
Qualification and development of devices for testingand monitoring concrete at early age
Influence of specimen geometry and boundary conditions on concrete cracking in the restrained elliptical ring test Author(s): Wei Dong, Xiangming Zhou, Wenyan Yuan |
Pages: 761-766 |
NDT TESTING OF STIFFNESS EVOLUTION OF UHPFRC SINCE CASTING Author(s): Ana Mafalda Matos, José Granja, Sandra Nunes, José L. B. Aguiar, Miguel Azenha |
Pages: 767-772 |
Plastic Shrinkage Cracking in Concrete – Influence of Test Methods Author(s): Faez Sayahi, Mats Emborg, Hans Hedlund |
Pages: 773-778 |
Assessing the mechanical behaviour of concrete before and during setting with a resonance based technique: preliminary prototypes and results Author(s): José Granja, Miguel Azenha |
Pages: 779-784 |
Effect of aluminium hydroxide on clay mortars properties Author(s): Laurent Libessart, Claudia Charlotte Tchamo Leussa, Chafika Djelal, Maurice Gonon, Chantale Djangang Nijoumou, Antoine Elimbic |
Pages: 787-792 |
Effect of salt and water crystallization on the degradation of pore structure of cement mortars Author(s): Alicja Wieczorek*, Marcin Koniorczyk, Piotr Konca, Francesco Pesavento, Dariusz Gawina |
Pages: 793-798 |
A facile way to prepare super-hydrophobic GGBS Author(s): Z.Y. Qu, Q.L. Yu H.J.H. Brouwers |
Pages: 799-804 |
Chromium trapping in the cement matrix: potential of leaching from RCA and stabilization Author(s): Oumeima Ben Maaouia, Rabah Hamzaoui, Abdelkrim Bennabi, Johan Colin, Horacio colina |
Pages: 805-810 |
Cracking mitigation
Self-healing approaches for the preventive repair of concrete structures: SARCOS COST Action Author(s): Mercedes Sánchez, Abir Al-Tabbaa, Nele De Belie, Liberato Ferrara, Anthony Jefferson |
Pages: 813-818 |
The impact of alternating temperature for crack formation in concrete tubes Author(s): Raimondas Šadzevičius, Vincas Gurskis, Rosita Norvaišienė, Edita Smetonaitė |
Pages: 819-824 |
Optimization strategy for the construction phase of a massive concrete structure Author(s): Eduardo M. R. Fairbairn, Mariane R. Rita, Henrique C. C. Andrade, Fernando L. B. Ribeiro,Helio J. C. Barbosa |
Pages: 825-828 |
Pages: 829-834 |
Effect of w/c-ratio, curing conditions and testing age on concrete performance for Service Life Design Author(s): Ebensperger, Luis, Olivares, Mario |
Pages: 835-840 |
Plastic shrinkage and cracking
Influence of depth on the cracking of plastic concrete Author(s): Riaan Combrinck, Lourens Steyl, William Peter Boshoff |
Pages: 843-848 |
Understanding the influence of externally bonded TRC on the cracking behaviour of a plain concrete beam Author(s): Svetlana Verbruggen, Tine Tysmans, Jan Wastielsa |
Pages: 849-854 |
Crack control in Textile Reinforced Cement Author(s): Wastiels Jan, Tysmans Tine, El Kadi Michael, De Munck Matthias, Verbruggen Svetlana |
Pages: 855-860 |
Determination of cracking related properties of engineering cementitious composites Author(s): Süleyman B. Keskin, Mustafa Şahmaran, İsmail Ö. Yaman |
Pages: 861-866 |
Plastic shrinkage properties of cement mortar for large area floor Author(s): Sehoon Jeon, Changyeul Moon2, Seungmin Kang, Myongshin Song |
Pages: 867-874 |
Physical Properties and Durability
Thermal Properties of Normal Strength Concrete with Different Percentages of Fly Ash Replacements Author(s): Rayed Alyousef |
Pages: 877-882 |
Pages: 883-888 |
Coupled influence of chloride and carbonation on the service life of unsaturated concrete Author(s): Achour Mohamad, Amiri Ouali, Bignonnet François, Rozière Emmanuel |
Pages: 889-894 |
Durability performance of fly ash concrete with prescribed and measured k-values Author(s): T. Altuğ Söylev |
Pages: 895-900 |
Durability of mortars made with recycled fine aggregates under severe sulfate environment Author(s): S. T. Lee, K. P. Park, J. P. Kim |
Pages: 901-906 |