Proceedings pro083 : 2nd International Conference on Microstructural-related Durability of Cementitious Composites
Title: 2nd International Conference on Microstructural-related Durability of Cementitious Composites Edited by Guang Ye, K. van Breugel, Wei Sun and Changwen Miao ISBN: 978-2-35158-129-2 e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-123-0 Pages: N/A Publication date: 2012 |
Durability of materials and structures is one of the key-components of sustainable development. Premature failures due to any kind of degradation gives rise to expensive repair or, in the worst case, complete demolition of a structure. The indirect costs of repair due to process or traffic interruptions may easily exceed 5 to 10 times the direct costs. Premature failure of aging materials and structures and, hence, a shorter service life, also means higher impact on the environment and a negative contribution to the development of a sustainable society.
Degradation of materials and structures finds its origin in infinitesimal small changes and instabilities at the atomic, nano and microscale of a material. These are the levels at which aging phenomena start. This is at least one way to look at durability and sustainable issues. In 2008 this way of looking at the problem had inspired the school of Materials Sciences & Engineering of Southeast University in China and the section Materials & Environment of Delft University of Technology to organize the first International Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites in Nanjing. The conference became a success and it was decided to organize a second conference, Microdurability’2012, in Amsterdam. The response to the call for papers for this second conference was overwhelming. Over 260 abstracts were submitted, finally resulting in almost 190 papers. Attendants from more than 40 countries have subscribed to the conference, representing all continents. This response convincingly illustrates the relevance of the topic and the interest of researchers and other stakeholders to participate in the durability debate.
Microdurability’2012 is a Sino-Dutch initiative organized under the umbrella of RILEM and is also supported by ACI. The organizers would like to thank both RILEM and ACI for adopting this conference. From the Chinese side both Southeast University and Jiangsu Research Institute of Building Science participated in organizing this conference, whereas from the Dutch side Delft University of Technology was involved. Since the conference takes place in The Netherlands, it is clear that most of the work for organizing this event was carried by staff members and PhD students from the TU Delft. The enthusiasm and perseverance of the key-persons in the organization, Mrs. Iris Batterham and dr. Ye Guang and their team was enormous and is gratefully acknowledged here.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee we would finally like to thank all the keynote speakers, the Scientific Committee, authors and delegates for their collaboration and presence in this conference. The support from companies, who have sponsored the conference, is gratefully acknowledged. We wish you all most fruitful discussions during this conference, a wonderful stay in Amsterdam and unforgettable visits to typically Dutch places in Amsterdam’s neighborhood.
Organizing Committee
Prof.dr. K. van Breugel, chairman
Prof. Wei Sun, co-chairman
Prof. Changwen Miao, co-chairman
Preface Author(s): Organizing Committee, Prof.Dr.K. van Breugel, Prof. Wei Sun, Prof. Changwen Miao |
Pages: XXXV |
Knowledge of microstructure of concrete for the design of durable reinforced concrete structures Author(s): Folker H. Wittmann, Tiejun Zhao |
Pages: 1 - 12 |
Impact of Microstructure on the durability of concrete Author(s): K. Scrivener |
Pages: 13 - 19 |
Microstructure based life-cycle assessment and durability design of concrete bridges Author(s): Koichi Maekawa, Benny Suryanto, Chikako Fujiyama and Nobuhiro Chijiwa |
Pages: 20 - 28 |
Transport process in the microstructure of concrete and their relevance for durability Author(s): Lars-Olof Nilsson |
Pages: 29 - 36 |
A critical view on service life predictions based on chloride induced corrosion Author(s): Harald Justnes and Mettee Geiker |
Pages: 37 - 50 |
Bio-based microstructural effects in view of durability of concrete and concrete structures Author(s): N. de Belie |
Pages: 51 - 64 |
Comparison of the efficiency of zinc stabilisation by direct incorporation to clinker or by addition during mixing Author(s): D. Damidot |
Pages: 65 - 75 |
From pore structure assessment to service life design of concrete structures Author(s): Zongjin Li, Hongyan Ma and Shengwen Tang |
Pages: 76 - 87 |
Crack and durability of reinforced concrete structures Author(s): M. Alexander, M. Otieno and H. Beushausen |
Pages: 88 - 97 |
Models and measurements with implications to durability Author(s): Hamlin M. Jennings |
Pages: 98 |
Theme 1 - Hydration and formation of microstructure
Calculation of tortuosity factor for the model based in concrete resistivity Author(s): C. Andrade, R. D’Andrea and N. Rebolledo |
Pages: 99 - 107 |
Hydration hardening process control technology of low alkalinity sulphoaluminate cement Author(s): Huaxin Zhou, Jiaping Liu, Jianzhong Liu and Changfeng Li |
Pages: 108 - 115 |
Optimization of CH content of ternary cementitious systems and its prediction using artificial neural networks Author(s): M. Iqbal Khan |
Pages: 116 - 124 |
Absorption of pozzolana materials on calcium hydration products of cement Author(s): Hongbo Zhu, Xian Liu, Peiming Wang, Yong Yuan and Haoxin Li |
Pages: 125 - 131 |
Microstructural study on the effects of using electric-arc eurnace dust (EAFD) as a cementitious material Author(s): R. Al-Zaid, Suwito, G. Fares, A. Al-Negheimish, A. Alhozaimy and M.I. Khan |
Pages: 132 - 139 |
Temporal evolution of mesoscopic structure during hydration of cement Author(s): S. Mazumder |
Pages: 140 - 149 |
Evolution of pore structure and interfacial transition zone of concrete in seawater environment Author(s): Ping Duan, Zhonghe Shui and Guiming Wang |
Pages: 150 - 160 |
Evaluating the early age performance of portland cement under differing hydration conditions Author(s): C. Ishee and A. Boyd |
Pages: 161 – 168 |
Microstructural alterations of slag and silica fume concretes subjected to short term heat curing Author(s): M. Santhanam and K. Scrivener |
Pages: 169 – 180 |
Hydration study of sugar cane bagasse ash and calcium hydroxide pastes of various initial C/S ratios Author(s): Lourdes M. S. Souza, Eduardo M. R. Fairbairn, Guilherme C. Cordeiro and Romildo D. Toledo Filho |
Pages: 181 – 188 |
Characterization and microstructural deformation during the hydration of EAFD-cement composite Author(s): G. Fares, R. Al-Zaid, M.I. Khan, A. Al-Negheimish, A. Alhozaimy and Suwito |
Pages: 189 – 196 |
Micro-hydration, pore connectivity and durability of cementitious materials Author(s): E.A.B Koenders, N. Ukrainczyk and W. Hansen |
Pages: 197 - 204 |
Research on the durability of polypropylene fiber concrete under freeze-thaw damage Author(s): Chenfei Wang and Ditao Niu |
Pages: 205 - 210 |
Hydration activity of silica fume and its effect on the structure of C-S-H Gel Author(s): Lei Wang, Zhen He and Xinhua Cai |
Pages: 211 - 219 |
Influences of mineral composition of cement on the mechanical properties of cement paste Author(s): Zhiwei Qian, Guang Ye, E. Schlangen and K. van Breugel |
Pages: 220 - 227 |
Theme 2 - (experimental) Techniques for characterization hydration and microstructure
Analysis of different contents of blast-furnace slag effect on carbonation properties of hardened binder paste using micro-XCT technique Author(s): Jiande Han, Wei Sun and Ganghua Pan |
Pages: 228 - 234 |
Moisture transport in concrete during fire as studied by NMR Author(s): L. Pel, G.H.A van der Heijden and K. Kopinga |
Pages: 235 - 242 |
Microstructure of cement-bases composites containing rock wool particles Author(s): L. Pel, G.H.A van der Heijden and K. Kopinga |
Pages: 243 - 252 |
Chemical state analysis of alkali silica gel by using soft X-ray XAFS Author(s): M. Mizuta, K. Ohda, K. Nakanishi, T. Ohta and T. Kojima |
Pages: 253 - 258 |
Properties of pore structure measured by step-by-step mercury intrusion porosimetry test Author(s): Ryo Yoshida and Toshiharu Kishi |
Pages: 259 - 266 |
In-situ monitoring of initial setting of concrete based on pore water under pressure measurement Author(s): Qian Tian, Hang Zhang, Yujiang Wang, Jiaping Liu and Changwen Miao |
Pages: 267 - 274 |
Applying raman spectroscopy for studying cement-based materials Author(s): Nishant Garg and Kejin Wang |
Pages: 275 - 282 |
The effect of chemical attack on the three dimensional porosity of alkali activated systems Author(s): L.E. Gordon, R.J. Myers, Lu. Cao, J.L. Provis and J.S.J. van Deventer |
Pages: 283 - 291 |
Evaluation of deteriorated concrete structures in aggressive environments by nondestructive methods Author(s): Amir Haji Esmaili, Masoud Moradian, Mohammad Hossein Eftekhar, Pouyan Hosseini, Mohammad Shekarchi and Ebrahim Sharifi |
Pages: 292 - 299 |
Study on the performance of high-point throwing non-vibration concrete Author(s): Jianhua Wu, Haihong Zhao, Shangyong Zhou, Yi Zhang, Jianxiong Ye |
Pages: 300 - 308 |
Micro-durability of SCC mixtures containing limestone dust and natural pozzolan Author(s): G. Fares, A. Al-Negheimish, M.I. Khan, R. Al-Zaid and A. Alhozaimy |
Pages: 309 - 316 |
X-ray computer tomography studies of meso-defects evolution of UHPCC due to freezing-thawing action Author(s): Chumping Gu, Wei Sun, Liping Guo, Qiannan Wang and Jinyu Zong |
Pages: 317 - 323 |
Theme 3 - Early-age deformations and internal stresses in cement-based systems
Effect of the water saturation degree of aggregates on concrete shrinkage Author(s): R. Cortas, E. Rozière, A. Loukili, A. Hamami, S. Staquet |
Pages: 324 – 331 |
Study on chemical shrinkage and electrical resistivity of cement pastes at early age Author(s): Yishun Liao and Xiaosheng Wei |
Pages: 332 – 341 |
Modeling of internal relative humidity evolution in cement pastes at early-ages Author(s): Hui Chen, M. Wyrzykowski, K. Scrivener and P. Lura |
Pages: 342 – 349 |
Analysis of early-age cracking of cementitious materials by combination of various non destructive testing methods Author(s): S. Pirskawetz, F. Weise and P. Fontana |
Pages: 350 – 359 |
Early-age thermal deformations of cement paste and mortar Author(s): M. Wyrzykowski and P. Lura |
Pages: 360 – 367 |
Creep of concrete at very early age: a microstructural approach using the theory of percolation Author(s): F. Benboudjema, J.-M. Torrenti and L. Stefan |
Pages: 368 – 376 |
How to investigate the tensile behaviour of early age concrete? Author(s): E. Roziere, R. Cortas, A. Loukili |
Pages: 377-385 |
Evolution of endogenous shrinkage of portland cement pastes Author(s): A. Brahma |
Pages: 386-394 |
Effects of variable temperature on properties of early age concrete Author(s): J.-E Jonasson, P. Fjellström |
Pages: 395-403 |
Theme 4 - Transport properties in cracked and uncracked concrete
Study of chloride diffusion in the field and laboratory in the concrete specimens containing silica fume Author(s): M. Valipour, S. Shahini, M. Shekarchizade, F. Pargar |
Pages: 404-411 |
Experimental study of aggregate size effects on mechanical behaviour and permeability of concrete Author(s): A. Fabien, M. Choinska, S. Bonnet, A. Pertué, A. Khelidj |
Pages: 412-420 |
Modelling reinforcement corrosion in concrete Author(s): A. Michel, M.R. Geiker, H. Stang, J.F. Olesen |
Pages: 421-430 |
Effect of seasonal temperature changes on the chloride binding capacity of pastes containing SCMs Author(s): G Yee-Ching, Y. Wang, D.K. Panesar |
Pages: 431-439 |
Migration of water through cracked textile, reinforced concrete applied as a protective layer for RC structures Author(s): M. Lieboldt, C. Schröfl, V. Mechtcherine |
Pages: 440-449 |
A rapid experimentation method for two-dimensional diffusion of chloride in concrete Author(s): Z. Chen, L. Yang, Q.M. Jiang, B. Hong, M. Zhou, C.Y. Hu |
Pages: 450-457 |
Relationship between cracking and electrical resistance in reinforced and unreinforced concrete Author(s): J. Pacheco, B. Savija, E. Schlangen, R. Polder |
Pages: 458-466 |
Non-destructive air-permeability measurement: from gas-flow modelling to improved testing Author(s): R. Torrent |
Pages: 467-476 |
Effect of micro-cracking on water retention and gas transport properties of two industrial concretes Author(s): S. Mjahad, C. Davy, F. Skoczylas, X Bourbon |
Pages: 477-486 |
Non-destructive measurement of chloride in concrete by NMR Author(s): J.J.A.M. Borgharts, L. Pel |
Pages: 487-495 |
Water permeability of concrete Author(s): Bei Huang, Chunxiang Qian, Yujiang Wang, Miao Wu |
Pages: 496-504 |
Theme 5 - Effect of time dependent phenomena and aging on microstructure and durability
Influence of ageing on the frost salt resistance of high performance concrete Author(s): S. Palecki |
Pages: 505-515 |
Abrasion-erosion resistance of hydraulic concrete under high-velocity sandblasting Author(s): Xinhua Cai, Zhen He, Yaojiu Rong, Wang Lei |
Pages: 516-522 |
The integration of non-destructive test methods into the south african durability index approach Author(s): H. Beushausen, S.J. Starck, M.G. Alexander |
Pages: 523-531 |
Meso-scale simulation of chloride ingress in cracked concrete Author(s): B. Šavija, J. Pacheco, E. Schlangen, R.B. Polder |
Pages: 532-540 |
Experimental investigation into the deterioration of ordinary concrete subjected to hydro-abrasion Author(s): C. Bellmann, V. Mechtcherine |
Pages: 541-549 |
Concrete performance in relation to the exposure zones in the marine environment Author(s): I. Stipanović, D. Bjegović, M. Serdar |
Pages: 550-558 |
Service properties and microstructure of mortars with different contents of slag and fly ash exposed to different hardening environments Author(s): J.M. Ortega, I. Sánchez, M.A. Climent |
Pages: 559-567 |
The effet of AAR on concrete mechanical properties Author(s): Chenxia Liu, Gaixin Chen, Guojin Ji, Xiangzhi Kong, Lintao Ma |
Pages: 568-576 |
Durability of polypropylene fibre-reinforced concrete as assessed by oxygen and water permeability Author(s): A.S. Badr |
Pages: 577-585 |
Chloride penetration and microstructure development of fly ash concrete Author(s): Zhuqing Yu, Guang Ye |
Pages: 586-594 |
Comparison between expansion and microstructural changes of mortars under sulfate attack Author(s): C. Yu, K. Scrivener, W. Sun |
Pages: 595-603 |
Theme 6 - Chemical and physical degradation under coupled (environmental) loading conditions (carbonation, chemical attack, bio-induced degradation, freeze-thaw, ASR, ETC)
Controlling alkali silica reaction by understanding the contribution of aluminium provided by supplementary cementitious materials Author(s): T. Chappex, K. Scrivener |
Pages: 605-612 |
Microstructural study of concretes incorporating ceramic sanitary ware aggregate exposed to freeze-thaw cycles Author(s): C. Medina, M.I. Sánchez de Rojas, M. Frías, A. Juan, J.M. Morán |
Pages: 613-621 |
Chloride ion binding behavior of deicing chlorides under freeze-thaw environment Author(s): K. Hashimoto, H. Yokota, Y. Sato, T. Sugiyama |
Pages: 622-629 |
Frost resistance and micro pore structure change of mortar exposed to different climate conditions Author(s): Yukio Hama, Yoshihiko Kishimoto, M. Zakaria |
Pages: 630-638 |
Influence of microcracks in high strength concrete on durability properties Author(s): A. Kustermann, K. Ch. Thienel |
Pages: 639-647 |
Chloride ions adsorption and desorption in pore solution with various PH values Author(s): In-Seok Yoon, Tatsuhiko Saeki, Sang-Soon Park |
Pages: 648-655 |
Performance of pozzolanic admixtures on mechanical and durability properties of concrete Author(s): P. Hosseini, M. Moradian, A.H. Esmaili, M. Ghorbani, M. Shekarchi, E. Sharifi |
Pages: 656-664 |
Detecting microstructural changes in concrete conditioned under thermo-mechanical loading using x-ray computed tomography Author(s): R.C. Stein, M. Petkovski, D.L. Engelberg, N.C. Hyatt, P.J. Withers, T. Lowe |
Pages: 665-673 |
Detection of transport processes during freeze-thaw deicing salt attack using single-sided NMR Author(s): C. Milachowski, D. Lowke, C. Gehlen |
Pages: 674-682 |
A new method to analyse the scaling test result Author(s): S. Bouteille, T. Fen-Chong, V. Baroghel-Bouny, M. Dierkens |
Pages: 683-691 |
Polymer action on alkali-silica reaction: further research Author(s): J.L. Feiteira, M.S. Ribeiro |
Pages: 692-702 |
Some aspects of internal sulfate attack Author(s): I. Cigrovski |
Pages: 703-716 |
Modelling the coupling between creep and internal swelling reactions in concrete structures Author(s): O. Omikrine-Metalssi, J.-F. Seignol, S. Rigobert, F. Toutlemonde |
Pages: 717-725 |
Nanomechanical study of cement pastes by statistical nanoindentation and peakforce QNM Author(s): Wenzhong Zhu, T. Howind, S. Barbhuiya, R. Stark, B. Kümmerling, J.S. Dolado |
Pages: 726-734 |
Calcium leaching performance of cementitious materials: nanoindentation results and model predictions Author(s): T. Howind, Wenzhong Zhu, J.J. Gaitero, J.S. Dolado |
Pages: 735-742 |
Accelerated sulfate resistance test for concrete-chemical and microstructural aspects Author(s): A. Leemann, R. Loser |
Pages: 743-751 |
Non-destructive assessment of concrete durability of the national museum of western art in Japan Author(s): K. Imamoto, A. Tanaka, M. Kanematsu |
Pages: 752-759 |
Study on the damage process of concrete exposed to sulfate attack under flexural loading and drying-wetting cycles Author(s): Jianming Gao, Zhenxin Yu, Luguang Song, Wei Sun |
Pages: 760-767 |
Effect of freeze-thaw damage on concrete mechanical properties Author(s): Yanxia Liu, Gaixin Chen, Guojin Ji, Xiangzhi Kong, Lintao Ma |
Pages: 768-776 |
Cryogenic suction pump mechanism for combined salt-and frost exposure Author(s): C. Borgnakke, W. Hansen, Y. Kang, Z. Liu, E.A.B. Koenders |
Pages: 777-785 |
Spalling risk assessment of concrete subjected to different fire scenarios Author(s): Yiming Zhang, R. Lackner, M. Zeiml, H.A. Mang |
Pages: 786-794 |
Effect of different marine exposure conditions on chloride diffusion in concrete Author(s): A. Dousti, R. Rashetnia, A. Almotahari, M. Shekarchi |
Pages: 795-804 |
Influence of freeze-thaw cycle on concrete chloride ion migration Author(s): Liang Shi, Jianzhong Liu, Jiaping Liu |
Pages: 805-813 |
Estimation of carbonation and service life of box culvert for power transmission line Author(s): S.K. Woo, J.H. Jo, Y.C. Song, Y.D. Choi, Y. Lee |
Pages: 814-821 |
Hydrothermal low-cycle fatigue of concrete - durability of energy storage water tanks Author(s): M.A. Elrahman, B. Hillemeier |
Pages: 822-830 |
Modelling of concrete structures affected by internal swelling reactions: couplings between transfer properties, alkali leaching and expansion Author(s): R-P. Martin, Othman Omikrine-Metalssi, F. Toutlemonde |
Pages: 831-839 |
The correlativity between exposure test and accelerated laboratory test for concrete performance of resistance to chloride ion Author(s): Wang Shengnian, Fan Zhihong, Su Quanke, Chai Rui, Huang Junzher |
Pages: 840-847 |
Microstructural modeling of heated portland cement paste Author(s): Qi Zhang, Guang Ye |
Pages: 848 - 856 |
Analysis of degradation behavior of leached concrete Author(s): Bei Huang, Chunxiang Qian |
Pages: 857 - 865 |
Theme 7 - (numerical) Modeling of microstructure, transport and degradation processes
Particle packing: An important concept for mix design of better compacted interfacial transition zone in cementitious composite systems Author(s): Yun Gao, G. De Schutter, Guang Ye, Zhijun Tan |
Pages: 867 - 874 |
Generation of numerical aggregates in a concrete RVE: influence of inclusions geometric parameters on the macroscopic transport properties of the material Author(s): T. de Larrard, B. Bary, E. Adam, F. Kloss |
Pages: 875 - 883 |
Estimation of concrete resistance to chloride-ion penetration based on water accessible porosity and unit weight of concrete Author(s): Xuemei Liu, Min-Hong Zhang |
Pages: 884 - 893 |
Predicting quasi-brittle strength of cementitious materials: A continuum micromechanics model Author(s): B. Pichler, C. Hellmich |
Pages: 894 - 900 |
Computational 3D simulation of calcium leaching in cement matrices Author(s): J.J. Gaitero, J.S. Dolado, C. Neuen, F. Heber, E. Koenders |
Pages: 901 - 909 |
Numerical modeling of micro-indentation tests in Portland cement paste, using finite elements with fracture-based zero-thickness interfaces Author(s): J. Liaudat, D. Garolera, C.M. López, I. Carol |
Pages: 910 - 917 |
Calculation of shrinkage strain in early-age concrete structures - An example with concrete pavements Author(s): Jun Zhang, Dongwei Hou, Yuan Gao |
Pages: 918 - 929 |
Characterization of the pore structure through multiscale model Author(s): Xiaofei Guan, Xian Liu, Renchao Lu, Haoli Zhang |
Pages: 930 - 936 |
Modeling of tensile behavior of mortar immersed in solutions including chloride ions Author(s): Taito Miura, Yasuhiko Sato |
Pages: 937 - 945 |
Determining effective diffusion properties of concrete through mesocale analysis Author(s): F. Nilenius, F. Larsson, K. Lundgren, K. Runesson |
Pages: 946 - 950 |
Microstructure and nondestructive evaluation: what can we measure and what does it mean for the concrete life cycle Author(s): E.N. Landis, J.E. Bolander |
Pages: 951 - 959 |
Modelling of the hydration and moisture transfer coupling effects on the microstructure properties of the concrete cover Author(s): Z. Zhang, M. Thiery, V. Baroghel-Bouny, M.D. Nguyen, P. Rossi |
Pages: 960 - 968 |
A lattice model for fracture and mass transport in concrete Author(s): P. Grassl, C. Fahy, D. Gallipoli, J.E. Bolander |
Pages: 969 - 977 |
Morphological modeling of cement based materials and hydration process Author(s): M. Bogdan, E. Roubin, J.-B. Colliat, F. Benboudjema, L. Stefan |
Pages: 978 - 986 |
Pressure induced by salt crystallization in building materials-experimental and numerical analysis Author(s): M. Koniorczyk, D. Gawin, P. Konca |
Pages: 987 - 996 |
Fractal model for pore structure in cement-based materials Author(s): S.W. Tang, E. Chen, Z.J. Li |
Pages: 997 - 1004 |
Ion transport in C-S-H: a molecular dynamic simulation study Author(s): D.S. Hou, Z.J. Li |
Pages: 1005 - 1013 |
Prediction model on mechanical strength of mortar at ultra low temperature Author(s): Zhengwu Jiang, Zilong Deng, Zhenping Sun, Haiyan Tang, Zhenghong Yang |
Pages: 1014 - 1024 |
Multi-scale model to simulate diffusion in high-performance concrete Author(s): Yunsheng Zhang, Qian Jiang, Zhiyong Liu, Laibao Liu |
Pages: 1025 - 1034 |
Multicomponent modelling of portland cement hydration reactions Author(s): N. Ukrainczyk, E.A.B. Koenders, K. van Breugel |
Pages: 1035 - 1043 |
Analytical models for self-healing of cracks via geometrical probability: application to cementitious materials Author(s): Zhong Lv, Huisu Chen |
Pages: 1044 - 1053 |
Simulation of the diffusivity of cement paste subjected to uni-axial tensile load by a 3D lattice approach Author(s): Lin Liu, Wei Sun, Huisu Chen, Guang Ye |
Pages: 1054 - 1062 |
Application of carbonation model for service life design to serbian environmental conditions and engineering practice Author(s): M. Luković, I. Ignjatović |
Pages: 1063 - 1071 |
Simulation of autogenous and drying shrinkage based on micro-pore structure and internal moisture states Author(s): Y. Luan, T. Ishida |
Pages: 1072 - 1080 |
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the ionic diffusivity in unsaturated cement paste Author(s): Mingzhong Zhang, Yongjia He, Guang Ye, D.A. Lange, K. van Breugel |
Pages: 1081 - 1089 |
The effects of capsules on self-healing efficiency in cementitious materials Author(s): Haoliang Huang, Guang Ye |
Pages: 1090 - 1100 |
Theme 8 - Effect of electrical current (from electrochemical protection) and corrosion products on microstructure
Influence of chemical admixtures on the corrosion of rebars in cracked concrete Author(s): B. Sangoju, R. Gettu, B.H. Bharatkumar |
Pages: 1102 - 1110 |
Quantifying movements of corrosion products in reinforced concrete using x-ray attenuation measurements Author(s): B. J. Pease, A. Michel, H. Stang |
Pages: 1111 - 1119 |
Influence of ethanol amine inhibitor on corrosion of steel in concrete with ground granulated blast furnace slag subjected to asimulated marine environment Author(s): A. El Shami, S. Bonnet, M. Choinska, P. Mounanga, A. Khelidj |
Pages: 1120 - 1131 |
Effect of concrete microstructure saturation on the corrosion rate of embedded steel reinforcement Author(s): Raja Rizwan Hussain |
Pages: 1132 - 1142 |
The effect of electrical current flow on cement-based microstructure: bulk matrix alterations within cathodic protection in reinforced concrete Author(s): D.A. Koleva, K. van Breugel, Jie Hu |
Pages: 1143 - 1152 |
Quantitative evaluation of freezing-thawing damage in plain concrete by digital-image-processing technique Author(s): Shuguang Li, Gaixin Chen, Yihui Lu |
Pages: 1156 - 1164 |
Theme 9 - New techniques for evaluation of durability and service life
Quality control of hydrophobic coatings with an integrated marker element by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) Author(s): G. Wilsch, H. Schalk, K. Bienert, A. Molkenthin, S. Goldschmidt, E. Niederleithinger |
Pages: 1145 - 1155 |
Improvement in concrete durability using glass-ceramic bonding enameled reinforcement Author(s): Charles A. Weiss, R.D. Moser, P.G. Allison, P.G. Malone, S.L. Craig, S.W. Morefield |
Pages: 1165 - 1172 |
Influence of different conditioning regimes on the oxygen diffusion and oxygen permeability of concrete Author(s): C. Peretti, A. Leemann, R. Loser, P. Lura |
Pages: 1173 - 1181 |
Electrical resistance of ballastless track concrete used in high-speed railway Author(s): Huajian Li, Yongjiang Xie, Zhonglai Yi, Yanbin Tan, Lu Yang, Liangwei Lou |
Pages: 1182 - 1190 |
Fatigue of normal and crumb rubber concrete under different temperatures Author(s): Yamei Zhang, Zhe Zhao |
Pages: 1191 - 1203 |
On-site assessment of curing efficiency by means of electrical resistivity measurements Author(s): L.F. Luco, C. Andrade, M.A. Climent |
Pages: 1204 - 1212 |
Theme 10 - Curing technology and effect of curing on durability
Effect of early curing on concrete duration by evaporation reducer Author(s): Jiaping Liu, Lei li, Qian Tian, Changwen Miao, Yujiang Wang |
Pages: 1213 - 1219 |
Influence of the microstructural changes on the durability of precast products due to heat curing Author(s): M.C. Alonso, J.L. Garcia, M. Robles, L. Fernandez-Luco |
Pages: 1220 - 1229 |
A study on relationship between curing process and resistivity of surfical concrete Author(s): Wei Chen, Meili Li, Lin Zhang, Jueshi Qian, Yan Pei |
Pages: 1230 - 1238 |
Theme 11 - Smart cementitious materials for enhanced durability
Geopolymer microstructure using polarization and fluorescence microscopy Author(s): Siska L.A. Valcke, R.B. Polder, H.J.F. Beijersbergen van Henegouwen |
Pages: 1231 - 1239 |
Fundamental research on the freezing thawing resistance of the concrete which delay-added the drying shrinkage reduction agent Author(s): Masashi Sugiyama |
Pages: 1240 - 1247 |
Influence of stone dust in manufactured sand on resisting chloride penetration in marine concrete Author(s): Pengping Li, Jianbo Xiong, Rui Chai, Yingfei Wang |
Pages: 1248 - 1256 |
Role of water film thickness in mix design of high-performance concrete Author(s): Y. Li, J.J. Chen, A.K.H. Kwan |
Pages: 1257 - 1265 |
Interactions between Water-borne polyurethane and C-S-H nanostructure based on macro toughness of concrete Author(s): Ch. W. Miao, B. Ding, D.L. Zhou |
Pages: 1266 - 1277 |
Prediction the water permeability of alkali activated fly ash based on MIP results Author(s): Yuwei Ma, Guang Ye |
Pages: 1278 - 1286 |
Theme 12 - Integral strategy for sustainability and durability
Study on hydrophobic treatment of high performance concrete Author(s): Cui Gong, Liu Jianzhong, Chen Cuicui, Li Changfeng, Shi Liang |
Pages: 1288- 1295 |
Early-age deformations and internal stresses in jointed plain concrete pavements for dutch conditions Author(s): M. Pradena, L. Houben |
Pages: 1296- 1304 |
Coefficient of air permeability of non-homogeneous substrates and drying concrete Author(s): T. Dobel, L.F. Luco |
Pages: 1305- 1314 |
The potential of bio-based repair system to increase the durability of repaired concrete structures Author(s): V. Wiktor, H.M. Jonkers |
Pages: 1315- 1323 |
Theme 13 - Durability of systems containing waste products and recycled materials
Green engineered cementitious composites: A durability point of view Author(s): M. Sahmaran, G. Yildirim, H.E. Yucel |
Pages: 1325- 1332 |
Effectiveness of metakaolin in mitigating ASR with respect to bet surface and crystal water Author(s): M. Sahmaran, G. Yildirim, H.E. Yucel |
Pages: 1333- 1343 |
The late-age strength and microstructure of mortar containing steel slag Author(s): Qiang Wang, Peiyu Yan, Jianwei Yang |
Pages: 1344- 1352 |
Influence of phosphate on chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcing steel in mortars Author(s): Jinjie Shi, Wei Sun |
Pages: 1353- 1362 |
Behavior of self-compacting concrete containing binary and ternary blended cements in acidic environments Author(s): D.M. Sadek, M. El-Attar |
Pages: 1363- 1376 |
Influence of superplasticizers and mineral admixtures on the workability of mortar at low water-binder ratio Author(s): Jiangzhong Liu, Wei Sun, Changwen Miao, Qianqian Zhang, Jiaping Liu, |
Pages: 1377- 1385 |
Strength of alkali activated slag and fly ash-based geopolymer mortar Author(s): A. Wardhono, D.W. Law, T.C.K. Molyneaux |
Pages: 1386- 1394 |
Rubberized hybrid fibre reinforced concrete Author(s): D.Bjegovic, A. Baricevic, S. Lakusic |
Pages: 1395- 1403 |
Study on properties of sulfoaluminate cement-based materials made from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash Author(s): Kai Wu, Huisheng Shi, G. De Schutter, Guang Ye |
Pages: 1404- 1414 |
The effects of copper tailings on acid and chloride resistance of concretes Author(s): O. Onuaguluchi, Ö. Eren |
Pages: 1415- 1421 |
Enhanced durability of ultra high performance concrete by incorporating supplementary cementitious materials Author(s): E. Ghafari, H. Costa, E. Júlio, A. Portugal, L. Durães |
Pages: 1422- 1430 |
Influence of pozzolanic properties of red mud waste and hydration products in the durability and retention of heavy metals in mortars Author(s): E.P. Manfroi, M. Cheriaf, J.C. Rocha |
Pages: 1431- 1440 |
Recycled concretes for aggressive environments: mix design requirements Author(s): P. Alaejos, M. Sánchez de Juan, C. Thomas, J.A. Polanco, F. Agrela |
Pages: 1441- 1451 |
Effect of fly ash gradation on workability, strength and durability of Portland cement fly ash mortars Author(s): Xianping Liu, Peiming Wang, Jie Sun |
Pages: 1452- 1461 |
Structural durability, deformation properties and fracture mechanics parameters of advanced silicate materials Author(s): E. Shinkevich, Y. Zaytsev, E. Lutskin, G. Bondarenko, A. Tymnyak |
Pages: 1462- 1468 |
Effects of adding waste cellulosic fibers on the frost resistance of SCC Author(s): E. Ghorbel, G. Wardeh, M. Mohamed |
Pages: 1469- 1477 |
Investigations of anhydrite in circulating fluidized bed combustion ash as cement retarders Author(s): Jueshi Qian, Yan Shen, Zhiwei Zhang, Zhi Wang |
Pages: 1478- 1490 |
Chloride diffusion and pore structure in geopolymers Author(s): I. Ismail, J.L. Provis, J.S.J. van Deventer, S. Hamdan |
Pages: 1491- 1499 |
Polymer action on corrosion rates of steel in cement mortar Author(s): T.N. Dias, M.S. Ribeiro, O.A. Pereira, E.M. Pereira, J.L. Feiteira |
Pages: 1500- 1510 |
The effect of the methylene blue (MB) - value of manufactured sand on the durability of concretes Author(s): Jiliang Wang, Dapeng Wang, Ying Liu, Yudong Yuan |
Pages: 1511- 1520 |
Low temperature curing effects on strength of recycled glass aggregates concrete Author(s): K.I. Poutos, S. Onyebuchi Nwaubani |
Pages: 1521- 1529 |
Theme 14 - Durability of concrete repair: the role of microstructure at repair interface
Study on influence of infiltration depth of surface treatment material on freezing behavior and mechanism accelerating scaling in concrete Author(s): Y. Kishimoto, Y. Hama, M. Zakaria |
Pages: 1531- 1539 |
Characterization of moisture transfer in UHPFRC - concrete composite systems at early age Author(s): H. Kazemi-kamyab, E. Denarié, E. Brühwiler, Biyun Wang, M. Thiéry, P.F. Faure, V. Baroghel-Bouny |
Pages: 1540- 1548 |
Experimental study on mechanical behaviour and gas permeability of New-to-Old concrete bonding Author(s): M. Choinska, A. Pertué, A. Fabien, A. Khelidj |
Pages: 1549- 1557 |
Study on obtaining quantitative index to evaluate durability of cover concrete Author(s): Isao Ujike, Shinichiro Okazaki |
Pages: 1558- 1566 |
Implementation of corrosion intelligent monitoring and durability early warning expert system for the large marine concrete structures Author(s): Guihong Dong, Shengnian Wang, Quanke Su, Yue Chen |
Pages: 1567- 1576 |
Theme 15 - Stability of cementitious systems used for immobilization of hazardous products
The effect of gamma irradiation on hardening self-compacting mortar in the Belgian supercontainer concept for high level radioactive waste disposal Author(s): H. Craeye, G. De Schutter, I. Gerardy, M. De Raemaeker, K. Gevers |
Pages: 1578- 1586 |
Effect of gypsum addition on calcium sulfoaluminate cement hydration by a borated solution Author(s): J.B. Champenois, C. Cau dit Coumes, P. Le Bescop, L. Petit, D. Damidot |
Pages: 1587- 1595 |
Solidification of heavy metals in ettringite and its stability research Author(s): Bei Wu, Xiang-guo Li, Baoguo Ma, Minglei Zhang |
Pages: 1596- 1605 |
Theme 16 - Self healing concepts for enhanced durability of cement-based systems
Crack repair by activation of the pozzolanic or slag reaction Author(s): E. Gruyaert, K. Van Tittelboom, H. Rahier, N. De Belie |
Pages: 1607- 1615 |
The self-healing of ultra-high performance cement based composites Author(s): Jianzhong Lai, Chunmei Yang, Wei Sun |
Pages: 1616- 1625 |
Bacteria-based self-healing concrete - introduction Author(s): R.M. Mors, H.M. Jonkers |
Pages: 1626- 1633 |
A feasibility study of anticorrosion applications of modified hydrotalcites in reinforced concrete Author(s): Zhengxian Yang, H. Fischer, R. Polder |
Pages: 1634- 1642 |
Study on micromechanism of a super-hydrophobic and self-cleaning coating made by recycled concrete wastes Author(s): L.P. Guo, W. Su, T. Yu, B. Chen |
Pages: 1643- 1650 |
Novel approach to make concrete structures self-healing using porous network concrete Author(s): S. Sangadji, E. Schlangen |
Pages: 1651- 1659 |