Proceedings pro040 : International RILEM Conference on the Use of Recycled Materials in Buildings and Structures
Title: International RILEM Conference on the Use of Recycled Materials in Buildings and Structures Edited by E. Vázquez, Ch. F. Hendriks and G.M.T. Janssen ISBN: 2-912143-52-7 e-ISBN: 2912143756 Pages: 1154 Publication date: 2004 |
After a period of eleven years, RILEM organised again a worldwide conference on recycled materials. The knowledge on this field has strongly increased: technical performance of recycled materials used for very many purposes, environment and health, economics, processes for cleansing, upgrading and different types of production methods are important examples. Also legislation and specifications in many countries make it possible that the quantities of recycled materials have strongly increased.
The proceedings of this conference give a very good survey on existing knowledge. It is positive that many contributions came from countries participating for the first time. This proves that worldwide recycling is considered as an absolute need to pay attention to recycling on a large scale as an important aspect of sustainable development.
Ten topics were presented:
* Asphalt
* Construction and Demolition Waste: Recycled Aggregates
* General Approach to Reuse and Recycling in Construction
* MSWI and Tire Rubber
* Recycled Aggregates in Concrete
* Rice Husk and Fibres
* Sludges, Sediments and Drill Cutting
* Use of Industrial By-Products: Coal Fly Ash
* Use of Industrial By-Products: Other Industrial By-Products
Topic 1 - Asphalt
A Step Forward in the Recycling. Mixed Recycling with Emulsion and Cement Author(s): Potti |
Pages: 3 - 12 |
An Analytical Approach to Evaluate the Performance of Cold Recycled Asphalt Mixtures Author(s): Giuliani |
Pages: 13 - 22 |
Characterisation and Design of Hot-Recycled Bituminous Mixtures Author(s): Recasens |
Pages: 23 - 30 |
Cold Recycling of Pavements in the Czech Republic Author(s): Fiser |
Pages: 31 - 38 |
Enhanced Recycling Techniques for Asphalt Pavements, as Studied in the PARAMIX Project Author(s): Jové |
Pages: 39 - 48 |
Quality Assurance and Traceability of Recycled Materials Processed Continuously on Site Author(s): Bonvallet |
Pages: 49 - 55 |
Recycling of Clay Bricks as Aggregate in Asphalt Concrete Author(s): Khalaf |
Pages: 56 - 65 |
Recycling Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement in Concrete Roads Author(s): Mathias |
Pages: 66 - 75 |
The Effect of Lime & Cement in Foam Bitumen Mixes Author(s): A. Kavussi |
Pages: 76 - 83 |
Topic 2 - Construction and Demolition Waste: Recycled Aggregates
Characterization of Brazilian Construction and Demolition Waste Coarse Recycled Aggregate Author(s): Angulo |
Pages: 87 - 96 |
Lightweight Aggregates from Masonry Rubble Author(s): Müller |
Pages: 97 - 106 |
Lightweight Aggregates Made of Industrial Wastes or Sub-Products Author(s): Monteiro |
Pages: 107 - 114 |
Measurements and Models for the Gravity Concentration of C&D Waste Through Jigging Author(s): Müller |
Pages: 115 - 122 |
Processing of Concrete with High Performance Sonic Impulses Author(s): Müller |
Pages: 123 - 132 |
Properties of Building Materials Gained from Wet Processed Crushed Concrete Fines Author(s): Weimann |
Pages: 133 - 141 |
Quality Improvement of Granular Wastes by Separation Techniques Author(s): Hendriks |
Pages: 142 - 149 |
Quality of Reused Crushed Concrete Author(s): Molin |
Pages: 150 - 155 |
Recycled Agregate Standardization in Brazil Author(s): de Oliveira |
Pages: 156 - 165 |
Suitable Separation Treatment of Stony Components in Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) Author(s): Hendriks |
Pages: 166 - 172 |
Test Methods Adapted to Alternative Aggregates Author(s): Schouenborg |
Pages: 173 - 180 |
Topic 3 General Approach to Reuse and Recycling in Construction
Adapting Dry-masonry Brick House System as a Green Cycle Model for South East Asian Markets Author(s): Khamidi |
Pages: 183 - 192 |
Aluminium in Buildings - Inventory and Collection during Demolition Author(s): van Houwelingen |
Pages: 193 - 200 |
Amounts and Composition of Construction Waste from Residential Buildings Author(s): Baum |
Pages: 201 - 207 |
Application in Concrete Plants Wastes Recovered from Concrete Industry Author(s): Józwiak |
Pages: 208 - 215 |
Characterisation and Decontamination of Cementitious Radioactive Wastes by Electrokinetic Methods Author(s): Castellote |
Pages: 216 - 225 |
Construction and Demolition Waste in the Region of Porto - Portugal: Management and Survey Author(s): Sousa |
Pages: 226 - 234 |
Current Status of Building Materials for Recycling in Japan and Study of their Evaluation Methods Author(s): Senbu |
Pages: 235 - 244 |
Demolition Waste Management in Majorca: the Particular Case of an Island Author(s): Pascual |
Pages: 245 - 254 |
Framework for Environmental Assessment of Using Industrial By-products and Used Building Materials Author(s): Roth |
Pages: 255 - 264 |
Integrated Decontamination and Rehabilitation of Buildings, Structures and Materials in Urban Renewal - A European Project for a Sustainable City Concept Author(s): Lauritzen |
Pages: 265 - 274 |
Management Aspects on Civil Construction Waste in São Paulo City - Brazil Author(s): de Oliveira |
Pages: 275 - 280 |
Practical Use of Deconstruction and Recycled in the Transformation of a Former Portland Factory in a New Urban Area in Vicalvaro, Madrid Author(s): Burgueño |
Pages: 281 - 287 |
Recons Project: Minimizing Construction Environmental Impact Author(s): Caña |
Pages: 288 - 296 |
Recycling Concrete - An Overview of Development and Challenges Author(s): Lauritzen |
Pages: 297 - 305 |
Recycling Waste in Cement Based Materials: a Studying Method Author(s): Cyr |
Pages: 306 - 315 |
Reuse and Recycling of Building Materials Author(s): Hendriks |
Pages: 316 - 321 |
State of the Art of Practical Applications for the Use of the Recycled Materials Through Real Cases in Projects in Catalonia Author(s): Burgueño |
Pages: 322 - 330 |
Sustainable Guidelines for Managing Demolition Waste in Egypt Author(s): Al-Ansary |
Pages: 331 - 340 |
The Development of a Masonry Unit Composed Entirely of Recycled and Waste Aggregates Author(s): Forth |
Pages: 341 - 350 |
Use of Industrial Waste Materials in Road Construction in Poland Author(s): Sybilski |
Pages: 351 - 360 |
Topic 4 - MSWI and Tire Rubber
Analysis of the Adherence Steel - Concrete with Incorporation of Rubber Residues of Tires Author(s): França |
Pages: 363 - 372 |
Chemical and Ecotoxicological Long-term Behavior of New Materials for Quarry Back-Filling and Underground Constructions Author(s): Lapa |
Pages: 373 - 382 |
Contribution to the Definition of Conditions of Use of the Municipal Solid Waste Slag in Embankments and in Capping Layers Author(s): Evain |
Pages: 383 - 392 |
Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen. Other Way to Recycle Author(s): Potti |
Pages: 393 - 402 |
Experimental Approach to the Use of Recycled Materials in Mortar and Concrete for Architectural Applications Author(s): Barluenga |
Pages: 403 - 411 |
Investigation of Different Treatments in Tire Rubber with a View to Concrete Application Author(s): de Albuquerque, |
Pages: 412 - 421 |
Management and Characterization of MSWI Residues Author(s): Sorlini |
Pages: 422 - 429 |
Mortar Modified with Rubber Tire Author(s): de Oliveira |
Pages: 430 - 438 |
Recycling Incineration Wastes for Producing Synthetic Aggregates Author(s): Quina |
Pages: 439 - 445 |
Recycling Stabilized Fly Ash from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Facility in Road Hydraulic Materials Author(s): Mauget |
Pages: 446 - 454 |
Study of Treated and Untreated Tire Rubber Mortar Author(s): Marques |
Pages: 455 - 461 |
Transfer and Partitioning of Heavy Metals Leached from MSWI Bottom Ash in a Column of Road Soil Author(s): Bouvet |
Pages: 462 - 471 |
Utilization of Scrap Tires in the Production of Building Materials to Civil Construction Author(s): Rodrigues |
Pages: 472 - 479 |
Topic 5 - Recycled Aggregates in Concrete
A Case Study on the Variation in the Quality of Mortars Using CDW Recycled Sands Author(s): Miranda |
Pages: 483 - 492 |
An Initial Analysis of the Effect of Gypsum Plaster in Recycled Fine Aggregates from C&D Wastes Author(s): Aguiar |
Pages: 493 - 502 |
Criteria for the Use of Fine Recycled Concrete Aggregates in Concrete Production Author(s): Evangelista |
Pages: 503 - 510 |
Draft of Spanish Regulations for the Use of Recycled Aggregate in the Production of Structural Concrete Author(s): Vazquez |
Pages: 511 - 525 |
Flexural Properties of Reinforced Recycled Concrete Beams Author(s): Sogo |
Pages: 526 - 535 |
Influence of Attached Mortar Content on the Properties of Recycled Concrete Aggregate Author(s): Alaejos Gutiérrez |
Pages: 536 - 544 |
Influence of Recycled Aggregate Quality on Concrete Properties Author(s): Alaejos Gutiérrez |
Pages: 545 - 553 |
Volume 2 -Topic 5 (continued) - Recycled Aggregates in Concrete
Influence of Recycled Concrete Aggregates on Concrete Durability Author(s): Gonçalves |
Pages: 554 - 562 |
Petrographic Analysis on Recycled Aggregate-produced Concrete Author(s): de Oliveira |
Pages: 563 - 570 |
Precast Concrete Building Blocks made with Aggregates Derived from Constructions and Demolition Waste Author(s): Soutsos |
Pages: 571 - 579 |
Properties of Self-Levelling Concrete made with Industrial Wastes Author(s): Colangelo |
Pages: 580 - 589 |
Properties of Steam Cured Recycled Aggregate Fly Ash Concrete Author(s): Kou |
Pages: 590 - 599 |
Self-compacting Concrete: a Great Opportunity for Recycling Materials Author(s): Corinaldesi |
Pages: 600 - 609 |
Shear Behaviour of Reinforced Recycled Concrete Beams Author(s): Sogo |
Pages: 610 - 618 |
Shear Strenght of Concrete with Recycled Aggregates Author(s): Fonteboa |
Pages: 619 - 628 |
Study on ARC's Aggregate Utilization Recycled of Concrete Author(s): Mendes |
Pages: 629 - 635 |
Study on Compressed Stress, Water Absorption and Modulus of Elasticity of Produced Concrete made by Recycled Aggregate Author(s): de Oliveira |
Pages: 636 - 642 |
Study on Corrosion of Reinforcing Bar in Recycled Concrete Author(s): Tanaka |
Pages: 643 - 650 |
Surveys Converning the Capacity of Some Cement-aggregate Combinations to Mitigate the Gamma Radiation Author(s): Poteras |
Pages: 651 - 657 |
The Compressive Strength of Concrete Containing Tile Chips, Crushed Scallop Shells, or Crushed Roof Tiles Author(s): Sugiyama |
Pages: 658 - 664 |
The Role and Influence of Recycled Aggregate, in "Recycled Aggregate Concrete" Author(s): Etxeberria |
Pages: 665 - 674 |
Use of Concrete Recycled Aggregates in Roller Compacted Concrete Author(s): Delhez |
Pages: 675 - 683 |
Use of Recycled Construction Materials for Mortar Production Author(s): Martins |
Pages: 684 - 692 |
Utilization of Recycled Concrete Aggregate for Structural Concrete Author(s): Gutiérrez |
Pages: 693 - 702 |
Volume 2 . Topic 6 - Rice Husk and Fibres
Application of Maturity Concept in Concrete with RHA Addition Author(s): da Silva |
Pages: 705 - 714 |
Topic 6 - Rice Husk and Fibres
Assessment of the Pozzolanic Reaction of Crystalline and Amorphous Rice Husk-Ashes Author(s): da Silva Rêgo |
Pages: 715 - 724 |
Effect of Cellulose Fibre on the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Cement Paste Author(s): Bentchikou |
Pages: 725 - 730 |
Influence of Mechanical Grinding on the Pozzolanic Activity of Residual Sugarcane Bagasse Ash Author(s): Cordeiro |
Pages: 731 - 740 |
Study of Influence of Amorphous Rice Husk-Ash in Concrete Properties Author(s): Hasparyk |
Pages: 751 - 760 |
Study of the Applicable Low-cost Previous Treatments to the Vegetable Fibres for their Incorporation in the Portland Cement Mortars Author(s): Claramunt |
Pages: 761 - 770 |
Study on the Environmental Impact of Lightweight Aggregates Production Incorporating Cellulose Industrial Residues Author(s): Pinto |
Pages: 771 - 777 |
The Possibility of Adding the Rice Husk Ash (RHA) to the Concrete Author(s): Tashima |
Pages: 778 - 786 |
Topic 7 - Sludges, Sediments and Drill Cutting
New Cement Formulations made of Industrial Wastes Author(s): Raupp-Pereira |
Pages: 789 - 796 |
Potentiality of Sewage Sludge Ash as Mineral Additive in Cement Mortar and High Performance Concrete Author(s): Fontes |
Pages: 797 - 806 |
River Sediments Contaminated by Heavy Metals and Organic Compounds: Characterization, Treatment and Valorisation Author(s): Boucard |
Pages: 807 - 813 |
SOME Strategies for Reusing Residues from Waste Water Treatment Plants: Preparation of Binding Materials Author(s): Monzó |
Pages: 814 - 823 |
Stabilisation of Heavy Metals from Dredged Sediment. Tailoring of Residue Properties Author(s): Kribi |
Pages: 824 - 832 |
Stabilisation/Solidification of Synthetic North Sea Drill Cuttings Containing Oil and Chloride Author(s): Al-Ansary |
Pages: 833 - 842 |
Utilization of Sludges from a Water Treatment Plant in Cement Mortars Author(s): Gonçalves |
Pages: 843 - 850 |
Valorisation Addition Dry Sludge Sewage in Concrete Author(s): Yagüe |
Pages: 851 - 860 |
Topic 8 - Use of Industrial By-Products: Coal Fly Ash
Alkaline Activation of Fly Ashes. Manufacture of Concretes not Containing Portland Cement Author(s): Fernández-Jiménez |
Pages: 863 - 870 |
Microstructure and Shrinkage Behaviour of Massive Concrete Containing PFBC Coal Ash Author(s): Nakashita |
Pages: 871 - 880 |
Recycling of Power Station Coal Fly Ashes as Building Elements to be Used in Passive Fire Protection Author(s): Leiva |
Pages: 881 - 889 |
Strength Development and Drying Shrinkage of Steam-Cured Concrete Containing PFBC Coal Ash Author(s): Tanaka |
Pages: 890 - 898 |
The Problems of Utilizing Industrial By-Products Contaminated with Natural Radionuclides in Construction Author(s): Kovler |
Pages: 899 - 907 |
Topic 9 - Use of Industrial By-Products: Other Industrial By-Products
A Study of Concretes Containing Thermoplastic Wastes as Aggregates Author(s): Gavela |
Pages: 911 - 918 |
Characterization of Magnesium Slag Aiming the Utilization as a Mineral Admixture in Mortar Author(s): Gumieri |
Pages: 919 - 924 |
Comparative Study with Alternative Materials for Manufacture of Machine Tool Structures Author(s): Ducatti |
Pages: 925 - 934 |
Environmental Impact Study of Unmodified Sulfur Mortar Author(s): Gracia |
Pages: 935 - 944 |
Evaluation of Concretes for High Level Nuclear Waste Repositories Author(s): Hidalgo |
Pages: 945 - 952 |
Glass Frit a New Alternative Cementitious Material Author(s): Laldji |
Pages: 953 - 962 |
Monitoring Corrosion and Determining of the Gravimetric Corrosion Rate of Concretes with High and Low Reactivity Additions Subject to Chloride Action Author(s): Ferreira |
Pages: 963 - 972 |
Production of Lightweight Concrete with E.V.A Residues as Recycled Aggregate Author(s): Martins |
Pages: 973 - 981 |
Recycling of Coal Fly Ash by Ceramic Processing Author(s): Monteiro |
Pages: 982 - 987 |
Relationship between Results of Accelerated and Natural Carbonation in Various Concretes Author(s): Ferreira |
Pages: 988 - 997 |
Removal of Contaminants from Aqueous Solutions by Beds made of Rejects of the Lightweight Aggregates Production Author(s): Albuquerque |
Pages: 998 - 1007 |
Reusing of Spent FCC Catalyst as a Very Reactive Pozzolanic Material: Formulation of High Performance Concretes Author(s): Monzó |
Pages: 1008 - 1016 |
Stabilization of Fly Ashes by Binder Obtained from Processed Oil Sludge in Road Constructions Author(s): Kraszewski |
Pages: 1017 - 1025 |
Studies on Development of the Tunisian Phosphogypsum for Construction Bricks Author(s): Belaïba |
Pages: 1026 - 1034 |
The Behaviour of Structural-Wall Recycled Plastic Pipes for Underground Sewerage without Pressure Author(s): Rocha |
Pages: 1045 - 1053 |
Utilization of By-Produced Sulfur for the Manufacture of Unmodified Sulfur Concrete Author(s): Gracia |
Pages: 1054 - 1063 |
Topic 10 - Use of Industrial By-Products: Slags from Metallurgical Process
Characteristics of Steel Slag Granulated in a Steel Plant - Valuation of the Microstructure through Electron Probe Micro Analysis Author(s): Dal Molin |
Pages: 1067 - 1075 |
Development of a Hydraulic Structure Protection against the Action of Sea Waves using Concrete Containing Alkali-activated Slag (AAS) Author(s): Coelho |
Pages: 1076 - 1085 |
Reuse of Waelz Slag as Recycled Aggregate for Structural Concrete Author(s): Sorlini |
Pages: 1086 - 1094 |
Stainless Steel Slag as Aggregate in Cement Bound Mixtures for Road Construction, Two Case Studies in Belgium Author(s): Van den Bergh |
Pages: 1095 - 1104 |
Stainless Steel Slag as Aggregate in Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements Author(s): De Bock |
Pages: 1105 - 1114 |
The Use of Metallurgical Wastes in Reactive Barriers Author(s): Rodríguez-Pacheco |
Pages: 1115 - 1123 |