Proceedings pro079 : International RILEM Conference on Advances in Construction Materials Through Science and Engineering
Title: International RILEM Conference on Advances in Construction Materials Through Science and Engineering Edited by Christopher Leung and K.T. WAN ISBN: 978-2-35158-116-2 e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-117-9 Pages: N/A Publication date: 2011 |
While construction activities improve the quality of human live, they also have significant impact on the environment. The production of construction materials requires energy and generates greenhouse gases. The reduction of carbon footprint for construction materials can start at the production phase, where energy efficient processes can be developed and waste or recycled materials can be employed. However, it is just as important to increase the life of built facilities, so the frequency of construction activities can be reduced. Experience over the last few decades has shown that poor material durability is often the cause of pre-mature deterioration of structures, resulting in the need for large scale repair and even reconstruction. Better understanding of the loading and environmental effects on material deformation and failure is required for more durable materials to be designed. Sensing and non-destructive techniques are useful as they enable better quality control and early identification of damages. With the proper repair/strengthening materials and methods, structure life can be extended with little cost and low carbon emission. When structures are built to resist extreme loading (e.g., earthquake, hurricane), the innovative use of high performance materials can effectively control damage and prevent collapse. For buildings, carbon footprint will also be greatly reduced if indoor/outdoor heat exchange is decreased. Material with improved thermal insulation, which is an example of functional materials, can be very useful.
The International RILEM Conference on Advances in Construction Materials Through Science and Engineering took place in Hong Kong, China, on 5-7 September 2011.
The 4 keynote lectures and the 138 papers presented at the conference are included in the present proceedings, which can hopefully serve as a useful reference for researchers and engineers interested in the recent advancements in construction materials.
Preface Author(s): Christopher Leung and K.T. Wan |
Pages: X - X |
Science and engineering for self-consolidating concrete Author(s): Surendra P. Shah, Jae Hong Kim, and Shiho Kawashima |
Pages: 3 - 12 |
Advances in the modelling of the corrosion onset and the corrosion propagation Author(s): C. Andrade, F. Tavares, M. Prieto, P.Tanner and D. Izquierdo |
Pages: 13 - 21 |
Water absorption of superabsorbent polymers in a cementitious environment Author(s): Ole M. Jensen |
Pages: 22 - 35 |
Sustainable development for concrete infrastructure in china Author(s): Zongjin Li and Bo Zhang |
Pages: 36 - 48 |
Theme 1 - Microstructures and Hydration
Understanding material behavior by integrating numerical simulation with 3D microstructural imaging Author(s): Eric N. Landis and John E. Bolander |
Pages: 49 - 55 |
Considerations about statistical nanoindentation on hardened cement pastes Author(s): Pietro Lura, Pavel Trtik and Beat Münch |
Pages: 56 - 62 |
Investigation of hydration and pozzolanic reaction in silica fume-cement paste Author(s): WANG Lei, HE Zhen, CAI Xinhua, CHEN Xiaorun |
Pages: 63 - 70 |
An investigation on the microstructure formation of polymer modified mortars in the presence of polyacrylate latex Author(s): Ye TIAN, Zong-jin LI, Hong-yan MA, Xian-yu JIN, Nan-guo JIN |
Pages: 71 - 77 |
Improvement in pozzolanic reactivity of coarse fly ash by mechano-chemical method Author(s): B.Singh, Simmi Tyagi, M.Gupta and S.K. Bhattacharyya |
Pages: 78 - 85 |
Influence and mechanism of nanowhisker material for concrete in-situ toughening Author(s): W. Lin, D. Zhou, C. Miao, and J. Liu |
Pages: 86 - 92 |
Hydration kinetics of cement paste with very fine inert mineral additives Author(s): H.-W. Krauss, H. Budelmann |
Pages: 93 - 99 |
Hydration model of slag-blended cements Author(s): B. Kolani, L. Buffo-Lacarriere, A. Sellier, G. Escadeillas, L. Boutillon, |
Pages: 100 - 107 |
Effect of water-filled macropore inclusions on the hydration of Portland cement detected by thermo gravimetric analysis Author(s): A. Assmann and H. W. Reinhardt |
Pages: 108 - 115 |
Self curing concrete Author(s): Garje Rajesh Kumar |
Pages: 116 - 123 |
A closed-loop controlled automatic Fogging curing system based on pore water pressure measurement Author(s): Qian Tian, Yujiang Wang, Jiaping Liu, Changwen Miao |
Pages: 124 - 131 |
Theme 2 - Admixtures
Effect of a MgO-CaO Composed Expansive Agent on the Properties of high performance concrete Author(s): J.P. Liu, Q. Tian, Y.J. Wang, S.Z. Zhang, F. Guo, C.W. Miao |
Pages: 132 - 139 |
The effect of the evaporation retardant on the mortar plastic shrinkage and cracking Author(s): L. Li, J.P. Liu, Q. Tian, C.W. Miao, Y.J. Wang |
Pages: 140 - 145 |
Influence of plant particles treatments on the interface with a mineral matrix Author(s): V. Nozahic, S. Amziane |
Pages: 146 - 154 |
Influence and mechanism of polymer coating on frost resistance of concrete Author(s): L. Shi, J.Z. Lau and J.P. Lau |
Pages: 155 - 161 |
Study of water dispersible PU/C-S-H nanostructure hybrid materials Author(s): B. Ding, W.R. Tang, D.L. Zhou, C.W. Miao |
Pages: 162 - 174 |
Influence of Temperature on Properties of Different Ester-type Polycarboxylate Graft copolymers Author(s): Zhou Dongliang, Ran Qianping, Qiao Min, Liu Jiaping, Miao Changwen |
Pages: 175 - 183 |
Effect of chemical structure of backbone in comb-like copolymer dispersants on early properties of concentrated cement suspensions Author(s): Q.P. Ran, C.W. Miao, J.P. Liu, Y. Shan, J.G.Zhang |
Pages: 184 - 190 |
Effect of a superplasticizer at the interface concrete/release agent/formwork Author(s): S. Bouharoun, Y. Vanhove, C. Djelal, P. De Caro, I. Dubois |
Pages: 191 - 199 |
Retarding effect of superplasticizer on the hydration of Portland cement Author(s): L.Z. Xiao, X.S.Wei and Z.J.Li |
Pages: 200 - 207 |
Theme 3 - Rheology and Self-Compacting Concrete
On the rheological behaviour of superplasticized cement paste Author(s): C. Jayasree, Ravindra Gettu, and J. Murali Krishnan |
Pages: 208 - 215 |
Rheological properties of self-consolidating concrete stabilized with fillers or admixtures Author(s): H. Vikan, K. De Weerdt, and S. Smeplass |
Pages: 216 - 222 |
Rheological behavior of fresh mortar Author(s): Qianqian Zhang, Jianzhong Liu, Changwen Miao and Jiaping Liu |
Pages: 223 - 230 |
Measurement method for consistency of polymer-modified sprayed mortar with vane-type viscometer Author(s): Kazuo ICHIMIYA 1, Kimiaki ZAITSU 2, and Makoto ETOH |
Pages: 231 - 238 |
Influence of bar diameter on top-bar effect in self-compacting concrete Author(s): P. Desnerck, G. De Schutter, and L. Taerwe |
Pages: 239 - 246 |
Eco-Efficiency of Fiber-Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (FR-SCC) Author(s): A. P. Fantilli, C. Villani, B. Chiaia, and D. Zampini |
Pages: 247 - 254 |
Fracture processes of Self Compacting Concrete using image analysis Author(s): T. Hemalatha, J. M. Chandra Kishen and Ananth Ramaswamy |
Pages: 255 - 262 |
Study on chloride binding of self-compacting concrete with different crack lengths: non-steady state migration test Author(s): S. Mu, G. De Schutter, and B. G. Ma |
Pages: 263 - 270 |
Strength and durability studies of conventional concrete and self compacting concrete Author(s): S Venkateswara Rao, M V Seshagiri Rao, D Ramaseshu |
Pages: 271 - 280 |
Structural behaviour of a tie confined self consolidating performance concrete (SCPC) under axial compression Author(s): P.Rathish Kumar, Prasad M.L.V and Radhika K.L |
Pages: 281 - 287 |
Theme 4 - Shrinkage
Prediction of drying shrinkage in concrete structures: study of size effect Author(s): F. Benboudjema, and J.-M. Torrenti |
Pages: 288 - 293 |
Early-age behavior of reinforced concrete under restrained conditions Author(s): W. Jiang, Y. Yaun, and G. De Schutter |
Pages: 294 - 300 |
Autogenous shrinkage of dam concrete and its influence on thermal stress Author(s): Hideaki Sato, Shingo Miyazawa, and Astushi Yatagai |
Pages: 301 - 308 |
Assessment of Restrained Shrinkage Cracking of Concrete with Elliptical Ring Specimens – Preliminary Results Author(s): Xiangming Zhou, and Olayinka Oladiran |
Pages: 309 - 316 |
Synthesis and evaluation of grafted copolymer shrinkage-reducing admixture Author(s): Gao nanxiao, Zhang jiangang, Ran qianping, Miao changwen, Liu jiaping |
Pages: 317 - 326 |
Theme 5 - Novel Testing and Characterization Methods
Experimental study on blast resistance of SIFCON Author(s): P. Chun, S. Lee, S.H. Cho and Y.M. Lim |
Pages: 327 - 334 |
A study of the accelerated ageing process of cementitious materials Author(s): A. Babaahmadi, L. Tang, and Z. Abbas |
Pages: 335 - 342 |
Image-based detection and analysis of crack propagation in cementitious composites Author(s): E.B. Pereira, G. Fischer, and J.A.O. Barros |
Pages: 343 - 350 |
Estimation of spatial damage in concrete structures using semi-variogram analysis Author(s): Tetsuya Suzuki, Tatsuo Naka and Masayasu Ohtsu |
Pages: 351 - 357 |
Influence of strength and curing age on concrete fracture energy adjusted by fractal method Author(s): J.G. Han, P.Y. Yan |
Pages: 358 - 363 |
Hybrid NDE for rebar corrosion in reinforced concrete Author(s): Masayasu Ohtsu, Yuma Kawasaki, Misuzu Kitaura and Yuichi Tomoda |
Pages: 364 - 370 |
Evolution of shear stiffness and electrical resistance in cement based materials Author(s): Tae Sup Yun, Woong Been Son, Young Jin Kim, Yun Mook Lim |
Pages: 371 - 376 |
In situ concrete structures moisture measurement using a pulse test method Author(s): Z. Duan, F. Agostini, J. Liu, F. Skoczylas, T. Dubois and J-P. Dubois |
Pages: 377 - 384 |
Failure process in shear bonding strength tests between existing concrete and repairing material by acoustic emission technique Author(s): Kentaro Ohno, So Kurohara, Kimitaka Uji and Atsushi Ueno |
Pages: 385 - 391 |
A study of full-field debond behavior of CFRP-reinforced concrete beams Author(s): W L Lai, K K Lee, S C Kou, C S Poon, W.F. Tsang |
Pages: 392 - 402 |
Continuous monitoring of cement paste E-modulus since casting: a method based on modal identification Author(s): M. Azenha, R. Faria, F. Magalhães, L. Ramos, and A. Cunha |
Pages: 403 - 410 |
Theme 6 - Material Damage and Durability
Static vs. dynamic Young´s modulus as indicator for ASR degradation Author(s): H.W. Reinhardt, O. Mielich |
Pages: 411 - 418 |
Study of the of pore solution in concrete partially exposed to Na2SO4 solution Author(s): Zanqun Liu, Yunhua Liu, Geert De Schutter, Dehua Deng |
Pages: 419 - 426 |
Fatigue Damage Assessment in Cracked RC Beams Author(s): Sonalisa Ray, J. M. Chandra Kishen |
Pages: 427 - 434 |
Durability and Crack control in FRC RC elements: an experimental study Author(s): F. Minelli, G. Tiberti, and G.A. Plizzari |
Pages: 435 - 443 |
Validation of models for assessment of durability of concrete structures exposed in chloride environments Author(s): L. Tang |
Pages: 444 - 452 |
Simulation of chloride penetration within partially carbonated concrete Author(s): Xiaomeng Wang, Mickaël Thiéry, Véronique Baroghel-Bouny |
Pages: 453 - 460 |
Salt distribution mapping in natural building and decorative stones Author(s): S. Modestou, M. Theodoridou, I. Ioannou |
Pages: 461 - 468 |
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the ionic diffusivity of cement paste Author(s): M. Zhang, G. Ye, and K. van Breugel |
Pages: 469 - 477 |
Specification and site control of the permeability of the cover concrete: the Swiss approach Author(s): E. Denariè, F. Jacobs, A. Leemann, T. Teruzzi and R. Torrent |
Pages: 478 - 485 |
Increase of Service Life of Reinforced Concrete Structures in Marine Environment by Water Repellent Treatment Author(s): Zhao Tie-jun, Wittmann Folker H. and Li Weihua, Zhang Peng |
Pages: 486 - 492 |
Characterising the structure and permeability of alkali-activated binders Author(s): John L. Provis, Idawati Ismail, Rupert J. Myers, Volker Rose, Jannie S.J. van Deventer |
Pages: 493 - 501 |
Concrete permeability size effect Author(s): S. Dal Pont, M. Brocato, and A. Feraille |
Pages: 502 - 506 |
Real-time evolution of water permeability in cracking concrete Author(s): Rastiello G., Boulay C., Dal Pont S., Tailhan J.-L. and Ramanich S. |
Pages: 507 - 514 |
Application of Neutron Radiography to study moisture movement in cracked and uncracked concrete Author(s): F. H. Wittmann, P. Zhang, and T. J. Zhao |
Pages: 515 - 522 |
Self Healing Behavior of Engineered Cementitious Composites Author(s): S.Z. Qian, J. Zhou, and E. Schlangen |
Pages: 523 - 529 |
Application of sodium silicate solution as self-healing agent in cementitious materials Author(s): Haoliang Huang and Guang Ye |
Pages: 530 - 536 |
Self-Healing Capability of Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites Author(s): M. Koda, H. Mihashi, T. Nishiwaki, T. Kikuta and S.M. Kwon |
Pages: 537 - 544 |
Self healing mortars by using different cementitious materials Author(s): K. Sisomphon, O. Copuroglu |
Pages: 545 - 552 |
Feasibility and potential of prefabricated porous concrete as a component to make concrete structures self-healing Author(s): Senot Sangadji and Erik Schlangen |
Pages: 553 - 559 |
Theme 7 - Strengthening and Repair
Bond deterioration between reinforcing bars and concrete subject to cyclic loads and cracks Author(s): C. Mahrenholtz, R. Eligehausen, J. Hofmann, and S. Pampanin |
Pages: 560 - 567 |
Strain models for FRP-confined concrete Author(s): A. Napoli, and R. Realfonzo |
Pages: 568 - 575 |
Interfacial behaviour between Mechanically Fastened FRP laminates and concrete substrate: test results and modelling Author(s): E. Martinelli, A. Napoli, B. Nunziata, and R. Realfonzo |
Pages: 576 - 583 |
Experimental and numerical study of distinct techniques to strengthen beams failing in bending under monotonic loading Author(s): José Sena-Cruz, Joaquim Barros, Mário Coelho, and Luís Silva |
Pages: 584 - 591 |
Numerical simulation of flexural behaviors of FRP strengthened RC beams at different steel corrosion rates Author(s): J. L. Pan, C. Y. Qi, Y. F. Huang |
Pages: 592 - 599 |
Rigid body spring network modeling of the tension stiffening of FRP-strengthened RC members Author(s): Jian-Guo Dai |
Pages: 600 - 607 |
Polymer modified cement mortars for the repair of concrete structures Author(s): Ajay Krishnan, Priya S. Nair and Ravindra Gettu |
Pages: 608 - 614 |
Experimental calibration of the bond strength of FRP, externally glued on masonry elements, based on design provisions Author(s): Matteo Panizza, Enrico Garbin, Maria RosaValluzzi and Claudio Modena |
Pages: 615 - 622 |
Influence of a fiber coatings for the repair of sewerage in masonry Author(s): M.Saade, S. Kesteloot, C. Djelal, L. Hamitouche, I. Benslimane |
Pages: 623 - 631 |
Microstructure of the Interface in Concrete Repairs Author(s): Jian Zhou, Guang Ye and Klaas van Breuge |
Pages: 632 - 639 |
Theme 8 - Steel Corrosion and Life Prediction
Embedded sensors for the corrosion monitoring and control in marine structures Author(s): C. Andrade, J. Fullea, N. Rebolledo, A. Castillo, F Jimenez, J.A. Bolaño, J.J.Muñoz, J. Millan, J.M Alvarez |
Pages: 640 - 646 |
Chloride analysis in concrete by LA-ICP-MS Author(s): N. Silva, T. Luping, S. Rauch |
Pages: 647 - 654 |
The interference of OH- ions in the potentiometric determination of free Cl- in cement paste pore solution Author(s): M.A. Climent, C. Antón, G. de Vera, A. Hidalgo, and C. Andrade |
Pages: 655 - 562 |
Correlation between accelerated steel corrosion in concrete and ground penetrating radar parameters Author(s): B.J. Zhan, W.L. Lai, S.C. Kou, C.S. Poon, W.F. Tsang |
Pages: 563 - 571 |
Distributed cracks detection by BOTDA and its application in corrosion cracking monitoring Author(s): Y. He, J.H. Mao, W.L. Jin, and J. Xia |
Pages: 572 - 577 |
Influence of mechanical cracks on the development of corrosion mechanism Author(s): Raoul François, Inamullah Khan, Hugo Mercado, Arnaud Castel |
Pages: 578 - 585 |
Moisture conditions in a Dutch tunnel lining and possible consequences for reinforcement corrosion Author(s): J.H.M. Visser |
Pages: 586 - 593 |
Study on surface cracks fractal characteristics of forced concrete beam under three-point loading Author(s): J. Wei, L.F. Cao, Y.X. Zeng and R.Z. Dong |
Pages: 594 - 601 |
Influence of crack widths on corrosion of reinforcing steel bar in fiber reinforced cementitious composites Author(s): H. Mihashi, S. F. U. Ahmed and A. Kobayakawa |
Pages: 602 - 609 |
Classification of environmental exposure of building elements by tests Author(s): H. W. Pang, Bosco L.K. Au and W. B Chan |
Pages: 610 - 616 |
Grading the environmental area according to its effect on the durability of concrete structures under atmospheric condition Author(s): W.L. Jin, H.R. Wu |
Pages: 617 - 624 |
Correlations between natural and accelerated corrosion rates in RC structures - preliminary results Author(s): M. Otieno, H. Beushausen and M. Alexander |
Pages: 625 - 632 |
Theme 9 - Environmental Friendly Construction Materials
Low water demand binder technology for environmental friendly cements with low clinker content Author(s): Falikman V.R., and Bashlykov N.F. |
Pages: 633 - 642 |
Excitation mechanism of alkaline condition on the hydration activity of steel slag Author(s): Q. Wang, P.Y. Yan, J.J. Feng |
Pages: 643 - 650 |
Calcined marl as effective pozzolan Author(s): H. Justnes, T, Østnor, and T. Danner |
Pages: 651 - 658 |
Air purification potential and weathering resistance of a TiO2 coating applied on aerated concrete Author(s): A. Maury-Ramirez, K. Demeestere, N. De Belie |
Pages: 659 - 664 |
How to overcome technical and commercial barriers to the adoption of alkali activated concrete Author(s): J.S.J. van Deventer, P. Duxson and J.L. Provis |
Pages: 665 - 672 |
A type of ecocement prepared from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash Author(s): K. Wu, H.S. Shi |
Pages: 673 - 683 |
Strengthening efficiency of nonstandard addition of fluidized bed ash in concrete Author(s): M.A. Glinicki, G. Nowowiejski and K. Gibas |
Pages: 684 - 691 |
The influence of high performance concrete on low-carbon Author(s): C.W. Miao |
Pages: 692 - 702 |
A study on factors influencing compressive strength of CO2-cured concrete Author(s): C. Shi, M. Liu, Q. Zou and F He |
Pages: 703 - 711 |
Impact of raw materials on the mechanical and thermal properties of hemp concretes Author(s): E. Gourlay and L. Arnaud |
Pages: 712 - 719 |
Mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete prepared with old concrete with different strength grades Author(s): Shi-cong Kou and Chi-sun Poon |
Pages: 720 - 729 |
Fatigue of normal and crumb rubber concrete under different temperatures Author(s): Yamei Zhang, Zhe Zhao |
Pages: 730 - 739 |
Properties of concrete containing recycled coarse aggregates and fly ash Author(s): S.F.U. Ahmed |
Pages: 740 - 747 |
Experimental study on geopolymeric recycled concrete used as sustainable construction material Author(s): X.S. Shi, F.G. Collins, X.L. Zhao, and Q.Y. Wang |
Pages: 748 - 755 |
Influence of micro and nano-sized RHAs on hydration and compressive strength of cement based pastes Author(s): G.C. Cordeiro, S.P.B. Lima, E.M.R. Fairbairn, R.D. Toledo Filho |
Pages: 756 - 764 |
Use of a natural pozzolan for improving concrete properties Author(s): O. Sengul and A. Turkoglu |
Pages: 765 - 771 |
Theme 10 - High Performance Construction Materials
Fatigue behavior of high performance concrete in compression Author(s): P. Bun, B. Espion |
Pages: 772 - 776 |
Gas relative permeability of high-performance concrete: effect of water saturation under phase desorption and sorption Author(s): Wei Chen, F. Skoczylas, T. Dubois |
Pages: 777 - 784 |
Development of High-Strength Lightweight Cement-Based Composites Author(s): S.M. Kwon, T. Kikuta, T. Nishiwaki and H. Mihashi |
Pages: 785 - 792 |
Water film thickness and paste film thickness: key factors for mix design of high-performance concrete Author(s): A.K.H. Kwan and L.G. Li |
Pages: 793 - 801 |
Shear strength of ultra high performance pre-cast PC joint with joint type and lateral compressive stress Author(s): C.H. Lee, Y.J. Kim, W.J. Chin and E.S. Choi |
Pages: 802 - 809 |
The Joining Method for Permanent Formwork Author(s): Q. Jin, C.K.Y. Leung, and W.L. Chung |
Pages: 810 - 817 |
TIO2TRC – New features of TRC by titanium dioxide modifications Author(s): C. Neunzig, J. Steinhoff and W. Brameshuber |
Pages: 818 - 826 |
High-temperature behavior of textile reinforced concrete Author(s): C. Kulas, J. Hegger, M. Raupach and U. Antons |
Pages: 827 - 834 |
Stress-crack opening relationship of engineered cementitious composites and application Author(s): Jun Zhang, Xianchun Ju |
Pages: 835 - 844 |
Shear crack formation and propagation in reinforced Engineered Author(s): I. Paegle, G. Fischer |
Pages: 845 - 852 |
Tailoring SHCC made of two kinds of PVA fibers Author(s): A. P. Fantilli, H. Mihashi, T. Naganuma, and T. Nishiwaki |
Pages: 853 - 860 |
Fibre reinforced cementitious composites with alkali-activated slag as sole binder Author(s): C. Lin, O. Kayali, E.V. Morozov and D.J Sharp |
Pages: 861 - 867 |
Theme 11 - Special Binders and Materials for Special Applications
Influence of pretreatment process on the properties of phosphogypsum-based composite binders Author(s): J.K. Yang, T.Y. Ren, J. Zhu, Y.L. Li, N. Ye, X.F. Zhu and J.W. Liu |
Pages: 868 - 876 |
Performance of fly ash based geopolymer pastes under chemical environment Author(s): B. Singh, Sarika Sharma, M.Gupta and S.K. Bhattacharyya |
Pages: 877 - 884 |
Creep of Geopolymer and Portland Cement Pastes due to High Temperature Exposure Author(s): Zhu Pan, Jay G. Sanjayan |
Pages: 885 - 892 |
Development of a functional mortar for restraining attached algae growth Author(s): S. Park, J-H. Kim, H. Kang, S. Y. Choi and Y. M. Lim |
Pages: 893 - 898 |
Applications of tremie concrete in the Olmsted dam Author(s): Dale E. Berner, Haijian Shi |
Pages: 899 - 906 |
Characterisation of cemented rock fill materials for the Cosmos nickel mine, Western Australia Author(s): H. Saw, S. Prentice and E. Villaescusa |
Pages: 907 - 914 |
Investigation of hygric and thermal performance of a novel thermal insulation system Author(s): Z. Pavlík, J. Kočí, M. Pavlíková and R. Černý |
Pages: 915 - 922 |
Experimental and computational analysis of interface resistances in multi-layered systems of building materials Author(s): Z. Pavlík, J. Žumár, J. Kočí, L. Fiala, J. Maděra and R. Černý |
Pages: 923 - 930 |
Theme 12 - Wood, Metals and Asphalt
Ab-initio calculations of hydrogen embrittlement in high strength steels Author(s): J. Sanchez, J. Fullea, C. Andrade, P.L. De Andres |
Pages: 931 - 937 |
Stress corrosion cracking of high strength steels. Crack propagation mechanism and fracture toughness Author(s): J. Sanchez, J. Fullea, C. Andrade |
Pages: 938 - 944 |
Elevated temperature effect on elastic modulus of high strength steel S690 Author(s): Xuhong Qiang, Frans Bijlaard, and Henk Kolstein |
Pages: 945 - 951 |
Evaluation of duration of load factors for wooden structural materials Author(s): S. Nakajima, S. Matsuzato, N. Yamaguchi and T. Nakagawa |
Pages: 952 - 958 |
Response of FRP-glulam slab systems under five point bending load Author(s): M. Jorge, J. Branco, J. Sena-Cruz, J. Barros and G. Dalfré |
Pages: 959 - 966 |
Testing and characterization of compacted asphalt pavement materials Author(s): M.N. Partl, H. di Benedetto, F. Canestrari, H.U. Bahia |
Pages: 967 - 974 |
Influence of warm mix asphalt additive on rheological characteristics of asphalt binders Author(s): Zhifei Liu, Shaopeng Wu, Jiaping Liu, Jinxiang Hong, Chong Huang |
Pages: 975 - 981 |
Influence of asphalt emulsion on cement hydration in CA mortar Author(s): Xu Jing, Hong Jinxiang, Liu Jiaping, Liu Zhifei |
Pages: 982 - 989 |
Research on the fatigue performance of semi-flexible pavement material with cement-emulsified asphalt mortar Author(s): Chong Huang, Qingjun Ding, Jiaping Liu, Jinxiang Hong, Zhifei Liu |
Pages: 990 - 997 |
Theme 13 - Sustainability and Life-Cycle Analysis
Service life of combined mechanical and environmental loads Author(s): F.H. Wittmann, Zhao Tie-jun, Jiang Fu-jiang, and Zhang Peng |
Pages: 998 - 1004 |
Assessment concept for the sustainable use of secondary aggregates in concrete Author(s): T. Herbst, K. Rübner, B. Meng, and B. Hauer |
Pages: 1005 - 1012 |
Study of Durability Analysis and Evaluation Model for Existing Concrete Structure in Coastal Areas Author(s): Haiyong Yu, He Zhang |
Pages: 1013 - 1022 |
The "greenness" of High-Volume Fly Ash (HVFA) concrete when exposed to carbonation Author(s): P. Van den Heede, N. De Belie |
Pages: 1023 - 1029 |
Application of exergy analysis in the environmental assessment of concrete structures Author(s): R. Muigai, M.G. Alexander, and P. Moyo |
Pages: 1030 - 1036 |
The use of rice husk ash to produce ultra high performance concrete for sustainable development Author(s): Nguyen Van Tuan, Guang Ye |
Pages: 1037 - 1042 |