Proceedings pro054 : Fifth International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete - SCC 2007
Title: Fifth International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete - SCC 2007 Edited by G. De Schutter and V. Boel ISBN: 978-2-35158-047-9 e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-088-2 Pages: 1198 Publication date: 2007 |
As a follow-up of the work of RILEM TC 188-CSC, two new committees working on SCC were established. One committee, RILEM TC 209-RFC, is focussing on ‘Rheology of Fresh Cementitious Materials’ chaired by Ólafur Wallevik. The second committee is RILEM TC 205-DSC on ‘Durability of Self-Compacting Concrete’, chaired by Geert De Schutter. The members of TC 205-DSC actively contributed to the work of the International Technical Committee of SCC 2007.
SCC 2007 is a Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete in general terms. All aspects of SCC are focussed upon. The papers are divided into the following themes: mix design and fresh properties, mixing, rheology, casting, hydration and microstructure, mechanical behaviour, durability and repair, special SCC, and practical applications. In this last theme, due attention is given to practical case studies all over the world.
The symposium is an excellent opportunity for researchers and practitioners of self-compacting concrete to meet, and to discuss remaining problems and innovative solutions in this area. In this way, we all contribute to the further promotion of this splendid material in our daily construction work. In a broader sense, this innovative cementitious material can help to overcome the ‘grey image’ of traditional concrete to the outside world. Look at concrete now!
Target readers: graduate students, researchers, material scientists, practitioners, industry of concrete admixtures, contractors
Part one: Invited papers
1. Research on SCC: Some emerging themes Author(s): S.P. Shah, R.P. Ferron, L. Ferrara, N. Tregger, S.H. Kwon |
Pages: 3 - 14 |
2. Self-compacting concrete as repairing material - Generalisation of SCC technologies within modern concrete technology Author(s): M. Ouchi |
Pages: 15 - 20 |
3. SCC in practice: opportunities and bottlenecks Author(s): F. Cussigh |
Pages: 21 - 27 |
Part two: Theme 1: Mix design and fresh properties
4. Robustness of self-consolidating concrete Author(s): D. Bonen, Y. Deshpande, J. Olek, L. Shen, L. Struble, D. Lange, K. Khayat |
Pages: 33 - 42 |
5. Test method to evaluate the dynamic segregation resistance of fresh self-compacting concrete using the settlement column test Author(s): M. Sonebi, M. Rooney, P.J.M. Bartos |
Pages: 43 - 48 |
6. Modeling the properties of self-compacting concrete: an M-5 Model tree based approach Author(s): P. Aggarwal, R. Siddique, Y. Aggarwal, S.M. Gupta |
Pages: 49 - 54 |
7. Development, investigation and applications of self-compacting concrete - A review Author(s): R. Siddique, P. Aggarwal, Y. Aggarwal, S.M. Gupta |
Pages: 55 - 60 |
8. Self compacting concrete from local materials in Nepal Author(s): K.M. Shrestha, J.S. Biswakarma |
Pages: 61 - 66 |
9. Proportioning SCC based on aggregate characteristics Author(s): E.P. Koehler, D.W. Fowler |
Pages: 67 - 72 |
10. Volume fractions in self-compacting concrete - A review Author(s): S. Girish, J. Vengala, R.V. Ranganath |
Pages: 73 - 81 |
11. The effect of coating thickness on aggregate on the property of SCC by Fuller’s ideal curve and error function Author(s): C.L. Hwang, S.L. Hsieh, Y.Y. Chen |
Pages: 83 - 88 |
12. Superplasticizer-based approach for optimized paste-composition and robustness of SCC Author(s): L. Lohaus, P. Ramge, H. Höveling, S. Anders |
Pages: 89 - 94 |
13. Robustness of SCC dosages and its implications on large-scale production Author(s): J. Rigueira, E. Taengua, P. Serna |
Pages: 95 - 101 |
14. Comparison between different test methods used for evaluation of self-compacting concrete’s stability Author(s): M. Mahoutian, I. Yadegaran, N.A. Libre, M. Shekarchi |
Pages: 103 - 109 |
15. A comparison of two methods for testing the resistance of fresh SCC to segregation Author(s): L. Tang, J.-E. Lindqvst, C. Ewertson, D. Boubitsas |
Pages: 111 - 116 |
16. A study of proportioning techniques for SCC with crushed aggregates Author(s): L. Tang, U. Åkesson, B. Schouenborg, C. Ewertson, D. Boubitsas |
Pages: 117 - 122 |
17. SCC flowability: Effect of changes in particle surface area, and how to compensate for this Author(s): O. Esping |
Pages: 123 - 130 |
18. Evaluation of SCC mixture robustness Author(s): S. Nunes, P. Milheiro Oliveira, J. Sousa Coutinho, J. Figueiras |
Pages: 131 - 136 |
19. Characteristics and influence of paste on the behaviour of self-compacting concrete in the fresh state Author(s): S. Grünewald, J.C. Walraven |
Pages: 137 - 142 |
20. A step towards the design of stable self compacting concrete Author(s): L. D’Aloia Schwartzentruber, S. Bethmont, L. Ladouceur, P. Rossi |
Pages: 143 - 148 |
21. Role of the granular lattice solid fraction in the stability of self-compacting concrete (SCC) Author(s): S. Bethmont, J.L. Tailhan, L. D’Aloia Schwartzentruber, P. Rossi |
Pages: 149 - 154 |
22. SCC mixtures with different aggregate gradation and limestone powder Author(s): A. Emdadi, N.A. Libre, I. Mehdipour, M. Vahdani, S. Dara |
Pages: 155 - 162 |
23. Effect of sand particle size distribution on fluidity and passing ability of highly flowable mortars Author(s): J.M. Tobes, A. López, G. Giaccio, B.E. Barragán, R. Zerbino |
Pages: 163 - 168 |
24. Predicting SCC workability by nano-engineering concrete Author(s): M.R. de Rooij, A.L.A. Fraaij |
Pages: 169 - 174 |
25. Procedure to optimization of the composition of self-compacting concrete Author(s): G. Rodríguez de Sensale, B.S. Sabalsagaray, C. Romay, J. Cabrera |
Pages: 175 - 180 |
26. Self compacting concrete for developing countries using raw materials Author(s): A. Emdadi, N.A. Libre, A.R. Mohebbi, S. Yekta, M. Shekarchi |
Pages: 181 - 188 |
27. A mix design method for self-compacting concrete Author(s): Y. Xie, Y. Liu, G. Long |
Pages: 189 - 195 |
28. A new test method for workability of self-compacting concrete Author(s): G. Long, Y. Xie, Y. Liu |
Pages: 197 - 203 |
29. Influence of physico-chemical characteristics of limestone fillers on fresh and hardened mortar performances Author(s): F. Michel, J. Piérard, L. Courard, V. Pollet |
Pages: 205 - 210 |
30. Influence of cement-admixture interaction on the stability of production properties of SCC Author(s): O.H. Wallevik, S. Kubens, F. Müller |
Pages: 211 - 216 |
31. The influence of ultrafine GCC on the properties of self compacting concrete Author(s): P. Gonnon, H.W. Roeth |
Pages: 217 - 222 |
32. A study of segregation behaviour of SCC Author(s): S. Ramakrishnan, Anuj, K. Dharmendra, K.J. Arvind, Supratic Gupta |
Pages: 223 - 228 |
Volume 1
Preface Author(s): G. De Schutter |
Pages: XXI - XXII |
Part two: General papers - Theme 2: Mixing
33. Effect of mixing on proporties of SCC Author(s): M.R. Geiker, J.P. Ekstrand, R. Hansen |
Pages: 231 - 238 |
34. On-line mixing end-point detection for SCC by power consumption measurement Author(s): B. Cazacliu, E. Brunquet |
Pages: 239 - 244 |
35. A new online method of measuring the workability of SCC-concrete Author(s): E. Nordenswan, A. Käppi |
Pages: 245 - 249 |
36. In-situ on-line control of SCC production regularity Author(s): E. Brunquet, B. Cazacliu |
Pages: 251 - 257 |
37. Process optimisation for the mixing of self-compacting concrete Author(s): H. Beitzel |
Pages: 259 - 264 |
Part two: Theme 3: Rheology
38. A thixotropy model for fresh fluid concretes: theory and applications Author(s): N. Roussel |
Pages: 267 - 272 |
39. Empirical relationships between viscosity and flow-time measurements from minislump tests for cement pastes formulated from SCC Author(s): N. Tregger, L. Ferrara, S. Shah |
Pages: 273 - 278 |
40. Rheology of pastes and mortars with fines resulting from ornamental rock waste Author(s): M. Vieira, A. Bettencourt |
Pages: 279 - 284 |
41. Structuration rate of fresh SCC: influence of the state of shear during rest Author(s): G. Ovarlez, N. Roussel |
Pages: 285 - 290 |
42. Rheological characterisation of self compacting concrete from vane shear flow measurement Author(s): P. Estellé, A. Perrot, Y. Mélinge, C. Lanos, S. Amziane |
Pages: 291 - 296 |
43. Calibration of modified parallel-plate rheometer using standard oil and lattice Boltzmann simulation Author(s): C.F. Ferraris, M. Geiker, N.S. Martys, N. Muzzatti |
Pages: 297 - 302 |
44. Influence of microfillers on the rheological behaviour of cement pastes: comparison between silica fume and micronized quartz Author(s): A. Vasylchenko, M. Chaouche, M. Moranville, P. Naproux |
Pages: 303 - 308 |
45. Effect of pigments on the rheological properties of mortars for self-compacting concrete Author(s): A. López, J.M. Tobes, M.C. Torrijos, B.E. Barragán, G. Giaccio, R. Zerbino |
Pages: 309 - 314 |
46. Slump flow values vs. Bingham parameters for high flowable mortars and concretes Author(s): O. Esping |
Pages: 315 - 322 |
47. Development of a concrete rheometer fitted with hydraulic pressure transducers Author(s): S. Amziane, T. Lecompte, J.C. Tchamba, Ch. Lanos |
Pages: 323 - 328 |
48. Influence of mineral additions and chemical admixtures on the rheological behaviour of powder-type SCC Author(s): G. Heirman, L. Vandewalle, D. Van Gemert, D. Feys, G. De Schutter, B. Desmet, J. Vantomme |
Pages: 329 - 334 |
49. Novel rheometer to measure yield stress of suspensions Author(s): V. Picandet, C. Ferraris, D. De Kee |
Pages: 335 - 340 |
50. A study on the dispersion/flocculation state and friction of cement particles in mortar based on the rules of deformability and amount of water bled by centrifugal force Author(s): H. Nagamine, T. Kishi |
Pages: 341 - 346 |
51. Rheology of synthetic-fiber reinforced SCC Author(s): G. Krage, O.H. Wallevik |
Pages: 347 - 352 |
52. Estimation of Bingham rheological parameters of SCC from slump flow measurement Author(s): L.N. Thrane, C. Pade, T. Svensson |
Pages: 353 - 358 |
53. Non-reversible time-dependent rheological properties of fresh SCC Author(s): D. Feys, R. Verhoeven, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 359 - 364 |
54. Comparison of two concrete rheometers for shear thickening behaviour of SCC Author(s): D. Feys, G. Heirman, G. De Schutter, R. Verhoeven, L. Vandewalle, D. Van Gemert |
Pages: 365 - 370 |
Part two: Theme 4: Casting
55. Barriers to the application of cast-in-place self-compacting concrete Author(s): J.R. Desmyter |
Pages: 373 - 380 |
56. Microstructure and aesthetic appearance of SCC Author(s): E. Annerel, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 381 - 386 |
57. Modelling and simulation of the flow behaviour of self-compacting concrete Author(s): M. Modigell, K. Vasilic, W. Brameshuber, S. Uebachs |
Pages: 387 - 392 |
58. Analytical and experimental study on flow of fresh concrete in conveying pipe Author(s): K. Watanabe, H. Ono, K. Katou, Y. Tanigawa |
Pages: 393 - 398 |
59. Probabilistic frame to understand and predict SCC passing ability Author(s): T.L.H. Nguyen, N. Roussel, P. Coussot |
Pages: 399 - 404 |
60. The influence of temperature on self-compacting concrete in presence of superplasticizer and additional admixtures Author(s): H.C. Kuehne, W. Schmidt, B. Meng |
Pages: 405 - 410 |
61. Field measurements of SCC rheology and formwork pressures Author(s): E.P. Koehler, L. Keller, N.J. Gardner |
Pages: 411 - 416 |
62. Theoretical and practical investigations on SCC formwork Author(s): F. van Waarde, E.A.B. Koenders, J.A. Lycklama à Nijeholt, J.C. Walraven |
Pages: 417 - 422 |
63. Flow behaviour evaluation of self-compacting concretes of the powder type and the viscosity agent type Author(s): S. Uebachs, W. Brameshuber |
Pages: 423 - 428 |
64. Investigations of the fluid structure interaction on the flow behaviour of self-compacting concrete regarding the numerical flow simulation Author(s): S. Uebachs, W. Brameshuber |
Pages: 429 - 435 |
65. Affecting parameters on the surface settlement of self-compacting concrete Author(s): S. Grünewald, J.C. Walraven |
Pages: 437 - 442 |
66. Influence of mineral and organic admixtures on the stability of cementitious pastes under flow Author(s): J. Yammine, M. Chaouche, M. Moranville |
Pages: 443 - 448 |
67. Flow Induced segregation in full scale castings with SCC Author(s): L.N. Thrane, H. Stang, M.R. Geiker |
Pages: 449 - 454 |
68. Computer-aided modelling and simulation of self-compacting concrete flow Author(s): A. Gram, A. Farhang, J. Silfwerbrand |
Pages: 455 - 460 |
69. Mechanism of increased pressure loss of self-compacting concrete flowing through interspaces of steel bars Author(s): M. Maruoka, H. Fujiwara, N. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe |
Pages: 461 - 466 |
70. Simulating the behaviour of fresh concrete using distinct element method Author(s): V. Mechtcherine, S. Shyshko |
Pages: 467 - 472 |
71. Pressure on formwork using SCC - experimental studies and modelling Author(s): T. Proske, C.-A. Graubner |
Pages: 473 - 478 |
72. An investigation and comparison of international design methods for vertical formwork Author(s): R. Mc Carthy, P. Billberg, J. Silfwerbrand |
Pages: 479 - 484 |
73. Industrial casting of bridges combining new production methods and materials, like a robust SCC, utilizing Lean Construction Principle Author(s): M. Emborg, P. Simonsson, J. Carlswärd, M. Nilsson |
Pages: 485 - 490 |
74. Formwork pressure when using SCC - A doctoral project Author(s): P. Billberg |
Pages: 491 - 496 |
75. Effect of stabilizers on thixotropy and reduction of formwork pressure Author(s): S. Oesterheld, O.H. Wallevik |
Pages: 497 - 502 |
76. Measuring the formwork pressure of self-compacting concrete Author(s): N. Cauberg, J. Desmyter |
Pages: 503 - 508 |
77. Basic information on SCC placements Author(s): S.A. Rizwan, K. Dombrowski, T.A. Bier, F. Dahlhaus |
Pages: 509 - 514 |
78. Evaluation of gravitational flow tests with SCC in pipes as a forecast for pumping pressures Author(s): D. Feys, B. Calie, R. Verhoeven, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 515 - 520 |
Volume 2 - Part two: Theme 5: Hydration and microstructure
79. Micro-mechanical properties of SCC containing different fillers and admixtures Author(s): W. Zhu |
Pages: 523 - 531 |
80. An old approach to determine ‘time zero’ (to) in SCC and its variance in self-stress evaluations Author(s): K. Imamoto |
Pages: 533 - 538 |
81. Effects of curing time and drying behaviour of SCC in case of restrained shrinkage deformations Author(s): R. Loser, A. Leemann |
Pages: 539 - 544 |
82. Evaluation of the risk for early thermal cracking in SCC Author(s): S. Utsi, J.E. Jonasson |
Pages: 545 - 551 |
83. Influence of mineral additions and chemical admixtures on setting and volumetric autogenous shrinkage of SCC-equivalent-mortars Author(s): G. Heirman, L. Vandewalle, D. Van Gemert |
Pages: 553 - 558 |
84. The Influence of some mix design parameters on drying shrinkage of SCC Author(s): T.A. Hammer |
Pages: 559 - 564 |
85. Comparison of heat development and thermal crack risk between SCC and conventional concretes in civil engineering constructions Author(s): C. Vogt, K. Wallin, J. Trägårdh, J.E. Jonasson |
Pages: 565 - 570 |
86. Determination of the porosity and the critical pore size of hardened self-compacting cement paste Author(s): V. Boel, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 571 - 576 |
87.Optical and electron microscopy on the microstructure of traditional and self-compacting concrete Author(s): V. Boel, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 577 - 582 |
88. Thermal analysis of cement-fly ash pastes Author(s): G. Baert, N. De Belie, G. De Schutter, S. Hoste |
Pages: 583 - 588 |
Part two: Theme 6: Mechanical behaviour
89. Tensile deformation behaviour of self-compacting concrete under sustained loading Author(s): H.W. Reinhardt, T. Wüstholz |
Pages: 591 - 598 |
90. Comparison between long term properties of self compacting concretes with different strengths Author(s): C. Mazzotti, M. Savoia, C. Ceccoli |
Pages: 599 - 604 |
91. Evaluation of creep prediction models for self consolidating concrete Author(s): G.A. Landsberger, J. Fernández-Gómez |
Pages: 605 - 610 |
92. Mechanical characteristics of self-compacting concretes produced with different filler materials Author(s): A.S. Georgiadis, N.S. Anagnostopoulos, K.K. Sideris |
Pages: 611 - 618 |
93. Axial load response of columns containing SCC and steel fibres Author(s): H. Aoude, D. Mitchell, W.D. Cook |
Pages: 619 - 624 |
94. Behaviour of steel fibre self-compacting concrete under biaxial loading Author(s): R.N. Mohamed, K.S. Elliott |
Pages: 625 - 630 |
95. Bond strength of pretensioned strands in SCC Author(s): J. Hegger, N. Will, S. Bülte |
Pages: 631 - 636 |
96. Flexural performance of reinforced concrete beams repaired with fiber-reinforced SCC Author(s): H.A. Mesbah, F. Kassimi, A. Yahia, K.H. Khayat |
Pages: 637 - 643 |
97. Mechanical properties of self-compacting concretes Author(s): C. Parra, M. Valcuende, J. Benlloch |
Pages: 645 - 650 |
98. Mechanical properties of high volume fly ash self compacting concretes Author(s): P. Dinakar, K.G. Babu, M. Santhanam |
Pages: 651 - 657 |
99. Experimental determination of Bond strength of reinforcing bars in self-compacting concrete Author(s): P. Desnerck, L. Taerwe, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 659 - 664 |
Part two: Theme 7: Durability and repair
100. Compatibility performance as a fundamental requirement for the repair of concrete structures with self compacting repair mortars Author(s): L. Courard, B. Bissonnette |
Pages: 667 - 675 |
101. Assessment of the durability of medium strength SCC from its permeation properties Author(s): M. Sonebi, R. Ibrahim |
Pages: 677 - 682 |
102. Water vapour diffusion through self-compacting concrete Author(s): K. Audenaert, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 683 - 688 |
103. Modelling the carbonation process of self-compacting concrete Author(s): K. Audenaert, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 689 - 694 |
104. Chloride penetration by cyclic immersion of self-compacting concrete Author(s): K. Audenaert, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 695 - 700 |
105. Relation between vacuum water absorption and porosity of self-compacting concrete Author(s): K. Audenaert, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 701 - 706 |
106. Effect of polypropylene fibers on shrinkage of self-compacting concrete Author(s): I. Yadegaran, M. Mahoutian, M. Shekarchi, N.A. Libre |
Pages: 707 - 713 |
107. Assessment of temperature increase and residual strength of SCC after fire exposure Author(s): E. Annerel, L. Taerwe, P. Vandevelde |
Pages: 715 - 720 |
108. Carbonation of self compacting concretes produced with different materials Author(s): N.S. Anagnostopoulos, A.S. Georgiadis, K. Sideris |
Pages: 721 - 727 |
109. Salt frost scaling of SCC related to curing regime and air void system Author(s): V.B. Bosiljkov, D. Duh, R. Zarnic |
Pages: 729 - 734 |
110. Fire spalling: Theories and experiments Author(s): R. Jansson, L. Boström |
Pages: 735 - 740 |
111. Fire spalling of self-compacting concrete Author(s): L. Boström, R. Jansson |
Pages: 741 - 745 |
112. Chloride resistance of conventionally vibrated concrete and self-compacting concrete Author(s): R. Loser, A. Leemann |
Pages: 747 - 752 |
113. Effect of mineral additions on prevention of alkali silica reaction in SCC - Effect of mix design on damage Author(s): K. Schmidt, G. Grundmann, D. Heinz |
Pages: 753 - 760 |
114. The value of colloidal silica for enhanced durability in high fluidity cement based mixes Author(s): I. Jansson, U. Skarp, C. Bigley |
Pages: 761 - 766 |
115. Influence of paste content on gas permeability and microstructure of SCC Author(s): M. Tahlaiti, A. Hamami, P. Turcry, O. Amiri, A. Aït-Mokhtar |
Pages: 767 - 772 |
116. Influence of mineral additions and chemical admixtures in SCC on microcracking and durability: overview of a Belgian research project Author(s): G. Heirman, L. Vandewalle, D. Van Gemert, J. Elsen, V. Boel, K. Audenaert, G. De Schutter, B. Desmet, J. Vantomme |
Pages: 773 - 778 |
117. Use of self-compacting concrete for bonded overlays Author(s): J.L. Silfwerbrand |
Pages: 779 - 784 |
118. Microstructure and durability of self-compacting concretes containing PP fibres Author(s): M. Kalinowski, J. Trägårdh |
Pages: 785 - 792 |
119: Shrinkage cracking of steel fibre reinforced self compacting concrete overlays test methods and theoretical modelling Author(s): J. Carlswärd, M. Emborg |
Pages: 793 - 798 |
120. Spalling behaviour of small self-compacting concrete slabs under standard fire conditions Author(s): G. Ye, G. De Schutte, L. Taerwe |
Pages: 799 - 804 |
121. The influence of surface void characteristics on the durability and appearance of self-compacting concrete Author(s): K. Ichimiya, T. Yamasaki, C. Hashimoto |
Pages: 805 - 810 |
122. Salt frost resistance of self-compacting concrete Author(s): B. Persson |
Pages: 811 - 816 |
123. Freeze/thaw resistance of SCC in combination with deicing salts Author(s): V. Boel, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 817 - 822 |
124. Resistance of SCC to acetic and lactic acid Author(s): V. Boel, G. De Schutter |
Pages: 823 - 828 |
Part two: Theme 8: Special SCC
125. Mix design and strength performance of lightweight self-consolidating concrete Author(s): H. Toutanji, K. Pierce, A. Noumowe |
Pages: 831 - 838 |
126. Low fines content Self-Compacting Concrete Author(s): M. Corradi, R. Khurana, R. Magarotto |
Pages: 839 - 844 |
127. Research of effect of fibre reinforcement at characteristics of lightweight self compacting concrete Author(s): R. Hela, M. Hubertova |
Pages: 845 - 850 |
128. Development and experimental study on the properties of lightweight self compacting concrete Author(s): M. Hubertova, R. Hela |
Pages: 851 - 856 |
129. Study on the spent catalytic cracking catalyst (FC3R) as addition in self-compacting concrete (SCC) production Author(s): L. Soriano, J. Rigueira, J. Payá, V. Borrachero, P. Serna, J. Monzó |
Pages: 857 - 862 |
230. Properties of self compacting concrete using a fine synthetic zeolite Author(s): P. Frontera, F. Crea, N. Baldino, D. Gabriele, S. Candamano |
Pages: 863 - 868 |
131. Thixotropy-enhancing agents for stabilization of SCC and earth moist concrete Author(s): J. Terpstra |
Pages: 869 - 874 |
132. New admixture-system for low-fines self-compacting concrete Author(s): J. Roncero, M. Corradi, R.S. Khurana |
Pages: 875 - 880 |
133. Mechanical characterization of steel fiber reinforced self-compacting refractory concrete Author(s): G.Q. Romano, F.A. Silva, R.D. Toledo Filho, E.M.R. Fairbairn, R.C. Battista |
Pages: 881 - 886 |
134. Mechanical properties of self-compaction concrete using recycled material from demolished concrete structure as aggregate and powder Author(s): K. Nishikawa, H. Mizuguchi, C. Hashimoto, H. Tsutsui |
Pages: 887 - 892 |
135. An experimental research on the uniformity of lightweight self compacting concrete in full scale structural element Author(s): R. madandoust, M.M. Ranjbar, I. mohammadpour nikbin |
Pages: 893 - 898 |
136. Lightweight SCC : systematic approach and case study Author(s): N. Cauberg, X. Kestemont |
Pages: 899 - 905 |
137. Influence of recycled vegetable fibres on the fresh properties of pastes formulated from self compacting concrete Author(s): A. El Hilali, E. Ghorbel, P. Gonnon |
Pages: 907 - 914 |
138. Self-compacting cement-fly ash concrete Author(s): J.M. Khatib, R. Siddique |
Pages: 915 - 921 |
Part two: Theme 9: Practical applications
139. High performance self-consolidating concrete for North America’s tallest reinforced concrete building: Trump International Hotel and Tower, Chicago Author(s): W.F. Baker, M.R. Houson, D. Stanton Korista, D.S. Rankin, R.C. Sinn |
Pages: 925 - 931 |
140. Experiences of working with self-compacting concrete in the precast industry Author(s): K.J. Juvas |
Pages: 933 - 938 |
141. Self compacting concrete for LNG tanks construction in Texas Author(s): O. Bernabeu, C. Redon |
Pages: 939 - 944 |
142. SCC mix design optimization for the casting of VHPC prebended composite beams Author(s): S. Staquet, N. Roussel, L. D’Aloïa, R. Le Roy, F. Toutlemonde |
Pages: 945 - 950 |
143. SCC delayed effects development within a new type of steel-VHPC prebended beam Author(s): S. Staquet, C. Boulay, L. D’Aloïa, R. Le Roy, F. Toutlemonde |
Pages: 951 - 956 |
144. Concrete manufacturers’ role in succeeding with SCC Author(s): M. Khrapko |
Pages: 957 - 960 |
145. Self-consolidating concrete for thin wall casting Author(s): B.L. Whitcomb, P.D. Kiousis |
Pages: 961 - 966 |
146. Does ‘SCC’ really improve the working environment? Author(s): C.V. Nielsen |
Pages: 967 - 974 |
147. SCC application on the bridge columns of North Round/CV350 crossroad in Valencia (Spain) Author(s): P. Serna, J. Rigueira |
Pages: 975 - 980 |
148. Standardisation and practical application of self-compacting concrete in Germany Author(s): M. Lichtmann, S. Uebachs |
Pages: 981 - 986 |
149. Practical experiences of a diabolo-shaped column cast in SCC Author(s): B. Obladen, E.A.B. Koenders |
Pages: 987 - 992 |
150. SCC - A technical breakthrough and a success for the Danish concrete industry Author(s): C.V. Nielsen, M. Glavind, L. Gredsted, C.N. Hansen |
Pages: 993 - 999 |
151. Self-compacting concrete - A labor cost evaluation when used to replace traditional concrete in building construction Author(s): W.L. Repette |
Pages: 1001 - 1006 |
152. Cross-fertilization from the SCC innovation Author(s): B.M. Piscaer |
Pages: 1007 - 1011 |
153. Synthetic macro-fibers reinforced self compacting concrete for lightweight precast elements. A case study Author(s): J.P. Bigas, B. Pellerin, F. Deschryver, P. Massinari, G. Plizzari |
Pages: 1013 - 1018 |
154. Use of SCC for a tunnel of the Citytunnel Malmö project with 120 years of life cycle Author(s): Dr. F. Abel, M. Willmes |
Pages: 1019 - 1025 |
155. Fire Spalling behaviour of self-compacting concrete (SCC) for tunnel construction - Taking the Malmö Citytunnel as an example Author(s): F. Dehn, P. Nause, S. Hauswaldt |
Pages: 1027 - 1034 |
156. SCC in South Africa - The challenge to introduce a new technology to the construction industry Author(s): A. Geel, H. Beushausen, M.G. Alexander |
Pages: 1035 - 1040 |
157. A set of European standards for SCC Author(s): F. Cussigh |
Pages: 1041 - 1047 |
158. French specifications for SCC: conclusions of the French national SCC project (PN B@P) Author(s): S. Lecrux, F. Cussigh, M. Guerinet |
Pages: 1049 - 1054 |
Volume 3 - Supplementary papers
159. Formwork pressure of self-compacting concrete Author(s): D. Galeota, M.M. Giammatteo, A. Gregori, R. Marino, S.P. Shah |
Pages: 1059 - 1064 |
160. High strength self-consolidating concrete for practical applications Author(s): S.G. Ladkany, V.K. Doli, T.K. McEwan, N. Ghafoori |
Pages: 1065 - 1070 |
161. Applications of SCC technology for precast/prestressed elements. The Mexican experiences Author(s): R.E. Rodríguez Camacho, R. Uribe Afif, G. Martínez Corona, H. Montaño Román, B. Martínez Sánchez |
Pages: 1071 - 1078 |
162. Comparison of durability parameters between conventional concrete, standard SCC and steel fibre reinforced SCC for construction of thin elements - Part 1: Durability tests Author(s): P. Borralleras, B. Barragán, R. Gettu |
Pages: 1079 - 1091 |
163. Comparison of durability parameters between conventional concrete, standard SCC and steel fibre reinforced SCC for construction of thin elements - Part 2: Thin concrete walls applications Author(s): P. Borralleras, B. Barragán, R. Gettu |
Pages: 1093 - 1097 |
164. Coupled effect of temperature and superplasticizer on rheological properties of SCC mortar Author(s): J.Y. Petit, E. Wirquin, K.H. Khayat, Y. Vanhove |
Pages: 1099 - 1104 |
165. Use of manufactured calcium carbonate in SCC targeted for commercial applications Author(s): O. Bonneau, F. Tchieme, K.H. Khayat, B. Kanduth |
Pages: 1105 - 1111 |
166. Influencing factors of rheological test results of self-compacting concrete Author(s): Z. Li |
Pages: 1113 - 1119 |
167. Development of a SCC composition for disposal of heat-emitting, radioactive waste in Belgium Author(s): B. Craeye, G. De Schutter, J. Bel, H. Van Humbeeck, A. Van Cotthem |
Pages: 1121 - 1128 |
168. On the rheological behavior of self-compacting concrete mortar using discrete element method Author(s): Y.W. Chan, S.H. Hsieh, W.T. Chang |
Pages: 1129 - 1134 |
169. High strength self-compacting concrete at elevated temperature Author(s): T. Jin, L. Xian, Y. Yong |
Pages: 1135 - 1144 |