
Proceedings pro033 : 3rd International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete

Title: 3rd International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete
Edited by O. Wallevik and I. Nielsson
ISBN: 2-912143-42-X
e-ISBN: 2912143713
Pages: 1056
Publication date: 2003

Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is considered by many experts to be the greatest breakthrough in concrete technology for many decades due to the improved performance and working environment. It all started around 1988 at Tokyo University with Prof. Okamura and his students, among others Ozawa and Maekawa, as they established the basic description of SCC. Before that, several cases of application were known in which the concrete did not need external consolidation to obtain necessary compaction and could therefore be considered as SCC, without being defined as such.

From Japan the technology spread through Asia and came to Europe around 1993. The first RILEM Technical Committee on SCC (TC 174-SCC) chaired by Dr. Skarendahl, was established in 1997 and concluded its work with a state-of-the-art report published in 2000 (RILEM Report n° 23). In 1998 an international workshop on SCC was held in Kochi, Japan and was followed up with RILEM First International Symposium on SCC in Stockholm, Sweden in 1999. Only two years later, the Second International Symposium was held in Tokyo, Japan. RILEM established the second technical committee in the year 2000, TC 188-CSC: "Casting of Self-Compacting Concrete", with more emphasis on production aspects. The latest big step in the process has probably been taken in North-America where an insignificant amount of SCC was produced in the year 2000, but it presumably exceeded one million cubic meters in total by the end of 2002. The first North-American conference on SCC was held with a great success in 2002, chaired by Prof. Shah.

This third International Symposium on SCC is held in association with RILEM Technical Committee 188-CSC, with 108 contributions from 26 countries, presented in 10 sessions:

As can be seen in these proceedings, the way or approach of producing SCC is quite different in the various countries depending on traditions and materials available. We hope that this RILEM symposium will contribute to a better understanding of various ways of optimising the production and use of SCC in general, and in particular to recognize "where to find the answer".


A. Opening session

Applications of self-compacting concrete in Japan
Author(s): H. Okamura, M. Ouchi
Pages: 3 - 5

A. Opening session

The present - The future
Author(s): Å. Skarendahl
Pages: 6 - 14

Structural aspects of self compacting concrete
Author(s): J. Walraven
Pages: 15 - 22

Rheology - a scientific approach to develop self-compacting concrete
Author(s): O. Wallevik
Pages: 23 - 31

B. Rheology / Workability

On the combined effect of measuring procedure and coagulation rate on apparent rheological properties
Author(s): M. Geiker
Pages: 35 - 40

Computational rheology thixotropic explorations of cement pastes; an introduction
Author(s): J. E. Wallevik
Pages: 41 - 48

Rheological measurements on self-compacting fibre reinforced concrete
Author(s): S. Grünewald, J.C. Walraven
Pages: 49 - 58

Rheological evaluation of some empirical test methods -preliminary results-
Author(s): I. Níelsson, O. H. Wallevik
Pages: 59 - 68

Pseudoplastic and thixotropic properties of SCC equivalent mortar made with various admixtures
Author(s): A.F. Ghezal, K.H. Khayat
Pages: 69 - 83

Quality-test to prove the flow behavior of SCC on site
Author(s): G. Buchenau, B. Hillemeier
Pages: 84 - 93

Defining the stability criterion of a sphere suspended in a cement paste : a way to study the segregation risk in self-compacting concrete (SCC)
Author(s): S. Bethmont, L. D'Aloia Schwarzentruber, C. Stefani, R. Leroy
Pages: 94 - 105

The relationship between the rheological properties of SCC and the corresponding matrix phase
Author(s): B. Pedersen, S. Smeplass
Pages: 106 - 116

Characterization of fine aggregate affecting pressure transferability of fresh mortar in self-compacting concrete
Author(s): M. Ouchi, M. Fukuda
Pages: 117 - 121

The effects of HRWRA-VMA combinations on fresh behavior of concrete equivalent mortar based on blended cement
Author(s): A. Ghezal
Pages: 122 - 135

Ultra high performance self compacting concrete
Author(s): J. Ma, J. Dietz, F. Dehn
Pages: 136 - 142

Effect of constituents on the workability and rheology of self-compacting concrete
Author(s): J. Carlswärd, M. Emborg, S. Utsi, P. Öberg
Pages: 143 - 153

Relation between workability and rheological parameters
Author(s): S. Utsi, M. Emborg, J. Carlswärd
Pages: 154 - 164

Influence of fines from crushed aggregate on micro-mortar rheology
Author(s): M. Westerholm, B. Lagerblad
Pages: 165 - 173

The influence of the temperature on the rheological properties of self-compacting concrete
Author(s): W. Brameshuber, S. Uebachs
Pages: 174 - 183

Self-compacting concrete with lignosulphonate based superplasticizer
Author(s): K. Reknes, B. Gudding Petersen
Pages: 184 - 189

Influence of silica fume on rheology of cement paste
Author(s): H. Vikan, H. Justnes
Pages: 190 - 201

Simulation of self-compacting concrete-laboratory experiments and numerical modelling of testing methods, JRING and L-box tests.
Author(s): Ö. Petersson
Pages: 202 - 207

Methods for characterisation of fillers and fines for self-compacting concrete
Author(s): O. Esping
Pages: 208 - 219

Controlling the workability properties of self-compacting concrete used as ready-mixed concrete
Author(s): S. Kordts, W. Breit
Pages: 220 - 231

Effect of particle shape on paste rheology of SCC
Author(s): A.M.M. Sheinn, D.W.S. Ho, C.T. Tam
Pages: 232 - 239

Reduced models test for the characterization of the rheologic properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC)
Author(s): C.A. Arbeláez Jaramillo, J.W. Rigueira Victor, J.R. Martí Vargas, P. Serna Ros, M. Pinto Barbosa
Pages: 240 - 250

The use of recycled aggregates from building demolition in self-compacting concrete
Author(s): V. Corinaldesi, G. Moriconi
Pages: 251 - 260

Rheological research of modified cement mortar for production of self compacting concrete
Author(s): R. Hela, L. Bodnárová
Pages: 261 - 268

C. Form pressure and Thixotropy

Form pressure generated by self-compacting concrete
Author(s): P. Billberg
Pages: 271 - 280

Investigations on the formwork pressure using self-compacting concrete
Author(s): W. Brameshuber, S. Uebachs
Pages: 281 - 287

Pressure of self-compacting concrete on the formwork
Author(s): A. Leemann, C. Hoffmann
Pages: 288 - 295

D. Measurement technique

Testing-SCC: a european project
Author(s): Ö. Petersson, J. Gibbs, P. Bartos
Pages: 299 - 304

Study of material properties of SCC by mortar tests
Author(s): H.-E. Gram, P. Piiparinen
Pages: 305 - 310

Project testing SCC- segregation test methods
Author(s): F. Cussigh, M. Sonebi, G. De Schutter
Pages: 311 - 322

Test methods for filling ability of SCC
Author(s): M. Emborg, S. Grünewald, C. Hedin, J. Carlswärd
Pages: 323 - 334

A comparison of passing ability test methods for self-consolidating concrete
Author(s): J.A. Daczko
Pages: 335 - 344

A mix-design method for self-compacting concrete based on mortar flow and funnel tests
Author(s): Y. Edamatsu, T. Sugamata, M. Ouchi
Pages: 345 - 354

A simple and significant segregation test for SCC
Author(s): D. Lowke, K.-H. Wiegrink, P. Schiessl
Pages: 356 - 366

E. Chemical admixtures

Effect of viscosity-modifying admixture-superplasticizer combination on flow properties of SCC equivalent mortar
Author(s): K. Khayat, A. Ghezal
Pages: 369 - 385

Evaluation of Hydroxy Propyl starch as a viscosity-modifying agent for self compacting concrete
Author(s): V. Rajayogan, M. Santhanam, B. Sivarama Sarma
Pages: 386 - 394

Properties of the concrete matrix of self-compacting concrete with lignosulphonate superplasticizer
Author(s): B. Gudding Petersen, K. Reknes
Pages: 395 - 402

Evaluation for the effect of different types of superplasticizers considering the mixing effect
Author(s): K. Takada, J. Walraven
Pages: 403 - 414

"Single-shot" admixture for self-compacting concrete
Author(s): I. Gibb
Pages: 415 - 419

A study of particle dispersing retention effect of polycarboxylate-based superplasticizers
Author(s): T. Sugamata, Y. Edamatsu, M. Ouchi
Pages: 420 - 431

Properties of flowing concrete and self-compacting concrete with high-performance superplasticizer
Author(s): R. Sri Ravindrarajah, F. Farrokhzadi, A. Lahoud
Pages: 432 - 441

Pre-testing of self compacting concrete with various mineral additives and admixtures
Author(s): K. Paulou
Pages: 442 - 445

A comparative study on the use of mineral and chemical types of viscosity enhancers in self-compacting concrete
Author(s): B. Felekoglu, M. Yucel Yardimci, B. Baradan
Pages: 446 - 456

User friendly self-compacting concrete in precast production
Author(s): M. Corradi, R. Khurana, R. Magarotto
Pages: 457 - 446

Performance of self-consolidating concrete made with various admixture combinations
Author(s): S.-D. Hwang, D. Mayen-Reyna, O. Bonneau, K.H. Khayat
Pages: 467 - 478

F. Mix-design and production

Production of SCC
Author(s): F. De Larrard, B. Cazacliu, D. Chopin, E. Château
Pages: 481 - 494

Reference concretes for evaluation of test methods for SCC
Author(s): T. Aarre, P. Domone
Pages: 495 - 505

Mix design of HS-SCC and practical application
Author(s): I. Nielsson, O. Olafur, H. Wallevik
Pages: 506 - 513

Development and optimisation of medium strength self-compacting concrete by using pulverised fly ash
Author(s): M. Sonebi, A. Bahadori-Jahromi, P.J.M. Bartos
Pages: 514 - 524

The mixture proportion and property of SCC
Author(s): L.-S. Li, C.-L. Hwang
Pages: 525 - 529

Development of high-strength self-compacting concrete with reduced segregation potential
Author(s): R. Sri Ravindrarajah, D. Siladyi, B. Adamopoulos
Pages: 530 - 532

The study on mixture proportion of gap-gradation of aggregate for SCC
Author(s): Y.-Y. Chen, C.-T. Tsai, C.-L. Hwang
Pages: 533 - 539

Characterisation of filler
Author(s): H. Moosberg-Bustnes
Pages: 540 - 550

G. Mechanical properties

Cracking susceptibility due to volume changes of self compacting concrete (SCC)
Author(s): T.A. Hammer
Pages: 553 - 557

Effect of limestone filler on the cement hydration in self-compacting concrete
Author(s): A.M. Poppe, G. De Schutter
Pages: 558 - 566

Development of SCC for civil engineering applications
Author(s): S. Utsi, J-E. Jonasson, K. Wallin, T. Ekman
Pages: 567 - 575

A study of plastic shrinkage of self-compacting concrete
Author(s): P. Turcry, A. Loukili
Pages: 576 - 585

Early age compressive strength prediction of self-compacting concrete: first results
Author(s): E. Dehousse, A.-M. Marion
Pages: 586 - 595

Comparison of the hardened properties of self compacting and normal vibrated concrete
Author(s): Y. Klug, K. Holschemacher
Pages: 596 - 605

The influence of fillers on the properties of self-compacting concrete in fresh and hardened state
Author(s): G. Heirman, L. Vandewalle
Pages: 606 - 618

Homogeneity of structures made with self-compacting concrete and conventional concrete
Author(s): C. Hoffmann, A. Leemann
Pages: 619 - 627

Fracture behaviour of self compacting concrete
Author(s): C. Fava, L. Bergol, G. Fornasier, F. Giangrasso, C. Rocco
Pages: 628 - 636

Deformability of hardened SCC
Author(s): M. Vieira, A. Bettencourt
Pages: 637 - 644

Creep and shrinkage of self-compacting concrete: a different behaviour compared with vibrated concrete?
Author(s): G. Pons, E. Proust, S. Assié
Pages: 645 - 654

Durability of self-compacting concrete
Author(s): S. Assié, G. Escadeillas, G. Marchese
Pages: 655 - 662

Long-term deformations of self-compacting concrete
Author(s): J.L. Vítek
Pages: 663 - 671

Creep and shrinkage of heat-cured self-compactiong-concrete (SCC)
Author(s): D. Chopin, O. Francy, S. Lebourgeois, P. Rougeau
Pages: 672 - 683

Bond characteristics of prestressed strands in self-compacting concrete
Author(s): C.A. Arbeláez Jaramillo, J.W. Rigueira Victor, J.R. Martí Vargas, P. Serna Ros, M. Pinto Barbosa
Pages: 684 - 691

Anchorage and cracking behaviour of self-compacting concrete
Author(s): A. Daoud, M. Lorrain, C. Laborderie
Pages: 692 - 702

Uniformity of bond strength of prestressing strands in conventional flowable and self-consolidating concrete mixtures
Author(s): K.H. Khayat, N. Petrov, E.K. Attiogbe, H.T. See
Pages: 703 - 712

H. Special SCC (FR & LWA)

Tunnel segments of self-compacting steel fibre reinforced concrete
Author(s): S. Grünewald, J.C. Walraven, B. Obladen, J.W. Zegwaard, M. Langbroek, D. Nemegeer
Pages: 715 - 724

Design of self-compacting lightweight concrete with environment-friendly lightweight aggregate
Author(s): E.J. Schuitemaker, K. van Breugel, J.A. den Uijl
Pages: 725 - 731

Self-compacting, high strength steel fibre reinforced mortar for pre-cast sheet piles
Author(s): E.S. Lappa, C. van der Veen, J.C. Walraven
Pages: 732 - 740

Development of cement slurries for self-compacting SIFCON with silica fume using factorial design models
Author(s): L. Svermova, M. Sonebi, P.J.M. Bartos
Pages: 741 - 752

The design and application of steel-fiber reinforced self-consolidating concrete
Author(s): C.-L. Hwang, C.-T. Tsai, H.-T Liu
Pages: 753 - 762

Self-compacting hybrid-fibre concrete - mix design, workability and mechanical properties -
Author(s): I. Markovic, J.C. Walraven, J.G.M. van Mier
Pages: 763 - 775

Retrofitting of building structures using pumpable self-compacting lightweight concrete
Author(s): M. Haist, V. Mechtcherine, H. Beitzel, H.S. Müller
Pages: 776 - 785

Durability design of structural lightweight SCC in Taiwan
Author(s): C.-L. Hwang, M.-F. Hung, C.-H Tsai
Pages: 786 - 795

I. Durability

Transport properties in self-compacting concrete and relation with durability: overview of a Belgian research project
Author(s): G. De Schutter, K. Audenaert, V. Boel, L. Vandewalle, D. Dupont, G. Herman, J. Vantomme, J. D'hemricourt
Pages: 799 - 807

Permeability and diffusivity of self-compacting concrete as function of temperature
Author(s): H.W. Reinhardt, M. Jooss
Pages: 808 - 817

Chloride penetration in self compacting concrete
Author(s): K. Audenaert, G. De Schutter
Pages: 818 - 825

Development of a numerical evaluation tool for performance-based design
Author(s): T. Ishida, K. Maekawa, M. Soltani
Pages: 826 - 836

Behaviour of self-compacting concrete concerning frost action with deicing salts
Author(s): V. Boel, K. Audenaert, G. De Schutter
Pages: 837 - 843

Investigation of the conditions for a thaumasite form of sulfate attack in SCC with limestone filler
Author(s): J. Trägårdh, M. Kalinowski
Pages: 844 - 854

Spalling tests on self-compacting concrete
Author(s): H. Vanwalleghem, H. Blontrock, L. Taerwe
Pages: 855 - 862

Self-compacting concrete exposed to fire
Author(s): L. Boström
Pages: 863 - 869

The influence of air voids on the properties of self-compacting concretes containing fly ash
Author(s): W. Brameshuber, S. Uebachs
Pages: 870 - 880

Frost resistance, chloride transport and related microstructure of field self-compacting concrete
Author(s): J. Trägårdh, P. Skoglund, M. Westerholm
Pages: 881 - 891

J. Application and case study

Improvement of the automatic testing apparatus for self-compacting concrete at jobsite
Author(s): T. Watanabe, Y. Nakajima, M. Ouchi, K. Yamamoto
Pages: 895 - 903

Laboratory-tests and field-experiences of high-performance SCCs
Author(s): M. Collepardi, S. Collepardi, J.J. Ogoumah Olagot, R. Troli
Pages: 904 - 912

Performance of self-consolidating concrete used to repair parapet wall in Montreal
Author(s): K.H. Khayat, R. Morin
Pages: 913 - 919

Topic concrete: rationale, development and laboratory performance of an environmentally friendly concrete for piling applications
Author(s): P. Fidjestol, Ó. Wallevik, I. Níelsson, I. Holton
Pages: 920 - 931

Possible reasons for blowholes on the surface of SCC
Author(s): H.-E. Gram, A. Retelius
Pages: 932 - 938

Bond of reinforcement in self-compacting concrete (SCC) under monotonic and cyclic loading
Author(s): G. König, K. Holschemacher, F. Dehn, D. Weiße
Pages: 939 - 947

Self-compacting concrete for slipform operations
Author(s): K.T. Fosså
Pages: 948 - 954

Experiences with SCC in the production of prefabricated elements
Author(s): K. Juvas
Pages: 955 - 957

Implementation of SCC in Norwegian highway structures
Author(s): L.F. Frydendal, B. Pedersen, E. Mørtsell, S. Lønningen, J. Hellum
Pages: 958 - 967

Self-compacting concrete for tunnelling
Author(s): F. Dehn, R. Pierson, M. Orgass
Pages: 968 - 974

Development of SCC in Norway - use of CSF
Author(s): T.I. Fredvik, N.L. Gundersen, K. Johansen
Pages: 975 - 985

SCC application in a tunnel lining (Chile)
Author(s): R. Sciaraffia
Pages: 986 - 994

Use of SCC in a tunnel lining for a railway tunnel in Sweden
Author(s): S. Utsi, J.-E. Jonasson, K. Wallin, T. Ekman
Pages: 995 - 1004

Self-compacting concrete made economic
Author(s): E. Einarsson
Pages: 1005 - 1010

Deformation properties of SCC and HSC produced from raw materials available in the Czech Republic
Author(s): T. Klecka, K. Kolár, J. Kolísko
Pages: 1011 - 1016

Self-compacting concrete (SCC): the construction of the base for the mill of the unimed cement plant of Barletta (Italy)
Author(s): M. Paris, S. Tavano, E. Albiero
Pages: 1017 - 1025